RP:Swooshy Skirts and New Promises

From HollowWiki

Part of the Vinabre Cosmetics Arc

This is a Bard's Guild RP.

Summary: Alvina and Loravelle have a fateful encounter in the Kelay shop where Loravelle picks out a very beautiful and very swooshy dress and Alvina sets up a make up display for Vinabre Cosmetics. They discuss make up, swooshy skirts and music. Alvina extends an invitation to see the bard's guild and they pinky promise to share their swooshy skirt secrets during the next gala.

Kelay Shop

Independence is such a strange concept to wrap one's head around. Loravelle could buy her own clothes now and had the coin to do so. She already had a modest enough collection of what she deemed Lithrydel-style clothing, but she wanted to experiment some more. Crialla and Larry probably thought the quiet girl covered chin to ankle in a green qizhuang and inky black hair twisted into its elaborate, wing-like style on either side of her head with all its decorations to be odd, with how she clearly indecisively pulled clothing from a rack to examine its feel and color up close, only to put it neatly back in its place once again. Loravelle has been at this for the last hour or so and hasn't purchased a single thing, but there's a hint of a smile on her features instead of the usual doom and gloom. She had options. She could make choices. The thought alone is unbelievably delightful. Dresses seemed to be her favorite, namely anything floor-length, but she was willing to be a bit daring and get something cut just below her knee. Did they have a mirror she could 'model' these things off somewhere? She wouldn't change into them. Just wanted to hold them up to her frail-looking frame and judge whether or not they might look okay on her. Especially the burgundy dress currently clutched loosely in her hands. The skirt is so swooshy! She could see herself twirling around in it...somewhere. Somewhere alone most likely, since the former maidservant might look a bit silly twirling in any random place. Maybe she could hunt for shoes next, and something shimmery and gold...jewelry? Makeup? Poor girl can't decide.

Alvina had developed the horrible habit of shopping frequently for the fun of it. Karie Mondo’s motto of ‘sparking joy’ applied to the buying of the thing. She’s in the makeup section, checking out the packaging for the bits of makeup she’s working on with Brennia. The line is finally being featured in the store. The display is lovely. The bard steps back to admire it, accidentally bumping into the beautifully clad woman with the burgundy dress. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” The red head stumbles to apologize with a flushed face of embarrassment. She’s wearing professional attire. It wouldn’t be out of place for Loravelle to assume Alvina worked there. “That dress looks beautiful. Are you trying it on? You absolutely should. The color’s perfect for your skin tone.”

Loravelle is shocked for two reasons when she's bumped into. First, an apology? To her? What in the world...? And second of all, an apology from someone so professionally dressed? Well, this is unusual for her. Thankfully, she doesn't stumble and fall when she's bumped into, but there is a hushed gasp. What if she jostled some of that pretty looking makeup displayed on the shelves? Squinting, she sort of recognizes the labels of the makeup Alvina is checking out. Didn't Lora see something about it at the Soiree a while back? Before she can bombard the redhead, Lora is blindsided by a question and a compliment. Her grip unncessarily tightens on the red dress due to nerves, and she sort of...hides herself behind it? Holds it, in such a manner that hides the timid woman partially, despite her figure being hidden beneath layers of robes already. She breaks her silence then, a softer voice that doesn't reach that far past a whisper. "T-thank you. ...I think it'll fit." At least with the way she's holding it to her frame, it looks like it'll fit. "I just thought something else with it might be nice..." Her grey eyes linger on the makeup, and she can't help asking. Alvina looked like she might be an employee here. "D'you know of anything that doesn't make people sneeze?" She crinkles her nose a little.

Alvina watches Loravelle tuck herself away behind the dress and feels another pang of remorse. Oh dear, she really frightened her. When the other woman speaks in such a hush, she leans forward to listen. Eventually, she nods and smiles warmly, encouraging her to step closer so she can show off the makeup line. If she knew Loravelle recognized the makeup from the Lowell Soiree, she’d be overjoyed. “This,” she points to the display, “is a fairly new brand but it’s made with all natural ingredients. Do you have a type of makeup you’re interested in?” The red head looks her conversation companion over with careful eyes. “Maybe something to highlight your beautiful eyes?” Her own emerald eyes turn back to the display, thinking quickly and then pulling out a palette of eyeshadow and a lighter eyeliner. “I promise it’s not because I’m part of Vinabre Cosmetics.” She laughs, extending her hand. “My name’s Alvina, it’s lovely to meet you.”

Sometimes Lora really detested how skittish she could be with strangers or new, foreign situations such as this. It's just shopping and talking to someone. It's okay. She takes a deep breath while Alvina educates her on Vinabre Cosmetics and she quietly considers what exactly she's looking for. "I like lipstick..." She pats a hand against the dress she intends to buy. "This color is pretty. And eye makeup?" What is it called in Common? She's fluent. She should know this, but her nerves... "Eye shadow and line-" But Alvina must be a mindreader, because she has a palette ready to go and Lora can't help feeling delighted by it, and the compliment. "T-thank you. Your eyes are pretty too...Green is my favorite color, Miss Alvina." Extending her hand to shake Alvina's, Lora adds, "I'm Lora. ...I recognize your name." She squints. Leoxander said this woman's name once in passing, but she can't recall why exactly. How strange. Her memory is typically crystal clear. "Probably from the Soiree. That's where I saw your makeup first."

Alvina smiles with practiced grace. “The key is subtlety, enhancing what you already have.” That’s exactly what Brennia told her. “I’m so pleased to meet you Lora.” The handshake is warm but brief. She’s worried she might startle her again. When she says she recognizes her name, Alvina’s smile wilts momentarily. There’s no telling what this lovely woman might have heard about her. She hopes it’s simply that she’s the wife of the mafia boss running Cenril. “Probably from the Soiree.” She repeats, hopefully. There’s no telling what Leo might have said, though she didn’t know they knew each other. “Truly, it’s Brennia’s brain child but I take credit for the packaging.” The bard laughs and hands Loravelle the eyeliner and eyeshadow palette to inspect. “What kind of lipstick do you think would suit?” Alvina takes a step back so Lora can take a closer look, using her observations about the colors to pick a suitable lipstick. Then, casually, to probe a bit more, Alvina asks “Do you live nearby? The designer, Kree, I bet he would have some amazing shoes to go with that dress. I think he’s got a shop in Cenril.”

Subtlety...Loravelle could do subtlety, though the dress she's buying didn't look or feel particularly subtle to her. It is sort of intentional, she has to admit to herself. The girl's lips begin to curl into a frown when Alvina wilts. "N-nothing bad," she reassures. "My..." What should she call Leoxander? He referred to her as his 'girl', but referring to him as her 'boy' seemed wrong. Sure, it borrowed some of the wolf pirate's slang, but she didn't speak that way very often. "My dear one," Lora decides, sheepishly. Gods if he heard her say that she'd probably get a funny look. "He mentioned your name, but I swear it must've been at that Soiree, or he knows someone that knows you - " a pause, in which her hand makes a vague gesture. "Friend of a friend? It's delightful to meet you too, either way." Living the majority of her years in Lithrydel within a very close-knit bubble, Lora knew very little about rumors and who's who in the land beyond Gualon. And since when was Loravelle so chatty? This is new, but this kind redhead was drawing words out of her with so much ease, she couldn't help chatting away. That and well, it's exciting to talk to a woman that isn't one of her inneumerable sisters back home. As for lipstick... She peruses the shades available and frowns. This is all a little bit out of her wheelhouse. "Everything is probably going to stick out on me...But I like reds. Something dark and daring." Something unlike the frail mouse that she was. With how sickly pale her skin is, would something a dark as the color of her dress make sense? It might be too much. The girl looks like she's floundering, but mention of Kree causes her eyes to light up a little. "Yes! I live in Gualon. I have," she looks shocked at this, as if she cannot believe her own words. "Two dresses from Kree. My dearest bought me one of them and the other was cheaper." Off the rack, affordable for what little coin Lora could scrounge together. She pats the burgundy dress she intends to buy again, a sheepish smile returning to her face. Considerably lower price tag and quality than anything Kree made, but hey! It looks cute, she thinks. Then she probably divulges too much, but Lora is new to trying to socialize and feels she has to explain herself just a little. "His birthday is coming up. I thought I'd try dressing up for him."

Alvina stands there, trying to piece together the puzzle of Loravelle’s thoughts while she figures out what to call Leo. When she says ‘My dear one’ Alvina can feel her heart melt through the floor. That’s the most adorable thing she’s ever heard. The bard tries to keep her cool but Loravelle is just so precious she wants to put her in her pocket and take her everywhere. “That’s very likely,” Alvina agrees, wanting to ask but not wanting to be rude. She shouldn’t worry, she did know a lot of people. It had to be something innocuous and not at all hurtful in any way. The switch to make up is an easy one and Loravelle has Alvina’s undivided attention while she frets over the choices. She holds up a case, closes one eye and tries to imagine the other woman wearing. Daring indeed! “I’d have to suggest this, it would just, girl your skin will make this thing shine.” Not in a bad way, at all. Alvina was also horribly pale and it’s fine, we pale girls have to stick together. They both light up at Kree’s name and Alvina tries to keep her fanatic ‘screech’ as quite as possible. “Oh my gods, they are -always- the most amazing right? Though, he better watch out.” There’s something to be said for modern simplicity. The person wearing the dress could do wonders to an otherwise drab invention. The endearing reason for this outfit is a shot through her heart. Alvina wants to, in a very polite and respectful way, sneak all the items Lora plans to purchase away from her and take care of the balance. She wants to help her with the make up and wrap her in a bubble and protect her from anything horrible the world could do to her. Her mom feelings were showing. “They will, undoubtedly, be blown away. Literally, no single doubt. Not a one.” Whoever her dear one was, was indeed lucky. “Maybe you can introduce me during the next event? There’s always a ball or dance or charity happening.” Alvina smiles. “And so I can see how lovely your makeup looks! I know we’re basically strangers but I’m so excited.” This is, almost exactly, how Alvina’s friendship with Meri started. It was over a fancy jacket, if she remembers right. Girls and shopping. Truly the most inspirational thing of all time. Insta-bond. “You have to promise okay?” Though a little aggressive, Alvina meant well.

Having someone who actually knew their way around makeup is an absolute godsend. Even better, this lady had a hand in creating the very makeup she's looking at. That makes Alvina, in Lora's eyes, an expert. "I don't think I've ever shined before." What a silly sentence to take literally, but Lora is bad at making jokes or trying to sound funny. She laughs softly at her joke anyway. Talk about Kree's clothes makes her practically want to screech too! It's so rare that she gets to gush about frilly dresses and things unless it's with her sisters, but it's an utter joy to talk about clothes with someone new. "Yes, they're all so...so -perfect-. I don't know how he does it. He made me this dress that my dear one requested for the Soiree, and the skirt. It..." A pause, while Lora grabs at the hem of her own skirt and sort of turns it around herself a little. "It's so swooshy." The Uyeer might have not liked the word, but it's accurate. The skirt was so swooshy, and this girl loved her some long swooshy skirts. In every color, mostly green, though. Anything she could twirl around in and feel light and whimsical as a feather. "Do you like swooshy skirts?" It's a silly question, but c'mon. Lora has to ask. Alvina's comment about Leo being blown away makes her face turn beet red, and she turns a little bit shy again. "Y-you think so?" Peering down at the dress she's about to buy, she gives it an uncertain little shake. The skirt swooshes. That's a good sign. Swooshy skirts are probably good luck somewhere. With this sweeter than sweet woman's reassurance, she decides that yes, that pirate is gonna be blown away, and her head bobs with an enthused nod at Alvina's next question. "Yes, I'd be happy to, Miss Alvina. There is the Spring Festival in Gualon that I think we might be going to..." She hadn't asked yet, but she planned on asking soon. "And I'm excited too! I...I don't have many friends," she confesses, sheepishly. That was beginning to change with her leaving her social bubble in Gualon more often than not lately. But this lady, this Alvina, much like Terra and Lita and Mahri and Meri and Lanara too, reminded her so much of her gaggle of sisters in the best way that she just felt right about trying her dangdest to make friends, shy as she might be. The notion of a promise causes Lora to extend her pinkie out to the redhead. "Promise. Do...do you like..." What sorts of things did Lora like that she could share with her new friend? Church and prayer, music and dancing, window shopping and admiring pretty clothes (or like right now, buying them!), flying kites... Music tended to be the best way to bond, she discovered. "Do you like music? I play pipa an guitar...and zither, and well...just about anything with strings."

Alvina laughs a little louder than she meant to. “I -LOVE- swishy and swooshy skirts.” The other woman blushes and Alvina can tell; they are so happy together. He’ll obviously be blown away. Especially with swooshes. Men liked swooshes. “Oh I hadn’t heard about that yet! Yes, that’ll be lovely. I’ll try to find my own swooshy dress so we can swoosh around the dance floor together.” Her face grows a little more solemn at Lora’s admission of having few friends. “We’ll have to remedy that immediately.” How did such a sweet woman not have a crowd of friends? Lora’s pinky is extended and something about the gesture breaks Alvina’s heart in the best way. “Okay, it’s silly but, when I make my kids pinky promise, we always kiss our hands afterwards, to seal it.” They pinky promise and Alvina kisses her thumb, sealing the promise permanently. “The most serious of bonds.” Lora stumbles through a question and Alvina waits patiently. When the subject of music is breached, the bard brightens. “My first true love, Music. I’m a bard, actually. Or I guess I started as one. Have you thought about entering the bard’s guild? A lovely group of like minded people.” Obviously, Alvina, you dork. “To make more friends?” She nods at the instruments offered. “A Zither? What’s that?” Curiosity curls the corners of her mouth. String instruments. “I can only play violin for strings.” Why does she feel nervous saying so? “Mostly I played the flute.” What felt like ages ago. “Let me drag you to the guild sometime.” Lana and Bre would love Lora, no question. Music’s an amazing way to open up with people safely. It might be a perfect way to get to know each other, especially if she was shy. “Oh, here, take this too.” Alvina digs into her purse, pulling a suspiciously large Lyre from the small bag. How…? “Uh, let’s trade. I’ll run this to the front so we can get a bag for you to put all this in.” Alvina holds her arms out to take the dress and make up, setting the Lyre against a display for Lora to study at her convenience. It’s beautifully decorated, and definitely enchanted, for sure.

"You do?!" Oh thank the gods. Finally, someone that understands the utter joy of a swooshy skirt. "They're just so fun to twirl around in, you know?" Lora has to contain herself, now. And this woman is a mother too? She must be a wonderful mother with how kind she's being to a total stranger! "I love children," she admits, and without batting an eye she kisses her thumb just like Alvina kisses hers. When she announces that she's a bard, Lora openly gawks at the redhead. So she's perfect. Absolutely admirable in every way. And she's inviting her to join a guild for other musically-minded folks? Why... "I-I'd love to," Lora can't believe her impulsiveness. Usually she'd shy away from joining a group of people, shy as she is, but things in her life were changing so quickly lately, so positively. Surely this was another one of those positive, delightful changes. "Zither is like...think a real big harp but you play it on your lap, sorta like..." She pantomimes the instrument, plucking at imaginary strings stretched horizontally across the space in front of them. "I've never played violin before, but they're lovely - and a flute?! One of my sisters plays flute..." The thought of being dragged to the guild sounded great, and once she discovers that Lanara is part of the guild, she'll be over the moon. That witch is sweet too, just like Miss Alvina here. In her excitement, she misses how Alvina produces a huge lyre from her purse and that might be for the best, for now. Magic had a tendency to make the skittish girl jump out of her skin. Her eyes are on the instrument now, eager to hold it and take a few experimental plucks of those strings. She trades her dress and makeup with Alvina for the lyre without a word and marvels over its craftsmanship. Now, she wasn't familiar with lyres, but she knew enough about stringed instruments that she could probably coax out a little tune with it if she stuck to strings that sounded similar in tone to her pipa's strings. So that's just what she does, fluttering her fingers across a few of the strings. Her smile must look so goofy, and her eyes are probably glittering with a few happy tears that absolutely won't fall because Lora doesn't cry in public. "T-this is beautiful...Thank you, Miss Alvina."

Alvina beams. “Swooshy skirts and music are, literally, the best. Especially together.” Lora’s enthusiasm is so lovely. The other woman says she loves children and Alvina’s eyes light up. “Well if you ever do any babysitting, let me know. Our nanny is lovely but she’s probably due a vacation now that kids are a little older.” She’ll disclose later that she has 4 of them. She nods eagerly at the description of a Zither and copies the pantomime in mirror version as Loravelle demonstrates. “Like this?” She laughs, feeling silly. “You have sisters? Do they all love music like you?” Bardic magic can be subtle when they want it to be. Arms full of Loravelle’s purchases, she stutters at the other woman’s almost tears. “O-oh no, it’s okay.” A parenting reflex. “I’m glad you like it.” This wasn’t how she’d planned on spending the afternoon but she’s pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. Alvina sneaks away quickly to get a bag, secretly pay for the kit and caboodle. To distract Loravelle from this fact, she chatters on about the bard’s guild while handing her the bag. “BUT write me any time.” She hands Lora a piece of parchment with a scribbled address that she’d filled out at the counter. A lovely meeting of chance. “And if any of your sisters wish to come too, don’t be shy. And we can meet up there. So you won’t have to go it alone.” Alvina pauses to smile warmly Promise?”

Swooshy skirts and music. Together. Alvina knows what the best things are. The corners of her eyes crinkle a little bit with her bright smile, and those tears that were forming are wiped away carefully with her sleeve. What a sweet, reassuring woman this is. "Yes! I babysit my nieces and nephews all the time and I'd love to babysit some more." The more children the merrier, Lora thinks, and she giggles at Alvina's pantomiming of a zither, nodding. "Yes and yes! All nine of them do. They all dance too." And they all wear swooshy skirts and fancy hairdos and, and...goodness, Alvina reminds her a lot of her sisters. This is wonderful. All of this talk about the bard's guild on top of her encounter with the redhead just has her absolutely over the moon, and it doesn't cross her mind that both makeup and dress have been paid for as the bag is handed her way. Just that she now has an address on a piece of parchment that her grey eyes look down at, committing it to memory. Mention of her sisters attending the guild has her floored. They'd love it too, all nine of them. She just knew it. If only five of them lived in Lithrydel to join. The thought has her looking wistful, but that's a story for another time. "I'll tell my sisters in Gualon about this. Thank you so, so much..." She extends her pinkie finger out again toward Alvina. "Promise."