RP:The Merfolk Attack

From HollowWiki

Part of the Merfolk Tale Arc

Summary: The mermaid sea captain Sadie launches an attack upon a civilian ferry carrying people and Rynvalian army supplies from Cenril to Port Rynvale

Characters: Sadie, Npc Merclan, Npc civilian ferry passengers

Location: Rynvale; Coastal Waters

The memories of that afternoon shared flitted through her mind as her body cut through the sea, flanked by similar creatures who moved silently and stealthily through the waters between the small island of Rynvale and the port side city Cenril. He had told her over drinks that he prepared to ship out that evening, planning to carry a few people to the island as well as a few crates meant for the army there. She deemed it food and let them slip her mind. However, the fact that the crates were meant for Arien’s army was incentive enough to sabotage the trip. Unfortunately, that meant murdering the entire crew and whoever else was included in the living there upon that ship.

The trip was silent, from the northern side of Rynvale to the southern half. Quick and silent, just like she did everything else. The only communication used was hand signals that directed her silent army to the different boughs of the ship. No weapons were carried, save for Sadie’s daggers that followed her everywhere and a parcel that had been thoroughly soaked, all strapped to her narrow waist by a thin cord. Everything she needed was aboard that ship now; Samson had ensured that well paid and now dead men had tucked two barrels of black powder into the cargo bay.

Sadie was the first to breech the surface of the water, her hands curled around jeweled hilted daggers that she used to stab into the wooden side of the slow moving vessel. Slowly, blade after blade she worked her way up the starboard side of the ship, allowing her iridescently scaled lower half to morph and split into bare legs on the way. Once she was over the side and ducked behind a few crates that couldn’t fit down into the cargo hold, that cord tied ‘round her waist is removed to release the parcel that held in it a loose robe. Dressed and presentable for the most part, she played the part of some insomniactic passenger on a late night stroll. Her clan’s part in this mission was merely to be helping hands therein the water, not out of it.

After ducking down the stairs that led to the cargo hold as well as the sleeping quarters, a left turn is made and her idea of sleep is forgotten in lieu of a brilliant fire. The door separating her from her destination and black powder was quickly loosened from its hinges and slid aside. Unfortunately, this called for the attention of the guard who had paused long enough to take a piss, and he quickly ducked into the hold. Unfortunately, by that time the barrels she had rigged the ship with were knocked over, their contents spilled across the floor so that the kerosene lamp slowly flickering from its hanging position there on the far wall could light it all with ease. The only thing given to the startled man was a twisted grin before he was trapped within the blaze.

The small port side window was busted open to allow Sadie’s escape, and once there in the water, she watched as people were roused from sleep to man the life boats while the hull of the ship filled with flames. Unfortunately for the passengers, each life boat capsized the moment it hit water due to the unseen hands there under them and before long, each and every passenger had suffered a fate just as everyone else.

Now, they litter the waters and shores of Cenril, washing onto land with the tide and debris from the freak accident.