RP:The Start of Something New

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Penelope finally meets for a construction consult with the Nildran Construction company. Xiem, a kind, enthusiastic builder scratches down notes to make Penelope's dream of a future private clinic come true. The location, however, is unknown. Xiem is on the job to work up some blueprints for the woman while she will spend her time searching for the perfect location for her new clinical practice.

Part of the Time Heals All Wounds Arc

Kelay Tavern

Penelope had left word with Nancy at the Kelay Tavern a few mornings prior, in hopes that she could start planning with the contracting business Nildran Construction. Penelope has been checking in each evening briefly for any word back from the company before, one evening, she just stays to socialize with the barmaid. A slow evening, thankfully. Quiet. Nancy offers the local healer a glass of wine on the house. The girl sits at the bar leg over leg in high-waisted brown pants and a tucked cream sweater. She looks well put together tonight, compared to other nights she has come off the day shift. Normally there is a blood splatter or her hair is messier than her average frizz she inherited. “So, how is he?” The Ardelian questions Nancy while fiddling with the pendant around her neck. The barmaid frowns and looks stand-offish for a moment. “Still a dope. Yerrel told me I can’t tell you. You’re off the case, lady. And it’s good for you.” The human grinds her teeth at the older woman’s response. Penelope gives up and jumps to the next question instead. “Fine. Have you heard back from that Nildran Construction company yet?”

Xiembantointh is already here at some random well lit table as various pieces of parchment are scattered atop it. He has been replying to mail this evening with a nice stout to quench his thirst while working and his left hand scribbles replies as legibly as possible while his other hand idly rubs at his umber brown beard. The human seeming man is probably easily missed since his attire is rather plain; a worn flannel shirt and some slightly ragged denim slacks with a pair of work boots to complete his craftsman costume. Azure colored eyes flick up from his mail when he hears the name of his company and he decides to pick up his drink before standing up. The six foot seven guy makes his way over just as Nancy gestures up to him in reply to Penelope's question just as he is offering his hand for a shake, "greetings! You must be Miss Halifax," there is an infectious joy in the man's smile as he shakes the woman's hand with a comfortable firmness. "I am Xiembantointh, but you can just call me Xiem. It is so nice to meet you. May I?" He gestures to the empty stool next to Penelope at the bar in request to sit with her. "My apologies for such a long wait. One of my workers got hurt the last time I meant to check in at the Kelay Tavern, but they are fine now," his voice is warm like a crackling campfire and kind.

Penelope turns her head to look over her shoulder at the gesture Nancy makes. Legs uncross, and she stands in her small form. A whopping five foot, two inches. Moss eyes look up and she returns the brightness with her own smile. “Oh, coincidental!” The girl chimes and rocks on her heels for a moment before shaking his hand. “Penelope. Do what you wish with the name. Pen, Penny, Nel. The list goes on.” The Ardelian nods her head at the seat next to her before she sits back down. “Xiem,” she plays with the name on her tongue before shaking her head. “No problem. I get it. I’m, uh, from the medical field. I understand the recovery process. Really, I've been taking my time with these plans of mine for a long time.” A small hand tucks a loose strand behind her ear. “If anything, I barely know what I’m doing anyway to start this project I've been contemplating. I just saw your ad on the bulletin. Impeccable timing, really.” Beat. She opens her satchel that is attached to the stool before pulling out a leatherbound journal. “I, uh, well,” great with words there Nel. Spit it out! “I have a plan. An idea. A private practice. A clinic. Something more diverse than just the hut in Kelay, bless Yerrel’s soul.”

Xiembantointh watches the fair healer as his grin remains on his lips, “Penelope is a beautiful name and it almost seems a shame to shorten it, but Penny feels like it suits you best,” he easily compliments and lowers onto the stool next to her. She seems so bright and friendly already so Penny sounds like a sweet outgoing name for such a lady. “May I get another stout, Nancy,” he politely asks with a twinkle of humor in his eyes as she is happy to oblige because he always tips well and treats the wait staff respectfully. As Penelope is pulling her journal free, he reaches to his back pocket for his flip notebook and his other hand plucks the writing charcoal from behind his ear. “It is perfectly fine not knowing what you’re doing when it comes to planning a project like this. That’s what I’m for, Penny,” his left hand is at the ready for any notes he deems important. He waits patiently while she tries to find her words and considers it an endearing trait. “I see,” he scribbles some in his notes and nods. “Sounds great, are you planning on staying in Kelay?” Xiem remains open and patiently waits for her to share her ideas with him as he moves his drink out of the way for her to place the journal between them. “Let’s find a way to make your ideas come to life so you can help more people, Penny,” his genuine excitement shines through a little, but he can’t help it, he loves working with others to make their dream business or home a reality.

Penelope smirked at the mention of her name. “First I’ve heard that,” she says easily enough, but there is a sheepish expression on her freckled face. She opens the journal before her. Sketches. Rooms. A very vague idea. “The idea is to stay in Kelay, as I live with my brother.” She smirked. She leaves out the two kids, not her own, she takes care of too, as of late. Busy house she lived in. “There is a place I used to own… My own business, but–” she frowns and shakes her head. There were dark twisted memories there, but also, that was the most ideal place she wanted a long time ago. “Either way, let’s just talk about potential plans.” Juniper eyes cast down at her pages. “So, this practice. Mostly I want it to be clinical. A large floor for clinical work and then maybe a few different offices built within for a staff I would be hiring in the future. A staff room for sure, enough to fit a kitchen and a few cots and such for long work shifts. Maybe a medicine room? A place for inventory.” She scratches her head as her brain is muddled. A hand reaches for her wine glass before sipping slowly. “Mmm, I’m not sure of the dimensions of the clinical floor. I guess enough to fit at least ten cots at a time? After all, there are a lot of drunk fools in this town. Yerrel gets weary, so really, might as well send them to this new gig for a stomach restorative magic pumping.” The girl grins at the joke she makes, but there was truth behind it, as well.

[1 of 1] Xiembantointh is unsure if she means it is the first she has heard she has a beautiful name or the first time she suits the name Penny. He settles on the safer assumption, "Penny? I guess I do not know you well enough, but to me you seem bright and warm like the sun. Therefore Sunny and the nickname Penny sort of rhymes with Sunny while still sounding bright, sweet and optimistic." It isn't a far stretch in his mind, but enough to leave him parched for his drink just as Nancy brings it over. He thanks her kindly and she asks him about his kids while he is in mid sip of his stout. Instantly, the man's face lights up and those Azure blues twinkle with obvious pride in his kids, "they are doing wonderful! I just heard back from Tyres, my youngest, and his husband, Dummoray." He apologizes to Penelope for the interruption with a look, but he cannot contain himself as he pulls free a billfold from his pocket to flip open to his newest portrait of the family. "He sent this to me last week.

[2 of 2] There they are with their adopted kids, Aerith and Elred." He shows Penelope as well before folding it back away into his pocket and offering her an actual, "sorry about that," so they can get back to the business at hand. Xiem actively listens while scribbling his notes as she explains her ideas, "is that so? What is your brother's name if you don't mind me asking," he seems genuinely interested while being completely open, himself. The guy makes easy friends wherever he goes and he finds it helpful if he can have a friendly relationship with his clients during the process of their project because it makes for a smooth operation. He nods understandably as she frowns and shakes her head at unpleasant memories. "Would you like to add a few private patient rooms?" Xiem begins to outline the establishment in his own mind while they brainstorm, "since people might be spending long shifts here and you never know what mess a client could spew on your healers, should we include a washroom?" Her joke about drunken fools strikes his funny bone and he lets out a hearty bellowing guffaw that is positively infectious, "true, Penny, true!"

(1 of 2) Penelope smirked when he mentioned she is like the sun. Well, something like that. Penelope listens to the curiosity of children. A smile settles on her face. “Older, I assume since you speak of marriage. They grow up fast.” Beat. She observes the portrait and grins brightly. “How sweet. They look like a sweet bunch, the lot of them.” She admires the photo. She is just as warm as the man before her. “I don’t have kids. Well–” she rolled her eyes and contemplated the children living in her house. “I am taking care of my ex’s children off and on as their home burnt down. An eighteen year old and a fifteen year old. Aeric and Alexia. Really, complicated matters, but they saw me as a mother-figure once upon a time ago when their father and I were together, although I’m probably the worst mother-figure possible. Workaholic, so they say. But just until the boy gets on his feet and can figure out housing for his sister. I would never kick them out, nor want to, but yeah. I’m really talking way too much.” She nods before a finger circles the glass. Too much information, Penelope. Shut up. Shut up. Now, the son loathes her, but she keeps that part away. “Please, do not apologize. Really. You have your love for your kin, and I admire that.”

(2 of 2) The Ardelian shifts, and there is silent relief when Xiem moves to the next topic. Her brother’s name. Strangers. It was easier to talk about her brother with strangers. “Pakellin. Pakellin Halifax. Really, can’t miss the guy, we’re twins, after all. He’s somewhat taller, however. By a whole foot.” She laughs before they get back to business. The girl snaps her fingers. “Yes, Xiem, yes! I totally spaced that. You’d think a girl would get that far. I knew I was forgetting something. Surgical rooms. Dual purpose. Washrooms would be perfect. Normally I’m waltzing around after a shift from the hut with blood-stained clothes. Probably not the classiest thing.” When he laughs, she smirks in return. “It’s a big project, Xiem. I apologize, but I’ve been sitting on this idea for a year now. Gathering the funds to pay for such a project. And, it’s going to pay off, I know it. I want the building made out of clean wood to fit the forestry atmosphere, too. We are, in fact, going to be located in Sage.”

[1 of 2] Xiembantointh chuckles in a mirthful way as he nods, "it does seem that way, but their adolescent stage felt like it took them forever. Then again, dragons are in that stage for a hundred years give or take. So all my five kids were going through that all at once at some point. I am surprised Nildran and I made it out alive!" His mention of his late wife always stirs a cold feeling in his chest because he never really says she's passed away, but it isn't for nefarious reasons, he just doesn't want to bring down the conversation with such a topic. He is intrigued by the fact that she cares for young adults and his admiration for the lady is growing the more she shares, "that is very noble of you and I am sure your ex is eternally grateful for what you're doing for him." She continues to share and he wholeheartedly listens as he sips from his stout. "Is Aeric good with his hands or a fast learner? I could always offer him work if he is willing to learn and I do a lot of trade work in my business. So we could build a home for Aeric and his sister, but all he would have to do is work with us on it…" he realizes how odd that probably sounds from a complete stranger, but a lot of his crew ended up working with him for good when he helped them this way even after their own home was built. "It is just something to think about," he shrugs.

[2 0f 2] "No, I like having genuine conversations with my clients, it makes the work I do feel more personal and it always pays off in the end." Xiem smiles as she talks of her brother, "is that so? Nildran and I were not fortunate enough to end up with twins," but he doesn't sound too disappointed by that fact because one dragon to raise was hard enough! If Penelope would look to his hands for proof of a wedding band, she will find his fingers are adorned with a few chunky and maculine type rings, but there is a simple platinum band on his ring finger. He hasn't had the heart to take it off yet, even after the three hundred years she's been gone, and he even keeps the ring she used to wear on a necklace around his neck, but that is hidden under his shirt for now. "Hey, that's what I am here for," he grins and continues to scribble down some notes. Xiem shrugs off her comment of being classy and motions to his rather rugged attire with a chuckle, "I am not one to judge and I am sure you wear that war paint well." He continues to make notes of the estetic she wishes to have as he pauses to smile genuinely while saying, "I have a good feeling that it will pay off, Penny." After drinking down the rest of his stout, he asks, "is there anything else we missed?"

(1 of 2) Penelope smiles at the mention of ‘Nildran’ who she assumes is his partner. Just in the context of observation. “Children are quite the load, but well worth it, so I’ve heard through the grapevine.” She cannot say for sure, as she only had glimpses of Aeric and Alexia’s life. “So I’m glad you two made it. I’m sure you’re proud. I couldn’t imagine a hundred years, however. Bless your souls,” she smirked. Bearing children was not really on her priority list, in her book. An independent woman. When Xiem mentions Linken being ‘grateful’, her teeth grind in a blink. The Ardelian was easy at hiding emotions when she needed to. “Wherever he is,” a void, “Aeric and Alexia have handled themselves well.” The contractor goes on about the boy, Aeric, and Penelope sucks in her cheeks. “Well, his father certainly is, I see why he wouldn't be. My brother and I have also been there in that sense. People in and out of Aeric’s life. He is a little… troubled. Needs a… road.” A new one, that was. Until Linken’s return–if ever. The generous offer is filling the air between them. “This isn’t some… plot scheme? I mean, I hardly know you,” she smirked, but this time uneasily. To offer such a possibility was… odd to her. To just give, if just time was put into it.

(2 of 2) “I-I’ll talk to him about it.” She is careful with her words. A gentle-natured soul was skeptical, and there was that guilt that resided that she felt such a way. Though, the skepticism vanishes and an easy smile is given again. She pays no mind to the man’s fingers, as she is well swept up in the tale of Nildran, and has no curiosity of true relations. There is no fault in his voice. If anything, he was living in a memory, and she was eating it up. Like a stranger should. The woman reaches for her wine before fingers drum against the glass to make a ‘clinking’ sound. “Hm,” she blows her lips out to think. “Well, I do need to seek out a location, but I also need to… Confide in a good friend of mine about some of my ideas on locations. I’d rather save trees, if I have to, do you know what I mean? Until then, that’s all I have for now. And when I have the idea set in stone on a possible location, I can reach you to come take a look with me?”

[1 of 2] Xiembantointh nods in a thankful manner to Penelope blessing his soul and his late wife's soul. This dragon has been around for quite some time and can pick up on someone's body language when they feel uncomfortable with a certain conversation topic and he makes a mental note not to bring her ex up again in conversation. "Sounds like just my type of worker. I am sure you will meet a few I have taken into my company. One is an ex-convict and no employer wanted to hire him because of his record, another was homeless and no one wanted to employ her because of her unkempt appearance, but all it takes is one person offering some compassion to give them a second chance and sometimes it really changes their life. The few I have made this deal with have decided to stay on even after completing the work on their home, not out of obligation, but I actually care for my employees and show them often," there is a genuine happiness on his face as he elaborates on the program he has created.

[2 of 2] "I call it the Building a Dream program because I feel that being poor is hard enough, why can't these people at least have a place they call home that they are proud of. Some people pay us back in other forms that don't include hard labor; like playing music for us while we work, cooking meals for the workers throughout the day, tailoring some new work outfits, and even making some of the finest building tools I've had the pleasure to work with." Now who is going off on a tangent! Xiem is an open and generous man. His joyous grin is always infectious and he makes friends easily wherever he goes. Not a day goes by that he doesn't give someone a big bear hug who needs it, the kind you feel down to your bones, and even his body language is open. Xiem continues to take notes diligently while listening to Penny, "consult away! Any trees I have to uproot for any project are always replanted," he casually informs the healer. "Of course, Penny. We can set up a time to hunt a location at your earliest convenience. I am at your beck and call," he grins again and the joy twinkles in his eyes. "In the meantime, I will draw up some blueprints so we can go over them before location hunting."

Penelope smiles easily at the Building A Dream program Xiem mentions. It sounded like a good thing. Even for freshly brooding young adults like Aeric. Perhaps the boy would need it. “Well, that is very generous of you and your company. It sounds like you make a gracious impact on people with you.” She finishes off her glass of wine. Once he talks of making up blueprints, she smiles. “Great!” The woman chimes with a small, giddy clap. “How do I reach you? Tavern again? I try to visit as often as I can, especially since your ad.” She grinned. “You are a savior, Xiem. Seriously. You’re making dreams come true!” His joy might have been infectious, but Penelope had her own brightness as she reflects that peppy, optimistic spirit. “We’re going to save so many lives!”

Xiembantoith blushes at her compliments with a small shrug. "I only wish to leave this land a better place than when I arrived." He flips to a blank page in his notebook and scribbles down the address of his business, "I have been meaning to update those flyers now that I have an office. You can send mail here," he rips the parchment out and hands it to her. The address is on the main road in Frostmaw. Xiem cannot help the grin that shapes his lips when she said he is making dreams come true and the warm feeling it creates in his chest while he is blushing again, "thank you, Penny." It may not seem like it, but he really needed to hear that today. "I am excited to get started," he mentions while standing from his seat and looks towards the exit. "I look forward to hearing from you, Penny," the dragon says while placing the notebook into his back pocket and he heads out with a wave of farewell.

The Ardelian smiles easily at the mention of leaving the land ‘better’ when he moves on. Penelope nods at the mention of leaving mail at the tavern when she wanted to reach him next. The girl takes the paper with ease and observes the address. Frostmaw. Her lips sort of curl in–not her cup of tea, but she had been there more than a time or two. Old memories. A certain Catalian. And a certain stoic man with a katana. She was familiar with the area. When Xiem stands, she nods. “I will be in touch, Xiem. Thank you. Seriously.” And then the dragon is waving her way and disappears. Let the change begin.