RP:The First Homework Assignment

From HollowWiki

Summary: After her admission into the Mage's Guild, Iintahquohae crosses paths with Magikrios again. He provides her with her first assignment to help tap into her magical abilities, particularly related to fire.

Part of the Weave Your Own Fate Arc

Meditation Center

Magik is simply sitting on a pillow in the middle of the room 'indian style'. His robe hood is down and his bow is against the wall on the side of the room. His hands are simply folded in his lap while he has his fiery eyes closed.

Iintahquohae is walking down the stairs out of the Mage's Tower, likely to return to the inn for the evening. Considering she is now a member of the Guild, however, she decides to briefly explore some of the floors, particularly the strange looking room filled with pillows and carpets. Is this some sort of communal napping room? Curious, she steps in, careful not make noisy footsteps in her boots. She isn't careful enough however, and misteps, her heel clacking against a bit of floor that isn't covered by carpet. The hooded, seated figure she sees in the room's center is peered at with a wry smile. “Pardon me. Didn't mean to interrupt.” What in the world was he doing?

Magik opens his eyes at the sound of Inks' boots clicking against the floor. He studies the newcomer with a warm smile, "Iintahquohae. Nice to see you. What are you doing here?" Inside the tower, Magik is almost a totally different person. He didn't take his new duties serious when he first joined the Guild but he has started taking his teachings seriously. It was a nice change of pace to have a time and place for acting like a proper gentleman and professional.

Iintahquohae shouldn't be surprised to see Magikrios here. He did mention that he is a member of the Mage's Guild, so naturally the likelihood of encountering him here was high. His posture she supposed, is what caused the brief feeling of surprise. “Magikrios,” she greets. “I was visiting Mister Kerrigan.” The thought of the terramancer elicited a small smile, after which she adds, “I have joined the Mage's Guild, thanks to you and a few others' encouragement.”

Magik 's smile brightens, "Congratulations!" Remembering Inks wanted to better her fire magic, his eyes light up, "Oh. This, this is great! What particular areas are you aiming to improve? Have you seen the library yet?!"

Iintahquohae grins. “Thank you, and,” her shoulders rise and fall with a slight shrug. The conversation she had with the terramancer had given her a general idea of what direction she would likely go in as far as studies, but she believed an understanding of fundamentals may be the wisest choice. ...As well as fire, she thought. Her desire to gain back a bit of that lost pride learning under Daath was strong. “All of them,” she answers. “I haven't seen the library yet either, but I would love to borrow a book or two on my way out.”

Magik gets to his feet and steps towards Inks with a hand outstretched to officially welcome her, "Good. Good. Take it slow though. It's easy to get overwhelmed here. I take it everyone has been welcoming?"

“Yes, very welcoming.” She took Magikrios' hand and gave it a shake. “I can see how it can be overwhelming, but I'll find my way, I hope. ...I must ask, what exactly is this room for?”

Magik gives Inks a nice firm shake of her hand before hiding his hands inside of the opposite sleeves of his robes, "Oh. I like to call this my office. It's the tower's meditation center. I usually teach meditation and anger management classes here every once in a while. I also help those who are struggling to control their fire magic." Magik looks about the room smiling, "And every now and then I like to change the scenery and teach class off grounds."

Iintahquohae lofts a brow. It never crossed her mind that meditation would be useful to a mage. That sounded more like something druids or monks would do, but clearly she is wrong. At mention of fire magic, her eyes light up. “Speaking of, Magikrios. Whenever you are free, I would appreciate your help with fire.”

Magik nods his head, trying to contain his excitement, "Of course. Before you call it an evening I want you to head to the library. The bookkeeper there should be able to point you in the right direction. Tell whoever is on duty that I sent you personally." The elf's smile didn't fade as he gave the quick directions. He was legitimately excited about the thought of spreading his knowledge.

Iintahquohae grins. “Absolutely, I'll do that before I leave.” She did want to explore other areas of the tower that were accessible to her. While the thought lingers, she asks, “Is there anything you think I should focus on, as a beginner?” It's an unusual question for her to ask, but the seamstress assumes her steps up in the guild would be full of questions like this. Being used to certainty made these sorts of questions feel odd leaving her lips. “I'm sure there is a lot for me to learn.”

Magik 's smile fades. The perfect question. A pleasant look remains though, "I'll leave you with this tonight since it's something you can think on. When dealing with fire magic you first need to learn what fuels it for you. Anger? Passion? Perhaps another emotion? That'll be your first piece of homework. That's all I want from you when we meet again."

Iintahquohae is surprised by this answer. Perhaps she was wrong; not everything to improve her abilities would come from reading and somewhat reckless experimenting. “I'll...keep that in mind, until we meet again.” Hopefully in her experimentation she doesn't accidentally burn herself.

Magik smiles once more, "Be safe, Iintahquohae." With that, he poofs into his black smoke and disappears out of the tower.