RP:Volcanic Emotions & Glacial Illusions

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Ice Plague Cometh Arc

Frostmaw Tavern

Josleen practically runs into the tavern, slowing her speed only to avoid making a scene. Her eyes search frantically for Hildegarde, and quickly find the knight already waiting at a table for their meeting. "Dame Hildegarde!" Always with the dame! "I am so glad you-" Her mind is racing faster than her words and she struggles to finish a thought - especially an empty cordial such as a greeting. "Listen, we don't have time. We need to go - disguise or no disguise. I have no-" She suddenly stiffens and glances towards the tavern rooms for rent. "One second." She races towards the doors as fast as social limitations allow and starts banging on each of them methodically. Knock, knock, knock, "Kove!" Knock, knock, knock, "Kove!" And so forth. It likely would have been more efficient to ask Drargon which room belongs to the 'avian' Kove, but alas, Josleen's panic leaves no room for efficiency. Should Kove be in and answer the door, Josleen will turn her over excited mania back on Hildegarde and wave her into Kovl's room without quite asking for permission or offering an explanation.

Satoshi is just leaving one of the tavern's room, having been to check on Drargon after the bartender collapsed into coughing fits a few nights earlier. The magus' trek down the hallway is interrupted, however, by the sight of Josleen knocking on numerous doors and calling out for the pixie-in-disguise. "What in hellfire...?" Blinking, Satoshi stops short and watches, expression clearly baffled.

Kovl 's door is the third one on the right, but already the pixie heard Josleen's yelling from down the hall, banging on each door and beckoning him by his fake name. Kovl quickly disguises himself, utilizing the colored dust at his side to grow to human size, and muttering a few words to paint the illusion of pure white avian wings to cover his own tranluscent ones. His tavern door swings open revealing a puzzled yet amused 'avian' encountering the sight down the hall. Josleen. And Satoshi. This appears to be important. "Josleen. I'm here." He gestures with his hand for the two to step in. The room is simply made. An oversized, unmade bed hogs a majority of its space while a closed chest lies at its foot. A simple nightstand with a lantern is set to its left side. Finally a desk complete with a wooden chair against the far wall completes its furnishings. The pixie steps to the side to make room for his visitors.

Hildegarde rose from her seat as soon as Josleen tumbled into the tavern so hurriedly, raising a hand as if to dismiss the formality only to watch her pound upon numerous doors. "Lady Josleen…" she murmured, speaking so quietly in her surprise, catching a glimpse of Satoshi leave a room in the tavern. Everyone just seemed to be here today! "Is this the illusionist that Svilfon mentioned?" she inquired, looking him up and down as she approached the room; looking to Satoshi in anticipation of her joining them - knowing full well how curious the kit could be. "Josleen, we must finish off that discussion of ours. A disguise is crucial to your survival, but not to mine. You need me to help protect you," she said, partially brutally honest and partially abashed in saying such for fear of demeaning Josleen's own skills or prowess.

Ezekiel peeked through a window from outside, pausing to pull down his sleeve so that he could wipe the frost and snow away. It didn't work, there was too much fog on the window and all he saw was the golden-red glow of the hearth inside. Damn it. He knew she said she was only going to talk to Hildegarde, and that it was probably best for him to just head to the arena and wait, but he was anxious. He paced indecisively outside before pressing up against the door to crack it open. He'd only meant to open it an inch so that he could peek inside, but leave it to Frostmaw's windy weather to yank the thing right out of his hand and slam open. A frigid gust rushed inside and the man stood awkwardly in the doorway. He was quick to slam it shut in his panic, but failed to make sure he was on the right side; he stood inside holding the door shut while drawing some much unwanted attention. "Eh.. H-Hi.."

Josleen has no skills or prowess and knows it! Hildegarde's blunt truth is well received. "I know… but we need to move fast. Today." She glances towards Satoshi and bows her head respectfully, stealing a precious second to greet her. "I heard you were back. I am glad." Her body language is open to Satoshi as in invitation for the Snow Queen to join them. Ezekiel's clumsy entrance elicits an incomplete simper from the bard, who waves him over to Kovl's room. "Hey...Join us." She waits for Ezekiel to enter the crowded room, her frantic energy consciously restrained when her attention turns to him. Were he not here, she'd jerk the door closed behind them, but given his presence she clicks it gently shut, sparing him a private, nervous look before turning her attention to the rest of the group. Her stance and movements try to pull off a difficult feat: corral the bulk of the group away from Ezekiel to amplify what little personal space he has (which she flagrantly violates) while still including him in the conversation. She often fails, but not for lack of trying. Primarily to Hildegarde she explains, her nerves clip her words, "Eliason's been taken. Captured, tortured." A hand wipes over her stretching jaw, trying to keep it from clamping shut under the weight of her distress. "We need to get him out of there." To Kovl, "Can you manage the disguise today?"

Satoshi isn't sure what she's being invited to, nor why the bard, knight, and illusionist are congregating in the first place--they know each other?! But as Hildegarde knows, Satoshi is a fatally curious creature. Even if she wasn't being gestured to join them in Kovl's room, she'd have still invited herself along without hesitation. Thus it's no surprise the kit follows after the Silver into the pixie's space, for the moment silent as she settles back against a wall to observe. When you're entering an unknown situation, it's best to watch, lest you bumble and ruin your dignified image. Satoshi is rather fond of her image, after all. Not that this stops her from twitching in involuntary alarm as the building shudders from the entrance door slamming open. Positioned as she is inside a room upstairs, she can't see that Ezekiel is the source, although the foxkin's quivering whiskers speak of a familiar magic nearby. When Josleen speaks, Satoshi's attention switches to her, eyes narrowing at the words. Eliason captured? Disguises? Plans rushed into action? And not a single report has been sent her way informing Satoshi. "...-What- is going on, exactly?" There's a drop in temperature when the kit speaks, a hint that beneath the calm, curious expression lurks an anger slowing boiling. She does not like being in the dark when it concerns her own city.

Kovl 's ears caught Hildegarde's warning to Josleen as she enters the hallway. So this one must be with them? And Ezekiel! He knows this magus from the mages' guild, but is he lacking... his arm? After the crowd was ushered into his room, the illusionist's avian wings blinked out of sight while he shrunk to a measley five inches. His wings are already buzzing as the world seems to grow around him, allowing him to hover at shoulder height for many of them. His dark green eyes curiously engage Ezekiel's missing socket before being enganged by Josleen. "Today? I'm hardly sure I can make a disguise convincing enough." The pixie's eyes land on Satoshi. "But a quick lesson may suffice." Satoshi's confusion over the situation is a surprise to the pixie, but he falls silent to allow Josleen to explain the situation. He has only heard of Eliason once, and his current knowledge of the stranger is he is a holy man, and he fought ice devils. That's all. Is this reconnaissance mission going to morph into a rescue mission then?

Hildegarde did not particularly enjoy being herded into a room by the frantic Josleen, depth perception and eyesight not as great as it once was, given her injury; resulting in many bumps to her knees and frustrated huffing and puffing from the knight, "My lady…" she began, before shuffling to the side to give everyone space, standing to the side of Satoshi. The knight raised her hand, raising her voice so that she was clearly heard by all - that voice that said 'I'm the commander, I'm in charge' - "Lords and Ladies," she said, "we are in need of a disguise for the Lady Josleen. We must disguise her so we can infiltrate the exile camp, as proposed by Svilfon and Josleen. I shall act as her prisoner so she has a protector when escaping the camp. We will rescue - or do our best at least - Eliason from their clutches. In short, this is an infiltration and rescue mission. We need it now and we need to move fast," she looked between them all. "I have sworn to help the realm, I will do my duty. We need the magic to disguise Josleen. Help us."

Ezekiel stammered, "I wasn't- I know you said, and.. I- I got thirsty." Thirsty.. that was the best you could come up with? He'd have continued rambling but her beckoning call immediately hushed him up, and with a defeated sigh, he'd nod. He pushed off the door with his armless shoulder and readjusted his coat. He'd nervously slow his steps when he saw Hildegarde, but continued back to full speed when he catches two familiar traces of magical energy. He saw the tiny room they were being herded into and he saw just how close they were to each other. Standing outside in the hallway he took a moment to gather himself before taking a big breath. He held it while he pushed his coat to his stomach and slipped in, much like how someone would do when trying to navigate through a sea of filled movie theater seats. Somewhere in all this, he'd end up in a corner with his back intimately pressed to it, listening while studying everyone here; they were all familiar, friends and acquaintances ironically. However, when Hilde speaks about their game plan, Eze looks nervously to Josleen, his expression almost reading 'but you said..' He had a bad feeling in his gut.

Josleen feels the room grow cold but doesn't know Satoshi well enough to draw any conclusions from the change in temperature. What more, it doesn't even occur to her to report to the Queen on the latest developments. She isn't a soldier; her mind doesn't work that way. She's just some bard who stumbles from mess to mess and found herself in this unlikely company. Thankfully, Hildegarde is a soldier and takes charge. That's brilliant because Josleen's plan was to keep barking the things she knows until Eliason was saved. Torture! Exiles! Illusions! Bark, bark, bark! Hildegarde correctly states the original plan, but Josleen shakes her head vehemently. "I don't like that idea anymore. If you are taken in as a prisoner, they will beat and torture you. This is not necessary to our goals. No one wins. I think you should go in as an exile. As for me…" She looks to Ezekiel guiltily. She promised him she would try to formulate a plan that doesn't require her barreling head first into harm's way. But now, standing on the verge of delivering that promise, the bard can't find the words to do it. Her spiritual connection to Eliason, which Ezekiel himself can plainly see as a golden thread extending from Josleen's chest towards Eliason's chest, wherever he may be, keeps her from saying the words Ezekiel wants to hear. "...I-I don't know," she murmurs weakly, her gaze lingering on Ezekiel before turning to Hildegarde. Where's the compromise? There's always a compromise. Don't get stuck on one idea, Jos. "Dame Hildegarde, you know Ice Giant culture better than I. I know their set up in the ice caves from my… trip down there. You would make a fine Ice Giant, and I could guide you. Kovl suggested to me once that he could make me invisible. What if you went in as an Ice Giant and I went in with you invisibly. I could guide you through touch." She can't bear to look at Ezekiel's expression and avoids his gaze.

Satoshi coughs a cough that sounds suspiciously like, '-Frost- Giant.' But otherwise listens as she's filled in. When Josleen finishes speaking, the magus glances around the room, letting her mind mull over the idea before she replies. "Although I don't have all the information, what you're planning seems capable enough. Infiltration is never a simple process, mind you, and it would be unwise to rely solely on an illusions. Especially where Ice Devils may be involved, for they are ethereal beings and do not see all things the way we do. They feed on the invisible and untouchable. Dusty here," she nods toward the pixie, "isn't the only one who can weave illusions, however." At this point, Hildegarde is given a pointed look, as the knight has seen what Satoshi can mold ice crystals into, when the magus had formed an illusionary dragon in their hunt for the feral Silver.

Kovl still has no idea who Hildegarde is, but her explanation of the situation gives her an authoritative aura. This is the first time the pixie has heard the full plan concerning the nature of the disguise. He scratches his head, working to formulate an idea on how the disguise could be done. The thought of Hildegarde as a prisoner brings more challenges to his mind. If this stranger is chained or roped, how would illusory hands of a frost giant grab hold of such bindings? It is obvious no one has brought up this consideration to the group. The limits of his power will be tested extensively. He has no doubt about that. "Why does the infiltration and the rescue have to happen in the same trip? I can make all of us here invisible, after all. Unless you believe infiltration is the best method of rescue." The pixie looks at Josleen and then the knight. In his mind, invisibility was the best route to go to avoid the death of any involved. Kovl turns to Satoshi as she speaks. "Wait, you mean Ice Devils see through illusions?" This complicates the problem even more.

Aela slips in through the door, cerulean gaze swiveling quickly across the room. The ambassador's face is drawn and guant, but her eyes are alert. It is obvious that something important is going on, but the paladin knows nothing of this meeting and so moves to the back to observe quietly.

Hildegarde snorted with disdain, forcing a little plume of frost to leave her nostrils, "I cannot be disguised, my lady, for I hold onto my honour! These exiles have none," she said, glancing to Satoshi near apologetically for some reason. "They are criminals. I do not wish to think of what they will ask me to do in order to prove myself worthy of their cause. They think like saboteurs, which is what we are doing now, and in that instance, they will not be beyond asking their recruits to prove their worth or simply killing them and adding to them to their undead ranks." The Silver sighed softly, "I will be of no use to you if I am their toy. Pain is nothing, my lady, not to me." So she looked between them all again, shaking her head slightly with a soft sigh. "I, Hildegarde the Silver, swear obedience to whatever plan we concoct. I am not one for magic, my strength is in combat. Leave the combat plans to me. The magic users can decide on the rest of the plan." That was basically her way of saying: 'I'm too scared of being in charge, so someone take over please.'

Ezekiel opened his mouth as if he had something to say, or like he'd wanted to interject and cut them off. There was no way that was happening, those who knew Ezekiel well enough knew that he was swimming in an ocean of panic and anxiety. But he kept strong, he'd gotten better at this. Just look, he was in a room with four other people and dangerously close to bumping into one of them, and he hadn't ran out yet. Progress! He had plans and he had ideas, and contrary to what Josleen was probably thinking, he was willing to help in whatever way he could. "If I can.." Oh no, he'd been so eager to speak up the moment someone stopped, he didn't even know what he was going to say. He could feel their eyes on him. "I'd like to help.. if, I- is there something I can do?" He was limited in what exactly he could do, but maybe someone had an idea or at the very least, a suggestion. The only suggestion that ran through his head was, 'go home kid'. For now he just looked at their feet. Feet couldn't stare back.

Josleen :: Thank Aramoth for Satoshi, because this bard was totally going to try to tip-toe all sneaky like around ice devils which would have quickly devolved into the third time Josleen is on the receiving end of an Ice Devil attack. The fact Josleen's original plan would have likely left her dead only gives her more reason to avoid Ezekiel's stare. She also avoids Satoshi's stare as well because, well, this is just embarrassing. Josleen's Plan A could be aptly name "The Sure Fire Way To Die." You know who's safe to look at? Hilde. She looks to the knight just as she starts her indignant refusal, and is cowed into a sheepish, apologetic grin. "I am sorry, Dame Hildegarde. I was not aware of your feelings. I will not ask you to betray your honor." Ezekiel's interjection finally emboldens Josleen to break her avoidance and meet his gaze - or try to, he's looking at the floor. "Eze…" she protests softly. That's when Aela walks into the private tavern room, (BECAUSE REASONS!) causing Josleen to jump in her skin. A stern stare swivels on the door, ready to admonish the intruder, but the bard recognizes Aela to be Eliason's sister and instead bows her head in a welcome. Much like the dragon, Josleen lets the mages figure this one out. Meanwhile, she steps closer to Aela to whisper a brief explanation of the situation at hand.

Satoshi shakes her head at Kovl's unhappy question--or is it at Hildegarde's stubborn determination? "In truth? It isn't known for certain. You have to remember, until a few years ago, magic was a very rare presence in Frostmaw. Only the shamans and the occasional arcane-sensitive possessed any means of magic. The Ice Devils are just as new to such things, but they also are creatures of a non-natural existence, I would not be surprised if they are drawn to false images or concealing magic, as it is akin to their own natures and that of their prey. We might be able to trick them if you and I mix our spells. For while you use illusions, I construct images by arranging ice and the light of the Aurora, thus making mine a more solid disguise that you could wrap yours around." At Ezekiel's voice piping up, the magus adds, "Rabbit has a potent supply of magic, I imagine it's fuel enough for us to concoct what we need along with our own supplies." She would rock back on her heels now, in her habit of shifting while thinking, but with her back to the wall of Kovl's small room Satoshi is left with an uncomfortable shuffle instead. The movement is all the more pronounced as she notices Aela enter, a stranger among the group of familiar faces. It's only the lack of hostile reaction from others that keeps Satoshi from questioning the ambassador's presence."I could... draw the devils off for a time, to let those going slip in with less hassle?" Somewhere in Frostmaw, Tharn's ashes are likely throwing a raging fit, if they knew what was going through Satoshi's mind at this very moment. Her former bodyguard would not approve of the life-threatening plot in the slightest.

Kovl , after hearing Hildegarde's dismissal of the idea she'd be in the illusion and that the magic users should decide the rest of the plan, turns to both Satoshi and Ezekiel, his fellow magic users. "Satoshi, you can weave illusions as well? Perhaps we can work a quick run-through of the disguise we will be using, if we do choose to go that route. Otherwise, as I mentioned, I can make us disappear." Regarding Ezekiel, he says, "So he can supply magic to other magus? How does that work?" The pixie hears Aela's footsteps long before she enters the room, and it is the pixie's impulse to dart behind the bed planted in the room's center. Noting that Josleen is comfortable with the individual, he floats again into view, and his tiny head turns back to Satoshi. "However, we've now spoken of five people walking into the enemy territory. That's a lot of bodies to hide."

Aela : At Josleen's whispered explanation, the paladin suddenly wishes that she had not come in search of Hilde. For several moments, she clutches her hands in tight fists and her face turns a severe shade of red. Her cerulean gaze travels between those gathered, finally fixing on Hilde as an anchor to her roiling emotions. "Where is he? I'll go! We don't have time to wait." Finally her gaze makes its way to Josleen. "You think you're going to save him? You don't know a sword from a feather! And aren't you a little too busy for all of this..." She looks pointedly toward Ezekiel before lowering her voice so that only Josleen will hear.

Hildegarde 's patience was wearing thin, the horrors and trials of war had been raging within her for far too long: unchecked, unnoticed, unseen. The knight looked between everyone, the Queen of ice, the charismatic bard, the flitting pixie, the nervous artificer, the angry paladin. A sea of emotions surrounded her, colliding with her own emotions; emotions she buried deep down and had kept quiet since this war began. She hadn't had the chance to speak of them much, to talk about her own feelings, feelings that people overlooked. Soldiers could carry on no matter what, that's what everyone seemed to think, but now something in her snapped. Her voice started as a rather saurian growl before falling back into a commanding and human tone: "We will save him, because I refuse to lose another!" her gaze met Aela's, full of fire, full of fury. It moved to Satoshi, "Tharn was loyal to you even after the End, I have inherited his position and by Aramoth, I can feel the weight of it! Your life is my responsibility, Satoshi, I will not have you try and lure Ice Devils away to give us cover. I will not let Tharn down," she said more quietly, a little more calmly as she stared at Satoshi, hoping that her words would not offend her; that they'd be seen for what they were. Just emotion, just a loyalty and love born of duty and a long-developed bond of servitude. Her gaze moved between Ezekiel and Kovl: "We must limit the number of people on this mission. We know full well that there are anti-mages in their employ, that there are necromancers, that they have skilled warriors. Subterfuge is not a skill of mine, but charisma and charm is the skill of a bard," she gestured to Josleen. "Disguise her or don't disguise her, I truly have lost the patience for this!" she spat, "But what we need to do is to move *now*." With a long inhale, she attempts to calm herself, feeling the flush of embarrassment reach her cheeks. She had never let herself become so emotional when discussing things, never so emotional before people, "Is it at all possible… to make Josleen all the more charming? I need the exiles to have faith in her, to agree to her word. They have no honour, they keep no promises, but we need her to keep them distracted long enough to find Eliason, to rescue him and to be gone. That may mean leaving you in the hands of Hakkon or whoever is in charge of their camp. Speak to them, Josleen, ask to be of assistance. Say Satoshi has scorned you and that you want to be on the winning side, flatter them, basically. Through the slip of the tongue, they will expose what they need. Information is power."

Ezekiel heard the footsteps of another and pressed as firmly to that corner as he could. Why weren't corners ever big enough! If Kovl was ready to dive in front of the bed, he would better the pixie and find refuge under it. He'd listen carefully and pay attention to the detail of this matter. He was out matched and lacking the appropriate help to even consider lending his hand- his one and only -in Eliason's rescue. To Kovl, "We, or.. I- I don't even know myself. It's worth a shot. Satoshi knows what level of energy I can provide, I'll go with her instinct." To Satoshi, "You've seen me channel it in the past, I think if I keep it stable enough, I could draw an ample amount of energy, more than enough to supply you two." To Aela's pointed stare, he'd shy away and go back to studying shoe laces. He didn't recognize the paladin, but she seemed to have a pretty firm grasp on where he should be. Busy, apparently. He was so confused. To make matters worse, Hilde's temper made him wish he had the power to vanish, quite literally, on the spot. Keep it together Ezekiel, he thought to himself.

Josleen 's nose wrinkles in distaste when Satoshi addresses Ezekiel as 'Rabbit.' She glances at Ezekiel to gauge his reaction, her own expression a silent impression of a haughty snort: ex-cuh-use me? It isn't a jealous or territorial reaction, but rather a protective one. In her eyes, Ezekiel deserves a better nickname than 'Rabbit,' no matter how correct Satoshi is in noting that his skittish behavior resembles that of a rabbit. The nickname is astute, but Josleen eschews it all the same, her lips pursing in distaste. Aela's whisper does little to improve her mood. No, it actively sours her mood - a lot. She balks away from the guard, narrowing her stare and giving Aela a rude once over, a sassy physical manifestation of 'Who the hell do you think you are?' She scoffs as she steps away from Aela. Slowly and deliberately, the bard grabs a chair and drags it over beside Ezekiel well within his personal space as he speaks to the other mages. She stares deadpan at Aela as she slowly sits with her head held high, cheeks slightly sucked in indignantly. Come. at. me. bro (sis?). Hildegarde's much needed screed breaks the little cat fight breaking out between the bard and guard. Josleen nods emphatically to Hildegarde, ignoring Aela for the sake of returning to the more important subject at hand: rescuing Eliason. "Dame Hildegarde, the voice of reason as ever. Agreed! I trust I can arrest their attention long enough to give you a chance to save Eliason. The ice devils are the real problem. They aren't…." She pauses and starts again, "Frost giants have a culture. They have personalities that while I may not like them, I can grasp. I can work with that - play with that. But ice devils? That's a liability. That needs to be handled."

Satoshi blinks at the pixie's remark. "Five? I count two, perhaps three. Unless you require to be present for your illusions to hold? I, for one, will not be going. The Ice Devils know my presence, they'll detect me no matter what disguise I might use. It is why I will have little trouble drawing them away: the devils and I have an old score to settle. But yes, I can weave a sort of illusion from ice, in the sense of it being a skin of frost overlaying the ones we need to hide. It will give a solid nature to your weavings. The exact imagery that lies on top of it would be yours to create, however. It'd take me days to create, otherwi--" Aela's words cut off Satoshi's exchange with Kovl. The magus' gaze finds the stranger and a frown creases her brow. Frost creeps like ivy across the floor from beneath the kit's boots. "Sword from feather, perhaps, but at least she knows the difference between planning a rescue et rushing in blind, to get yourself, companions, and captor killed in one swoop. The Exiles are ruthless, they carry no honor, and care little about the value of a prisoner. The moment they have reason to think we're coming, they'll kill Eliason and use his corpse to further taunt and fight us. Would you like to see his body dancing outside the city gates? Or sent to assassinate you? Because that's what they've already done to the captain of my Queensguard." The amber flecks in Satoshi's eyes blaze like a forest fire roaring into life, making it clear the magus has had to fight her own impulses in rushing out to seek revenge, despite her every desire to do just that. It is what the Exiles want her to do. "I will not allow it to happen to the legionnaire, by Aramoth." She falls silent then to seethe quietly, and just in time for Hildegarde's outburst. Satoshi takes the words as an almost physical blow, ears pressing flat against her hair and eyes averted to anywhere but the dragon, in the manner of a child reluctant to be scolded. When the Silver finishes, Satoshi looks back up, gaze and words for the knight captain alone, "Have faith in me, Mithril, I have no intentions of meeting my end to do this. But I must do something to assist, and I am the only one here with a thorough understanding of the devils' ways. We are kin and rivals. If it eases you at all, Kasyr will be with me, as will the ruins' spirit inhabitants." The prey of the Ice Devils, and the wards of the Eidolon. They would heed her call. "Remember what the wizard says, 'We will not fail'." With this, Satoshi nods, more certain in her thoughts, before she makes for the door. This room has become too crowded for her liking, she needs the snow. At the threshold, she pauses to turn back and add, "When you are ready to weave the disguises, I will be at the garden. We can forge it there in privacy. Personally, I think the plan should remain as you intended, with our valiant knight as false prisoner, and the lady-bard playacting as a Frost Giant defector." And with this, Satoshi is gone, leaving behind no more than a few stray flakes of snow.

Kovl 's full attention is on Aela during her outburst until Hildegarde made one of her own. To the knight and to Satoshi, he said, "I must be present with the bard at all times while the illusion is up. That is the nature of my ability. At least for now. To leave her in the hands of the enemy means to leave me there as well, but I am willing to do this, and I'm confident in my ability to stay hidden. What is more, Josleen will not be alone, and I see this as a benefit of my limitation." Watching Satoshi leave, he added, "My illusions have a solid nature but only to creatures who believe the illusion to be true. Your ice forms will certainly help some issues I would have if I would otherwise go solo. But days to create? Surely we can find some way to expedite it." To Ezekiel, "Do you have to be present to supply us with your power? Or do you do this prior to entry?"

Ezekiel :: Children had a game they played, it was called- The floor is now lava. Ezekiel took this challenge to the extreme and changed some details. His version was: The people are now lava. Back and forth those cracked, muddy brown eyes of his bounced, from bard, to paladin- paladin to knight and lastly, ice magus. Sorry Kovl, but he was small enough to be easily missed. He could feel the tension in the room building, he could hear the tempers coming out and emotions running rampant. When Josleen drug a chair to sit at his side, he'd lean in and whisper something before pushing off the wall. "I can meet up at the garden.. I- I need to get something first." To Kovl, "I don't know.. we'll have to see." With that he'd suck in his gut and press his arm to his coat while slipping past everyone. He'd step into the hallway and exhale before shaking his head. "I'll be back, I promise!" With that the man slipped out the door and into the cold.

Aela bites the inside of her lip hard to help control her emotions. She is sufficiently cowed by Satoshi's admonishment to turn her attention from Josleen and make her way to Hilde's side. A soft sigh exits her lips and her eyes turn down to avoid any other stares that might be cast her way. Silently, she berates herself for her emotional outburst. She has more control than this. Though she owes Eliason her life, she cannot allow that to ruin her newfound standing in this community. Finally, as the voices around her grow silent for a moment, she speaks. "I apologize for my outburst... I am still recovering from the assassination attempt and I owe Collin much." With the explanation spoken, her eyes briefly find Josleen's, silently assessing whether this plan actually has a chance of working.

Hildegarde looked to Satoshi near sadly, merely dipping her head respectfully. She could apologise for it later, when there were fewer people. She had to look strong, she had to look so strong in front of these people right now so they wouldn't question her judgement nor her reactions. "We will stick to the original plan, Josleen. I need you to carry my weapons, though, so when we rendezvous back I can defend you and Sir Eliason. We will succeed," she promised, glancing between them all, "I am your shield before death, my lady. And what a shield I am."

Josleen grins smugly as Satoshi schools Aela. She glances at the frost extending from Satoshi's boots and makes note of it. When Ezekiel whispers, she nods and retrieves a key from her satchel and hands it to him along with a brief smile. As for Aela herself, the bard pointedly ignores her. The snow queen reaffirms the strength of the original plan, improved with the ice devil distraction, and the bard agrees to her role with a soft nod. Hildegarde's pledge causes Josleen to smile kindly. It seems charm is not solely the domain of the bard. "We have our plan." And everyone has their tasks. Mages will do their secret sorcery in the garden, undisturbed by the emotional peaks and valleys of the non-mages - especially the bard and paladin (ladies, get a grip). As for Josleen and Hildegarde, they have some method acting homework to do!

Meanwhile, at the Winter Berry Garden...

Satoshi paces, a bristling bundle of barely suppressed fury, before the roots of the Winter Willow. Ever calm, the tree stands vigil, weathering the kit's rage as it has weathered every ferocious storm to tear through Frostmaw. With each pass beneath the willow's branches, foliage stroking over her like the gentle reassurances of a loved one's hands, Satoshi slowly loses steam and eventually comes to a halt, head bowed and shoulders squared. Anger still lurks beneath the surface, but it has retreated to a manageable distance for the time being, allowing Satoshi to recover her thoughts and compose herself. She'll need her mind focused, after all, if she's to help weave an illusion with Kovl, whenever the pixie arrives--hopefully with Ezekiel in tow.

Kovl strolls purposefully to the garden in his 'avian' garb, anxious to meet Satoshi and Ezekiel to weave an illusory disguise fit to fool the Exiles within their own camp. The resulting illusion can mean the rescue of a holy man and the harvesting of invaluable information, or it could mean death for Josleen or that other combat-oriented woman. Or death for both. The pixie is nervous about the prospect of holding the lives of others but also excited about his role in the plan. His abilities will be tested, but hopefully a quick lesson with his mage guild superior will strengthen his illusion and quell his nerves. He examines thhe garden, deems its privacy sufficient, and shrinks to his original, tiny stature, and his avian disguise fades with it. Kovl hovers above Satoshi and greets her with a nod. "Well, let's do this."

Ezekiel had borrowed Josleen's key and retreated to her apartment to retrieve his tome. Much of his stuff had been spread between there, and the hidden workshop not too far from the garden, so the trip didn't take him long at all. A couple short minutes after the pixie arrived, Ezekiel would come stumbling in his wake, winded and smelling of charred fur. The back of his left pant leg was in shreds, but luckily he seemed fine. Pesky wolves, always chasing him from outside the tavern. "Sa-Sato-shi.." he huffed, "I'm back.. I have.. I'm- I'm ready." He leaned forward and rested his one arm on his knee while the sleeve of his non-existent left dangled in the wind. He knew he was going to have to explain that to her later, but for now he reached for his tome. It was hanging from a strap that was looped over his neck and shoulder, the same tome Kovl had separated him from for their first little encounter. "Are we ready?" He'd nod at the pixie, nervous for what was to come.

Satoshi is standing straight and tall--as tall as a short kit can--by the time Kovl arrives, thus greeting the pixie with a nod. At his prompting that they begin, the magus glances toward the willow without an answer, seeming to be waiting for something... that something being the familiar aura approaching, revealing itself to be Ezekiel a moment later. When Satoshi turns to salute her apprentice, she allows her gaze to flit down to the mage's empty sleeve in silent question. But she doesn't ask. Not now. Although curious, Satoshi knows there is work to be done, and so the foxkin adjusts herself to be facing the pair, hand in her coat pocket, as she says, "Firstly, we should work out the details. I expect you have questions about my earlier suggestions?" Sometimes Satoshi forgets Kovl and Ezekiel are apprentices in the Guild, and that her methods of magic are unorthodox in a number of ways. She's used to chattering about outlandish experimental ideas to Svilfon, who understands her thoughts perfectly; Satoshi's having to explain herself is not a daily occurrence.

Kovl nods to Ezekiel, indicating his readiness. "How do you give us energy?" His question is directed at Ezekiel though he doesn't mind if either of them answer. "What does it do?" The pixie wonders at the possibilities of a boost in power. Could he make better illusions? Bigger illusions? Complex illusions? Kovl turns to Satoshi and clasps his hands together. "How are you planning on making that solid base for the illusion?" The pixie's face is full of excitement. He pushes his nervousness aside, willing to take this practice as it goes.

Ezekiel took a few minutes, but finally caught his breath. His chest was on fire and his legs were sore. He glanced at each of the two mages and wondered if he was the only one that sprinted the entire way. Then again, neither of them were pounced and chased by the pesky wolf outside the tavern. "I've been told I.. eh, I have a lot of energy. Tons of it; to much, actually. Satoshi, you suggested we use it to perhaps boost your own magical talents. Here, look-" He reached down to pat the cover of the large, leather bound tome, spinning the strap around his shoulder so that the book was pressed against the front of hips. "I've learned to channel it with a little more control, with a little more focus. You and Svilfon said it was something I needed to learn.." he broke off to approach the two, hesitant steps bringing him forward so that they could face each other in a sort of triangle. He was nervous, but nothing like how he'd been in that tiny room surrounded; at least out here it was open and spacious. The fact he knew the two, one better than the other, made this all the more easier. "Satoshi, is it possible for you and Kovl to draw from my own reserves?"

Josleen lags well behind Kovl and Ezekiel. She takes a seat near the outskirt of the garden, watching the trio through a distant gaze. She wears a sullen mask, her lids heavy with emotional fatigue and lips set thinly. Should any of the mages spy her, she'll wave away their attention politely and explain she is watching, don't mind her, carry on. She sits on her gloved hands to warm them, knees pressed tightly together under hunched shoulders.

Satoshi regards the pixie and socially awkward penguin in equal measure as she takes a new stance, one resembling how a professor would appear when preparing to start a lesson. "All mages have a natural reserve of mana, as well as some being able to pull energy from their surroundings. If you know the methods, and trust your partner," there's a stressed note in Satoshi's words here, emphasizing 'trust', "you can link your mana pool to another and supply them with your energy directly. Rabbit has an especially potent mana pool," the kit grins at Ezekiel here and gives a twitch of her whiskers, "it's why I can feel him when he's nearby. The magic sings off him. He can provide us with some of his surplus energy, and it will allow us to weave our spells in a fashion that is quicker, stronger, and longer lasting. Think of magic like threads, spells like a loom, and mages the weavers. You can create a tapestry all your own, but with more working together and pooling their supplies, you can create an even better one~. Savvy?" Someone hasn't shaken all of her Rynvale habits, apparently. As she continues, Satoshi looks to Kovl, directing her words to him, "You said you must be present to maintain your illusions, so we'll stick to that, although later I can teach you means of letting enchantments linger out of your range. It is how that crystal I gave you can produce warmth even when I'm not near to feed it magic."

Hildegarde shouted, "*A furious roar permeates the air, seemingly coming from Frostmaw tavern.*"

Satoshi twitches at the sound of the roar, interrupting her lecture mode.

Kovl gives Ezekiel an empathetic smile as the human perches the book on his hip. The pixie wonders how Satoshi's apprentice lost his arm, but he is sure he will discover this soon enough. If not from Ezekiel, the pixie will learn. So many questions run through the pixie's mind about the energy Ezekiel can offer. Josleen's footsteps are heard by the pixie. He greets her with a wave and turns to the others when she motions to ignore her. Kovl listens eagerly as Satoshi explains mana pools and gives her a smile at the prospect of being able to expand his magical reach to out of his presence. "So does Ezekiel have to be present for us to draw from his pool? Is there a way to draw remotely?" The pixie glances to Ezekiel. "Less bodies is probably better. Though if you wish to join us, you certainly can." A grin slowly forms on Kovl's face. He has the impression that frightful Ezekiel would avoid the enemy territory if he can in any way.

Kovl glances toward the source of the roar, but he does not see the need to react if Satoshi remains still.

Ezekiel would have loved nothing more than to avoid the plan all together. He wasn't built or cut out for this. They knew he had no combat experience, Satoshi knew his abilities were still very fresh and new, and most of all, he didn't have the mental fortitude to put himself in these dangerous situations. But why was he willing to go out of his way to plant himself in direct danger? Probably the same reason he'd stumbled into the tavern in the first place. He has his reason for needing to be there, and as much as they suggested against it, he'd fabricate his own excuse as a ticket in. "I don't.. I don't know, to be honest. I can try and lend my energy, but I'm afraid we wouldn't know until you were in. I- I don't think it's safe." There it was. "I don't want to chance it. I mean, if.. if the illusions fall apart, and.. and if you're inside when it happens.." He was starting to stumble over his sentences while his mind had its focus elsewhere. He turned away from Kovl and faced the the queen. "Satoshi, I know it's dangerous and we need as few people. But, c-can I, please?" There was something in his eyes that suggested there was more, but he just couldn't quite say. He was on edge, waiting with anxiety, his every muscle was tense right now.

Josleen is entranced by Satoshi's lecture. Learn something new every day! When Satoshi talks about Ezekiel's mana reserves, the bard can't help but look at 'Rabbit' with curious pride. Her sullen expression grows proud. He starts to stammer about wanting to join the tunnels, and she shakes her head, trying to catch Satoshi's gaze over his shoulder from behind him and mouth to the kit a silent "No." She jumps at the roar, looking nervously towards the sky then relaxing in spades.

Satoshi recognizes the roar as belonging to Hildegarde, and gauging the level of unhappiness in the dragon's voice, coupled with Josleen's conspicuously quiet presence, the kit can piece a few things together. Therefore, Satoshi isn't concerned, so much as curious. Curiosity that must be put aside. Again. Curse these people and their interesting antics. At Kovl's questions, the magus shakes her head, "He could, potentially, but spells grow weaker over distance. You'd be asking a lot, and praying nothing goes wrong to interrupt him, in that case. I had a different idea, rather. One that lets you, Rabbit, choose to stay here if you wish or go." She hadn't expected Ezekiel to want to go, but she can hardly disapprove of his desire to. In fact, the kit outright approves, for it's proof enough to her that her apprentice is growing, even if he can't see it himself. It's why, despite having seen Josleen's silent gesture out of the corner of her eye, Satoshi chooses to pretend otherwise. Let Ezekiel be a man! "It'd be a means to provide a reserve of mana without worrying about overcharging either of us, the spell, or having your focus break and disrupt the illusion. See... granting access to your mana can be a risky thing. You're opening up a channel within yourself and binding it to another person. That person can take more than you mean to give, and thus kill you. Or you could give more than you intend, and kill them with a sudden spike in energy. It is why I said to only do so with a mage you trust. ...Ooor, use a workaround~." Said workaround is revealed when Satoshi takes her hand out of her pocket then, where a smooth chunk of seagreen fluorite sits waiting. "Gemstones are a mage's best friend. They have various properties, some take to certain types of magic better, and they're rather adept at being mana reservoirs. Fluorite is a compliant, good-natured sort of stone, it responds to my magic exceptionally well, allowing me to place enchantments upon it, or store excess energy. You shouldn't have much difficulty siphoning off some of your mana into the stone, Rabbit. It can store as much as you're willing to give, and I can weave the enchantments that will tie it to Dustwing's illusion. That way, the illusion will be well supplied, and your mind will be free to cast additional spells if required. A true tapestry of magecraft, it shall be~."

Kovl blinks in surprise that Ezekiel expresses interest in trespassing with the group. He feels he could mask Ezekiel from sight if it was needed. As Satoshi speaks, the pixie's dark green eyes widen as he hears about the abilities of gemstones. This could provide many more possibilities for the pixie as an illusionist. "It's perfect. Where I lack, Ezekiel's gemstone fills in. And if, despite these gemstones, you decide to join us, I will make you invisible to the naked eye. It's up to you." To Satoshi, the pixie says, "Then you can teach me how to draw energy from the gem and to use the extra energy to enhance my illusion? On another note, how are we planning on going about making the actual image?"

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow as he studied the stone. He'd actually done a teensy bit of his homework and knew vaguely about the stones and their magical properties. He wasn't sure which stones exactly held which properties, but the one which Satoshi presented was despised. On any normal occasion, he'd have filled the stone with as much magical energy as he had before making a hasty exit. Unfortunately, as his luck would have it, this wasn't a normal occasion. It never was. "W-what if I can supply enough energy to power the stones and keep the illusions supplies, if- if we run into something, and additional spells are weaved?" He was persistent. His words said enough, but his eyes exposed gave him away. He didn't make very much eye contact to begin with, what little he made was more than enough to give him away. "I just.." Deep breath, "I can help find him. Satoshi, please.. please let me help?"

Josleen gesticulates wildly at Satoshi from behind Ezekiel, several feet away from the triangle of mages. Her hands wave clear, sloppy X's over her head. No! No! Stop. Collaborate and listen. Then Satoshi presents the workaround. Ok yes! Her hands wave forward and back with thumbs up, as if to say 'thank you! perfect! all good!' Now her stare bores into the back of Ezekiel's head as she tries to get him to pick the workaround. Josleen has no telepathic talents, but that doesn't stop her from trying to plant in Ezekiel's mind her will. Nothing. It's as frustrating as trying to milk a bull. However, when he professes he knows how to find Eliason, that brings the bard up short. Her stare softens and without realizing it, she stands and takes a couple steps towards the group. "How?"

Satoshi's head tips to one side, perplexed by how earnest Ezekiel is. She glances toward Josleen stepping forward, asking the question that's in the kit's mind, before her eyes flick back to her apprentice. "Of course you can go, Rabbit. I won't stop you if that's what you want to do. If you go, the stone will be meant to maintain the illusion, so that you and Kovl have minds free to concentrate on other spells or matters, should the need arise. It is a power source, nothing more. You can charge it and stay here, or charge it and go with them, that is your call to make. You're the one with the supplies that would let Kovl keep a spell running without constant focus." With this, Satoshi holds out the stone to Ezekiel, intending on dropping it into his palm without once making contact with him. Now, after all, is not the time to playfully harass him over his anxieties. Back to Kovl her attention goes, something telling her Josleen and Ezekiel are going to need a moment anyway. The pixie is given a bow, and a lopsided grin, as part of her answer. "What I can do is not true illusion magic, mind you. But I do know how to shape ice in such a way that it catches and reflects light to produce the desired colors, and carries a consistency similar to what shape it appears to carry. Look," Satoshi extends her left arm, fingers nimbly undoing the buckles that hold glacial bracer and rerebrace in place over her right. As the light armor falls aside and sleeves are rolled up, the magus exposes a delicate-seeming limb that looks the same as her right arm, lightly furred in silver with pale, frigid flesh beneath. "I lost my left arm years ago. What you see is ice, adjusted and altered until it appears the same as fur and skin. -This- is the nature of my 'illusions'. What we'll make today will not be as solid or strong, however, for that takes a great deal of time and magic to do. It will simply be the mold to go around our lady bard here, and your magic will paint the picture over it all. Between you and I, it should be a perfectly passable disguise of a Frost Giant."

Kovl is surprised once again by Ezekiel's willingness to infiltrate the Exile's encampment, but another thought comes to mind. "Can I trust you to -not- kill me? I mean, you're new at this, right? So, this direct mana-sharing should be the last resort. I certainly don't trust myself to draw the proper amount of energy from you so as not to kill you. Regardless, come with us if you want to." At Josleen's question, the illusionist smiles. 'How?' Regardless of how Josleen implied it, Kovl believes Josleen is questioning Ezekiel's abilities as a whole. As in 'how can -you- help find him?'. The pixie peers curiously at Satoshi's arm, impressed but not really at the kit's illusion. "Wow. That's convincing. And it's solid ice?" Kovl hovers closer to the limb of ice for a closer examination. With his eyes still fixed on Satoshi's arm, he says, "Will Josleen have mobility in the ice? Will the ice form limbs and fingers able to carry objects? The nature of my illusions is that they are solid when coming into contact with those who believe it to be solid. However, illusions cannot convince inanimate objects." Kovl's eyes turn to Satoshi. "So while Josleen will be able to punch a Frost Giant with the strength of such, she will not be able to pick up chains or rope holding her 'prisoner'. And that can be changed through your magic, correct?" After a moment of thought, "What was our other actress' name again?"

Ezekiel had a brief moment in which his self esteem actually rose, Satoshi's confidence and permission were the exact reassurance he needed. But, what went up, had to come down. The mage's shoulders sank when the pixie had asked him if he could be trusted to not kill him. Truthfully, he didn't have an answer. He knew what he wanted, but what he could promise were two entirely different things. He was about to reply when a fourth voice entered the garden. Granted, she'd been there the whole time, Ezekiel was only learning about her existence now. His color faded and he cautiously inched around. It was like that brave teenager in high school that boasted about how much he wasn't afraid of the bully- the same bully that was standing behind him. Well, Josleen might not have been a bully, but she was listening to everything he'd said. "The spirits.. Remember that day in the basement, what it was I told you I could see. Those traces of magic, how they lit up and left trails?" He gave her all most of his attention while occasionally glancing back to see what the other two mages were up to. He rubbed his thumb over the stone as he continued. "I see a tether, a golden trace of something.. I- I don't know what. I just.. if that's him-" he said pointing in a general area, hopefully in the direction of the paladin, "I can help you find him. Please, Jos." He'd lean in and hush his voice, whispers meant for her ears only. When finished, he'd simply stand and put both stone and hand in his pocket. He watched her quietly, waiting till the other two were finished and/or ready to make a decision.

Satoshi flexes the fingers of her left hand before letting her arms drop to her sides. While she's not exactly self-conscious about the false limb, the magus still doesn't tend to reveal it to people every day. Until recently, she had viewed it as an imperfection, a falsity, a flaw on an otherwise flawless specimen--because let's face it, Satoshi is too vain to consider herself anything less than perfect. "My ice will take the form of a Frost Giant around Josleen. It will move with her, look where she looks, and react as she reacts. It will be solid enough to pick up objects, yes, but it is a shell, not armor, it cannot stand up to a direct hit. We'll be relying on the layer of your illusion over it, if you must deliver force to a person. If you're ready, we can do so now?" She'll let Josleen and Ezekiel sort out their details in the meantime, as the apprentice mage is needed for supply the mana-battery rather than weaving the actual illusions.

Josleen :: Satoshi's left arm prosthetic catches Josleen's attention briefly and she makes a mental note to follow up on that sometime soon. Right now is not the time, though. Ezekiel just dropped a bombshell. "Eze…" She whispers the name to occult the tenderness there. Anyone who doesn't hear it, can see it in the pained look she gives Ezekiel. "...This whole time?" It breaks the bard's heart to imagine what that must be like for him, and knowing that he has seen this all along visibly weighs on her body, predominantly sinking her chest. She glances furtively at Satoshi and Kovl. Satoshi was right, they do need a moment, but now isn't the time or place. As he whispers, she buries her face in her hands. It takes her a long moment before she is able to reluctantly nod. She whispers back, "Okay. Alright." It looks like Ezekiel is in.

Kovl says to Ezekiel, "A tether? You can see magic?" The pixie blinks, wondering at what Ezekiel sees. "And you can find Eliason with this?" The pixie is glad Ezekiel is planning on coming along with them. "That's incredibly useful." Kovl's attention is turned to Satoshi who demonstrates the mobility of her limb. His excitement at their abilities begins to grow, but he notices Ezekiel did not answer his question. "But, you won't link with me unless absolutely necessary right? And you will give your magic sparingly?" To Satoshi, "Well then, I'm ready to get started." He pauses, waiting for an ice frame to appear before him to work with.

Ezekiel :: As much as it pained her to learn of this news, it pained him to watch her response. He shrugged when she spoke and studied their shoes. If someone wanted to mess with his head, they'd put googly eyes on the tops of the footwear just to make him nervous. He glanced back over his shoulder and saw that the other two were ready to go, and as much as he would have loved for a little more time, he'd sigh. Frost from his warm breath rose into the air while she buried her face in her hands, and it was here he'd reach out and gently cup her shoulder. "Hey, it's fine." He gave her a reassuring smile, warm and from the heart. "Let's go save him, alright?" With one last squeeze, he'd rub her shoulder before letting go; he didn't care who saw. From there he simply approached the two mages and pulled out the chunk of fluorite. "Satoshi, Kovl. I'm ready if you two are.." He'd wait patiently for instructions on how to channel his energy into the stone while standing back to watch the magic woven between the ice queen and the illusionist.

Ezekiel said to Kovl, "I can. It's hard to explain.. I see traces, like the lights in the sky. *He paused for a moment to glance back* I will do my best, I give you my word."

Josleen lifted a hand to cup his on her shoulder, nodding at his mini-pep talk to save Eliason. "Yea, okay. You're right." She nods a couple more times than necessary to convince herself that she is alright with this change in plans. She isn't, but she's going to have to be. When Ezekiel started getting ready to go back to the magely task at hand, Josleen held out her palm and asked with the casual cadence of routine, "Key? I'll be home before you." They should really make a copy of the key to the apartment. Too many times has one or the other been locked out when the key-holder isn't available. With the key in hand, she waves goodbye to Satoshi and Kovl and spares a smile for Ezekiel even if she doesn't feel much joy in the moment. "I'll see you later."

Satoshi glances from the fluorite to Ezekiel, expression unreadable about what she'd noticed pass between himself and the bard. "All right, apprentice. You said you're getting the hanging of drawing out your magic, so here's your test: transfer it to the stone. Imagine the stone is a bowl, and your magic is water, if that helps the exchange." Sometimes imagery is all you need to make a tricky spell work for you. Directions given, Satoshi takes a step sideways put distance between herself and the other two mages. If she's going to weave the shape of a Frost Giant, she's going to need some room! Eyes close, blocking out the sights surrounding her, as Satoshi bows her head and begins to sing. The melody is wordless, a vocalization that's one part ethereal and one part lullaby, a weaving of sounds that hint at beckonings, coaxings, and persuasions. In response to the arcane notes, the snows in the garden begin to move, slowly at first as tiny flakes drift across the harder packed ice beneath. But the speed picks up until like countless rivers, the frosts flood toward a spot in front of Satoshi and begin to gather into a shapeless heap. At this point, the eidolon's song shifts, taking on a glacial edge reminiscent of a sculpture's chisel. In moments the heap of ice transforms, jutting into the air to reach a height of seventeen feet as two bulky arms extend on either side of a humanoid torso, and treetrunk thick legs become its support. Atop it all is the outline of a head, to create a hollow, ice-hewn statue of a Frost Giant warrior. Opening her eyes, Satoshi falls quiet and steps back to grant Kovl room. "Your canvas is ready, illusionist. There are arcane anchor points throughout, simply tie the threads of your magic to it and they shall hold fast."

Kovl nods to Ezekiel. "Killing each other would not be ideal." Kovl's eyes move between Josleen and Ezekiel. A smile crosses his lips. He cannot resist assuming the two are romantically involved. Especially after the part about the key. As Satoshi explains the art of charging a stone, Kovl takes mental notes for a later date. Water into a bowl. Check. At Satoshi's sculpture, Kovl watches in wonder. The pixie is about to begin his weaving but stops at Satoshi's words. "Arcane anchor points. I've never used those. Nor tied magic to them." The illusionist watches Satoshi expectantly, waiting for an explanation before he casts his spells. Anchor points may be a piece missing from his magic. A piece he may need in the future and may wish he knew in the past.

Ezekiel listened to her advice and studied the stone. Now, what she didn't know was that he'd been practicing something very similar to that in nature. Only, he wasn't sure if what he was doing was worth the practice or not; let alone if it actually helped anything. But! He did manage to draw forth that raw, crackling energy that he was known to be explosive with, and eliminated the 'boom' aspect. Several nights, he sat with the tome in his lap, right hand held over it while his channeling his magic through the pages, siphoning it back and forth; for him. It was his way of practicing focus and concentration. He took a moment to listen to her lesson on arcane anchoring and stood back. He held the stone in his right and closed his eyes. Their voices grew quiet, muffled- blurred and eventually, silent. His mind was blank, the his sense numb. Little by little he'd let the energy flow from his arm and gather in a spiraling motion. Swirling around him was the azure glow the two had seen previously, only now with less of a crackle and more of a hum. He wouldn't even realized he'd dropped to his knees in an attempt at keeping focused. When he felt he was in control, the mage would open his eyes, each filled with the same azure glow, now pulsing around the color of his iris. The fluorite lifted up out of his palm and remained suspended several inches in the air while his magical energy was absorbed. Thankfully, channeling his energy into the stone wasn't too far from channeling it through his tome. He'd remain tuned out to the others while they built their illusion.

Satoshi said to Kovl, "I'm not sure what term you use, for how you keep your illusions in place upon creation, that prevents them from unraveling or moving in ways you do not wish. As long as you build your illusion to the same proportions as my ice, they should latch onto one another like... hrm..." Satoshi is well-versed in spellwork, not so much in explaining the theories to others. For her, it's fairly intuitive, or learned from old tomes with outdated terminology. Analogies are the best she can do. "Like magnets, if you will? ..Hm?" Stopping as her whiskers abruptly go rigid, Satoshi turns toward Ezekiel in time to see him open his eyes. She takes in the sight, the wrangled magic, all of it, with the ghost of a smile on her face. When she speaks, her words are quiet, almost spoken to herself, although the approval in her tone is clear, "You've been studying."

Kovl said to Satoshi, "To be honest, the closest I've come to doing something like this before is my avian illusion. I did not realize joints can anchor to my images, and this is the reason I don't fly in my disguise. I was wondering how I would move the image according to how Josleen moved her arms." Kovl follows Satoshi's gaze to see Ezekiel's magnificent display. He says nothing of it, but he is impressed. Now the pixie's attention is to the chunk of ice that is the frost giant to be. A few words are said. An incantation in his native language translating to "See what I see." The pixie's imagination springs to life, and what an active imagination it is! The familiar flesh of a frost giant begins to form around the ice. First, a pair of enormous white boots blink into existance. Then its light trousers. Armor on the torso is next. Bulky muscles fit on the biceps and forearms of the effigy, and hands sizable enough to wrap around a human waist complete the arms. Finally a face is formed. First it is the face of Drargon, Frostmaw's barkeep, but the image alters. The nose grows, the eyes are placed farther apart, and his lips become thinner. The face is now only of miniscule resemblance to the giant of the tavern. As these images appear suddenly, Kovl focuses the images to fit the structure, locking to the arcane points Satoshi mentioned earlier. Soon, standing tall before the trio, a convincing image of a frost giant towers toward the middle of the garden. Kovl places a finishing touch on the giant. He causes him to wink at the two other mages. The pixie smiles in triumph.

Ezekiel had spent several minutes charging the stone, keeping it suspended in the air. It floated and bobbed up and down, like a tiny asteroid caught in the earth's gravitational pull. In time, the azure glow grew with intensity and heated up in his touch. All the while he kept his thoughts calm and his mind focused. Eventually though, his mind began to wander; he thought back to the hand he'd placed on her shoulder and the smile he earned. From there, the smile trailed to the tether binding the two and at the other end, the paladin in bondage, his mind painting in the rest with its own imagination. He gritted his teeth, clutched his finger tight and hissed. The glow hummed loud enough to catch both their attention, the stone hissed in response and just when it seemed like the mage was going to detonate the stone, it dropped. Before, unskilled Ezekiel would have turned the thing into a shrapnel grenade and most likely sent himself flying back. Not this time. The stone melted its way into a small hole, cooling off in the snow while he sat up and looked around. "W-What out!" He was seeing the illusion for the first time, and his reaction was only compliment to Kovl and Satosh's product. He yelped and scurried back, ultimately ending up on his back half buried in snow. One minute it was them three, the next- a giant, savage looking Ice Giant. Good job Eze.

Satoshi returns the illusory giant's wink with a salute and a grin, expression widening when Ezekiel balks. Unable to resist, the magus whispers to the snows clinging to the apprentice, urging them to form countless tiny icicle hands to help him back to his feet. While the ice sees to its commands, Satoshi stoops to retrieve the fluorite and heft it in her hand, as if she can weigh the amount of magic it now carries. "This should supply the illusion for a good while," she says with a confident nod. "I just need a moment to tie the magics together so they can feed off one another, then you'll be ready. Ensure Josleen keeps this stone on her, and our creation should shroud her properly." As she speaks, Satoshi paces forward to stand in front of the giant, at an angle that blocks views of what she does next. Whatever it is, the process is quick and quiet, with the magus only making a few hand gestures while murmuring a string of arcane words. In response the illusion flares thrice, each pulse of light seeming to reflect the personal magic of the three mages involved--Satoshi's being azure, like Ezekiel's, and threaded throughout with hints of amber. Stepping back then, the kit tosses the stone toward her apprentice as she looks to the pixie, "It is done. You may wish to alter its face when you take it from the garden, in case we have spies in the area. I'll take my leave in another direction. The less we're all seen consorting together, the better. Farewell to you both, and the best of luck on retrieving our legionnaire. It's time I went to rile up some Ice Devils~."

Kovl grins at Ezekiel's reaction to the image the two had created. Laughter escapes his mouth as his mischievious side is satisfied. He watches as his creation rises. "The image of this frost giant will disappear when I leave. At least I think so. I've never used gemstones like you just activated. But I have a question. How do I change Josleen's voice? I can mimic noises, but voices are something that will be new to me."

Ezekiel slowly picked himself up and out of the snow, standing in front of the pixie after dusting himself off. "I.. I don't know. I've never done anything with illusions before. I'm, I'm afraid I don't-" he paused, thought back and raised an eyebrow. "I might know someone who does. I can talk to Josleen, see if maybe we can get you the help to try it, but I can't do anything for now." He shook his head at the giant one last time and started towards the garden entrance. It fooled him, that was a good sign, right? He scratched the back of his neck and shyly started to inch towards the exit. "I.. well. I will see you later? I- yeah." He'd wave to the pixie before disappearing around the corner.

Satoshi wrinkles her nose at Kovl's question. "I have no magic with creating voices. Hopefully our actress has some bardic tricks up her sleeve, or you'll have to make the giant a female." Not that it'd cause any trouble, Frost Giant women are just as capable of warriors as the men, and it's not uncommon for them to join the ranks for war. With this, Satoshi throws Kovl a salute and takes her leave after Ezekiel... except that she vanishes amid the snowfall, whereas the apprentice had darted away.

Kovl 's question was directed at Satoshi and not Ezekiel after all, but his peer's suggestion is valid. At Satoshi's suggestion, the pixie nods. A female giant may work well, and he should also see what tricks Josleen has in voice manipulation. Kovl waves goodbye to the two as they leave. He follows them briefly before floating towards the tavern, and as he does so, the illusion of the towering giant disappears, leaving only its icy skeleton, Satoshi's creation, in its place.