RP:Summoning and raising Mister Charlie Daniels

From HollowWiki

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Synopsis: Joan does her best to show her skill to Pyde in a trial teaching class.

The Black Spire

Joan bustled about in one of the lower level classrooms, checking the magical shields and adding her own power and energies to the shields, ever since she found out about what had happened the vampiric necromancer was just a tab bit concerned about the Black Spire, but this place was the headquarters for the guild so it should be more then magically reinforced, at least she hoped. Anyways, this classroom had a few empty morgue tables in it, as well as a whole wall that was just for storing the many different bodies in there own little magically cooled cabinets. This was one of the classrooms that was outfitted to deal with any and all manners of dead bodies that would come in from all across these lands, people willing donating their dead bodies for the study of necromancy. One table wasn’t empty, this one held a newly donated body, having already been cleaned, washed, and any wounds dressed and sewn up close. Joan had a portable table wheeled close by and these held a few items she would need to show off her skill in basic summoning and raising of a corpse into a zombie.

Pyde scampered into the room gazing about, "Despite being a guild member for so long I never saw this place before. However you if heard of any rat pack trails in the cemeteries, that may have been my work collecting bones. I will admit fault there for not coming here to practice. Anyway, hello again Joan. I hope you have been well." He scurries over to a chair to climb up to the seat to see what she was looking at.

Joan looked over in an amused manner towards her fermin fellow guild member, “The Black Spire only recently became the guilds headquarters hardly even two years past, it be understandable that you didn’t know about the new HQ.” She nods towards the presentable male corpse on the table before her and Pyde, there was a proper modest sheet covering the dead man’s lower body. “I don’t think you wanna travel out to the cemetery proper, not with all the feral dead and undead roaming about, seems while you and me had our heads buried in tomes and study the city was hit by that one undead fellow…excuse me his name escapes me at the moment. But it is just not safe to try this inside Vailkrin without the extra magical protection the Black Spire has.” Joan didn’t go into detail as she was fuzzy on what had happened herself. “Today inside the safety of the Black Spire and this extra warded classroom I will be showing you how I raise this dead fellow into a proper zombie.” That said she moves over the wheeled cart to allow her fellow necromancer to look over the objects she had out for this use and display in skill. A large bowl of course salt, a jar of herbal ointment made from chosen fresh herbs, a midsize pure iron knife and axe, along with a sage bundle. The sage was to burn while she raised the corpse to help cut down on any smells that may come from the body. “Normally I would just channel my power into the body and command it to raise, but…that is just so silly, here I am going to show you the basic zombie raising I was taught back when I was mortal.” She lifts up the bowl of course salt and moves about to lay a think complete circle about the table the body rested upon. Next she would take up the small jar of herbal ointment and dip in her index and pointer finger into the stuff, withdrawing her now coated fingers she’s move to draw arcane sigils at the points of the forehead, over the left breast and the mouth.

Pyde watches on in fascination, "I was taught my skills from a fermin shaman in the sewers, and since there are a lot of predators there, bones only remain. However that did help me discover I can make them dance like puppets, hence my now trade." The mini-necro mage watched as the sigils were drawn, "In this case are the sigils acting as sentences or words when placed written over the specified area? Like over the heart it means to beat again or something?" Pyde started to show a little more interest into what was going on as his hunger for knowledge kicked in.

Joan tilts her head as she checks over her placement of the herbal arcane sigils. "Mmm, yeah you need to channel the dark energy into the brain, the heart and the mouth, the magic flows all through the dead nervous system, charging it. You also should at least wait three days, that gives the spirit of the dead time to leave it's now lifeless husk. It's never good to raise a body so quickly after death, because you could raise a murder victim and if you don't have complete control over the zombie the first thing it will do is try to break loose of your command and magic warding circle to try to seek out the person or people that ended their life." She offers a wink down at her fermin friend, now she'd clean off her hands with a small clean towel before now picking up a small tiny jar that held fresh grave yard dirt, this she'd sprinkle all over the corpse. "You need grave yard dirt to seal the dead in place, or so I was told and taught if the body had not been laid to rest yet into a grave."

Pyde looks on very curiously, "Ah I see. The spirit must leave the body so it doesn't try to get revenge on who it thinks or knows what caused it's demise. And does the graveyard dirt contain hallowed properties? Is that why it is needed for the dead that haven't been laid to rest yet?" Pyde take a small notebook from an inside pocket of his coat then begins writing notes, something he should have done a few moments ago. He also noted that he will have to try this himself in his free time. "Do they retain any sentience or knowledge from when they were alive? Or is that part of the soul? My skeletons don't have that issue, so I wanted to be sure."

Joan said to Pyde, "Only if the corpse was a murder victim.' She'd offer a rolling shrug of her shoulders. "It depends on the graveyard, since each race follows their own gods and religion. As to why...it was just what I was taught, it ain't the norm I'm more then sure." She goes to use the knife to knick at the meat of her left thumb, this she uses to smear her own personal blood over the head of the axe. The blood smeared axe is pressed into the three areas she just smeared the herbal ointment. lifting the axe upwards over the corpse Joan would speak an old incantation while now sending out her own dark purple aura looking energies towards the prone laying corpse, “Rise up Charlie Daniels, rise up with the aide of my necromancy, rise up and speak.” The prone corpse absorbs the dark magic used to summon and raise it, slowly it begins to move into a seated position as it now is a corpse becomes a zombie, it blinks a few times as it looks about slightly confused trying to work out what happen to it. But Joan does not allow the now summoned zombie the time to reline it’s thought process. “Charlie Daniels, you have been called forth for a mere moment in time, would you be able to answer questions if possessed to you?” The zombie nods and speaks out a soft quite 'Yes." Joan seem satisfied turning towards Pyde, the zombie follows Joan’s gaze and stares at the smaller being. “He could, but you honestly need more of the spirit/soul in the body to get more then simple yes and no answers. I think it all depends on the necromancers power level and abilities."

Pyde scratches his chin for a moment with his pen in deep thought, not realizing the ink was smearing into his white fur, "I am a lot of power, but due to a former leader guiding me I am able to access it only when using my flute. i suppose learning more control over my power may lead me to be able to raise zombies like this and perhaps even dragons, like the skeleton I have of one I use now and then." Shaking his head he looks at Charlie, "Can you do the Hokey Pokey?" The mini-mage laughs at that not even being serious, but curious if he would since he didn't raise him himself.

Joan :: Charlie gives Joan a questioning glance, his motor skills kicking into gear as the zombie offers a shrug towards Pyde. Joan herself makes a face as the salt barrier keeps her risen zombie in place seated upwards on the morgue table. "He could...but he gets up that sheet is gonna fall and he will be flashing us as he does the requested dance. Do you really wanna be flashed?" She ask while wiggling her purple brows up and down a playful smile set upon her lips.

Pyde pauses for a moment, "On second thought you are correct. That wouldn't be a great sight for me. Haha." He grins but acts a bit bashful. "So how do you stop a raised body? I believe knowing how to undo a rogue necromancer's work or magic may be helpful to know in the future if we get any quests for that."

Joan looks towards the zombie and makes a quick hand motion as she speaks another incantation, pulling her dark energy back into herself, leaving the zombie to fall back along the table. "Like that...it's your magic, you can pull it back out of the zombie anytime and just leave it as a husk of a corpse. As to how to undo a fellow necromancer's zombie...I don't know honestly. I've pretty much been self study, uh...maybe if your magic is stronger then the other's you can override the zombie. That be a lesson one of the higher ups need to teach."

Pyde stores away his notebook and pen, rubbing his chin in thought again only to be surprised that ink was on his hand then realizing the ink was on his chin first. "I will see about asking them about that then share what I found out with you." The fermin reaches out with his own dark tendrils of magic into the husk of a body, not really making a connection with the bones like he is used to. "Do I need to use my own blood to reanimate this corpse after you did? It doesn't seem to be working when I reach out to it."

Joan rubs the pad of her other thumb along the bridge of her nose as she thinks, "Maybe...it is a form of blood magic I did when I summoned up the zombie using my own blood, like I said before I'm mostly self taught doing most of my learning out of books and tomes from around here and the Black Library." She shrugs once again before moving to clean up all that she has done to the corpse and the small amount of supplies, she cleans up the corpse and sets it back in it's proper laid place on the morgue table. Someone will come along shortly and make sure the corpse of Mister Charlie Daniels made into one of the many cold storage shelves, put away until his corpse was needed again by any of the many necromancers that used the Black Spire, the corpse would be laid to rest with respect once the guild had no more use for it.

Pyde said to you, "This has been an interesting lesson today. Thank you for showing me what you have today. I am curious, in the future would you like to set up a date to practice our arts and have them have a go at each other?" The fermin takes out a handkerchief and dabs at his ink stained chin. He smiles and says, "Oh my! I really made a mess of my fur."

Joan had move to one of the many sinks this classwork/morgue had, washing up what small mess she had on her hands and fingers, turning the knob to the off position to stop the flow of water the vampiric healer reaches for a clean dry small hand towel to dry her hands. "Thanks, it's like my first, lucky you to be my student. I hope I showed you enough by example how I was taught. and sure I'm game to give it a decent enough go." Finished with her towel she'd offer it to Pyde. "Let's try to meet up in a week or so." She made herself ready to exit the classroom once she heard the reply.

Pyde takes the towel thankfully then cleans off his chin and hands, "Sounds like a plan." He leaves the towel on the chair seat for the students to clean up. "We will set up rules in the future for how we want that to go. In the mean time I hope you have splendid time till next we meet."