RP:Something Like a Resolution

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Sabrina is a few paces from the board, reading up on current events, local queries and the like. Though she is still not on the path she is close enough to passersby to give her nods of hello as they seem to widely recognize her and on occasion wave or greet her. She stands with gloved hands crossed behind her back, no weapon to speak of and fully dressed in her neck to floor leathers. As she turns to head south there is a bright contrast of claw marks from the back of her ear and neck, that disappear in the confines of what must’ve been freshly changed clothes. By the looks of tidy and still-wet braids she had just come from her home and was headed out for a second route, and by the looks of her face it had likely been roughly a week since she last slept. Much like the first day she met Larket’s Apothecary.

Artia had on a simple silk wrap gown, the dress hand full straps on it and her heels were carried in her hands as the druidic witch did not feel like walking in them. In the sky above a storm was coming in, stopping at a near by window which belong to Kyla's. She waved to the female, the other hand running along the flower pots she had. A soft hum was given to them as she heard their voices inside her mind, a sweet smile was given as she turned around from them. Spotting Sabrina not to far away, she tried not to stare as it was rude. But being curious she was wondering what she was doing? And her hair was wet, was the rain already near her house? Or maybe she washed up? Either way, it wasn't any of her buisness.

Sabrina spotted Artia, it was easy enough as she was usually the better dressed in any situation. She tugs on her top, for a brief moment considering altering her own gear. It was fleeting, any alterations would impede structure and function. She hails the druidic witch from a distance. Now, that was different. She would clear those few steps and come to a halt a few paces from the woman, hands once again crossed behind her back and with proper form. “Have you had a chance to speak with Agoyoanye?” She wondered if the female had declined the offer. With the absence of a proper greeting this meeting was very business-like and formal.

Artia turned and held her hands infront of her own hips, cyan eyes staring into the elf own. "No Lady Sabrina, I have not seen her lately. I have been pretty busy, I kind of haven't had time to even socialize lately. Been a bit of a hermit I guess you could say. If I see her I will let her know you were looking for her." She offered a gentle smile to Sabrina, not sure what else to say.

Sabrina was silent for a moment, she shook her head. “I am not looking for her, she was supposed to extend an offer to you. A position in the healer’s guild?” She looked for some vague recognition as to the topic at hand. “It has been since our last interlude where she vouched for you. Said you might have something to offer.” She took notes from Xzavior on how to present herself to people, and with some time to organize the appropriate compliment she adds. “You look lovely today.” It sounded very unnatural, the elfess not being in the habit of small talk, and of no real interest or knowledge of fashion. It was still an effort.

Artia smiled went more wide, "Well I have my potions, I probably could assist with that. But you already know I make those, you probably make your own? I heal magically, I can do surgeries without magic." Then her eyes went wide, a compliment? "You always look lovely, leather suits you. Maybe one day I will see you in a dress? I know a guy that makes my dresses, could make you more leather attire. He is great, I am just good with hair." Artia made an effort right back, the smile still apparent.

Sabrina nods to all her points, less so to the recommendation of a tailor. By the fit of her attire she already had a dedicated Evish one, high end at that, but monetary issues had never been a problem for her. “So, is that a yes?” She seemed confused at her confessions, she had done research on her long before asking Ago about her input. To her comment about the dress her brows furrow, holding back a small note of personal soreness over the matter. “I am an Ardent, love. I cannot just go around…Nevermind.” It wasn’t the issue. She thought to intentionally let the last bit ‘slip her mind’ but she thought Artia might as well be aware. “I have been seeing less of your best friend. I thought it would give you time to reconnect.” Her face contorted slightly, a painful subject but only obvious in that way someone keen would notice. “He seems to not want us to fight, so I am taking a step back. This healer’s business is just business. On the personal note, I do not want to come between friends.” She neglected to say how much time, and before there was confusion she would add. “I expect to limit my visits to a few hours a week. If you could let me know what works for you, I will promise not to be around. I understand it is… difficult. That I am difficult.” It was clear at this point that this half of the conversation was very hard for her.

Artia tilted her head, "That is a yes, but what is an Ardent? I really know nothing abut you, I would like to learn about you. Through you only, not others word of mouth." When she mentioned to seeing less of Xzavior, her jaw dropped. "Oh no please, spend time with him. He loves you, and would rather spend time with you anyways. I am busy myself with making sure these fermin don't do anything to crazy. I really don't have much socialize time as I wish I did. I won't fight with you anymore, I just want the naga happy. He is very much with you, don't neglect the relationship because a stubborn witch. We both are difficult, not just you. "

Sabrina was uncomfortable, the whole ordeal was a little too personal. It would seem she had already made up her mind, as she had spent no more than five minutes with him in the last week alone. She arches a thin dark brow. “An Ardent…” She gives a half laugh, surprised still when she happened across one from the magical world who didn’t already know, still... she was young and only human. “Back when magic was younger, before books were made to record proper potions and spells. And we knew the classes and forms that magic could take, there was a thing called backfire. When you mix magics and… this happened. A lot.” She gestures to herself. “I used a spell of dark magic to bind a member of the seven hells to this realm, and to me. To save his life. This was my cost.” She spoke of the hound with love, but her voice cracked at the word cost. “Artia, I can’t touch most people. The leather is for the protection of others. Humans are the most susceptible. I could have killed you a thousand times over. It is why your irresponsibility angered me so much that night. It is the worst thing anyone could do to someone like me.” Well, maybe not the worst, but it was the most personal. She had already lived through the worst a long time ago.

Artia listened closely, "I see, where I came from we only had humans and witches. So, I am still getting used to all these races this land has. Still do research on them, all I really know is my craft and murder. I again am sorry for my actions, I guess the kind of witch I am is different to you as you are different to me." She had hoped Sabrina would spend more time with Xzavior, he needed her.

Sabrina shakes her head to clear the air. “Where I come from any druid is a witch, moreso a good witch. Like myself. A dark witch is different, and I am certain I have seen examples from you that suggest the latter.” It was not meant as an insult, but the only way Artia could have ever hurt her with a spell was under the realization that she was, in fact, a dark druid. At most the Elfess could boil it down to poor teachings, but she had been around for over six hundred years, and studied many sects of magi. She had a vast knowledge of a great many things that Artia simply hadn’t had access to. “No matter the case, Xzavior will give you books from my collection to read up on. He has quite the head start so he will be in charge of your lessons. You may use Ara, as it is more convenient for you to learn in the city of which you live.” Despite the many things Artia knew in her few years of awakening, her curve was about to get very exponential, very fast.

Artia nods, "We are from different places for sure, druids can be or not witches. And I was taught to do dark and light magic to keep a neutral balance. I practise in both sides, if I have questions will it be okay to come to you." She heard her being able to use Ara, "Thank you Sabrina, you are more then welcome to my books too. I know my form of craft is way out there to most."

Emilia walked with slow steps toward the square with her attention lost from the world around her. The small woman was picking at the fraying white bandages around her left arm just above her wrist. The noise of familar voices caught her attention in part. Lia glanced up in the direction of them if only for a moment before looking back to the fraying fabric. Lost in her own world, for sure.

Sabrina didn’t care for being thanked. “It is good business.” Practicing both sides was closer to being a dark druid than the Efess cared for, but this had to work and she wasn’t going to argue about it. “I don’t use books anymore; my reading is for recreational purposes.” Her attention is drawn by the slightest of chills in the air, moving opposite the direction of the storm which was within minutes of coming to pass. As she peers down the path her eyes catch the right light of the moon reflecting through the clouds, it was near animalistic as the silver discs reflected the light right back. “Lia? Why aren’t you at home?” Keen eyes take focus on Emilia’s wrists. “What have you done?” And like Artia wasn’t even there the Elfess moved quickly to the Genasi’s path.

Artia watch Sabrina leave, and she turned and left herself leaving the two ladies to talk.