RP:Secular Haze

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Whisperer In Darkness Arc

Summary: Bradyn makes good on his word to help Gabriel give sacrifices to Vakmathras (though in reality, it's really Gabriel's unknown master) and Gabriel rewards the vampire with the most exhilarating, bloody ritual--accompanied by the screams of innocents--that manages to bring a smile to the usually dour necromancer's face.

Diernebyrg, Venturil

It would be a small number of days since Gabriel departed Vailkrin before the Maharan departs for the general area of Venturil himself. The time between their meeting and his departure was not spent in waste, he had a scroll to study. The last time he had offered to help with a ritual, he had taken the word of a certain redhead about what they would be doing and it had proven to be almost dastardly. Word is sent in advance of Bradyn, via carrier pigeon, so it is sure to give Gabriel advanced notice of the necromancer's arrival for the Maharan is traveling by carriage. He arrives in Denubyrg in the early evening hours at least two days after Gabriel should have received word. Bradyn did not see fit to travel alone either, two other Maharan's are traveling with the vampire at his bidding -- Seymour and Kharis. When the carriage arrives at the destination that Gabriel provided as a meeting point, it would be Kharis that is sent out to go knocking upon the door while Seymour and Bradyn remain in the carriage, at least until there is some sort of answer.

There’d come an answer in the form of a lanky-looking drow--or, well, seemingly drow anyway. The greydusk was silent and merely stared at Kharis from the doorframe of the large farmhouse, her strange swirling red eyes fixed on the Maharan unblinkingly. “Ellia, who is it?” came the familiar voice of Gabriel from just beyond the door and down the hall. Ellia does not speak, however, and merely opened the door wider and stood to the side, allowing her master to set eyes on Kharis. “Oh! You’re here. Excellent. Forgive Ellia. She’s been left speechless for sometime. It happens when one tends to scream a lot. Causes headaches, you see,” Gabriel said nonchalantly. “Come on, then. Show your master inside. Your rooms are upstairs, to the left. I’ll be in the basement, tending to his supplies.”

The door would open for Kharis, leaving Ellia and Kharis standing there staring at one another both unblinking. Kharis would have spoken up sooner over later but Gabriel’s voice is heard from further within. The door swings further open giving Kharis a better view. “Of course,” comes her formal response to them both. She would then turn away and travel the short distance back to the carriage. Each Maharan traveling packed light with one bag. Seymour and Kharis would handle the matter of hauling the luggage upstairs, where they would remain for the duration of the evening. They were not here to cause trouble for Gabriel, rather to lend their support in any way they can. Even if it just means helping to keep a goody-two-shoes out of Bradyn and Gabriel’s hair long enough for the ceremony to be conducted. Them taking care of the menial travel business keeps Bradyn free to travel down into the basement where Gabriel has indicated he would be, tending to the supplies. As this is his first time navigating the house, he makes his way to the basement with the aid of Ellia. Bradyn is content with her silence and he does not attempt to strike up any conversation with Ellia as they travel from foyer to basement. As he descends the darkened staircase to the basement, gray eyes are on the lookout for Gabriel. If the greydusk could not hear the man’s steps descending the stairs, he would still at least be able to hear the vampire speak to announce his arrival. “Is everything in order?”

“Of course it is,” Gabriel said in that assuring way of his, though he really wanted to say ‘Of course it is, you moron. I took care of it myself.’ But, he didn’t. Good help was so hard to find these days what with these do-gooders running around again. “And your trip? I assume you’ve read over the ritual then. Are you ready to begin?” The tall male didn’t look up from his inspections, even just once, the entire time he was speaking to Bradyn. He was rather meticulous about how his supplies were kept and was in the process of sorting them by how they were to be used. “The darkness you will bring them on behalf of Vakmathras will be stifling and I’m eager to see it. In fact, your first sacrifice is behind me now.” Nonchalantly, Gabriel motioned behind him. A metal slab, not at all unlike something Bradyn would find in the morgue, held the body of a female human, seemingly dead with her arms tied down to the slab, yet Bradyn would certainly be able to tell that she was not at all amongst the deceased.

Gabriel did not need to say it for Bradyn to have a sound understanding of what he wanted to say. Villains, this is probably why they work better alone -- but not every goal can be accomplished alone. There is a bit of a knowing smirk, but it fades at Bradyn's eyes begin to roam the room to take in the details. It was a studious look and if Bradyn was the sort to actually display much emotion Gabriel might see that the necromancer is impressed. Neither have worked with the other before, and what Bradyn was seeing of Gabriel was very revealing. All he knows of the man is that trouble with paladins and do-gooders ruined his last ritual, so all Gabriel's efforts is a vote of confidence toward the man that is largely a stranger to him. "The trip was fine. Kharis and Seymour are here to offer their assistance if it is deemed needed, even if it is merely trying to prevent interruption from do-gooders." The woman who was bound is given brief scrutiny. There was no remorse for her situation and Bradyn could indeed tell that she was still amongst the living. For now. Bradyn comes to stand near Gabriel, affording him a look at the materials that have been gathered. This inspection gains more of his attention, but it is not stemmed from doubt of Gabriel's capabilities. "I am quite eager as well. Will we be performing it tonight?"

Manipulation, even of the brightest minds, was so much easier if you gave more truth than lie, Gabriel had found. Even now, it worked to his advantage. Would Bradyn even care if Gabriel had told him that it was not, in fact, Vakmathras that the preklek-in-disguise worked for? It was a bit of a toss up--even if Gabriel had tempted Bradyn with dismemberment and torture of mortals--so it wasn’t something he was willing to risk. “We can absolutely start tonight if you wish. Projects in the other byrgs have already begun. Those ones are smaller, however, and can work their magic, so to speak, on their own. This one, though… there must be at least one sacrifice a night. Tonight, however, you will offer more than one. My other servant should be returning soon from a nearby farm. Such a nice family--pity though that they chose not to see Vakmathras’ way.” As if on cue, muffled screams came from above and heavy footsteps stomped through the house towards the basement door. “If you need to prepare at all, please do so at once.”

Bradyn had an inkling that Gabriel was not revealing all of his cards. It would be foolish for the vampire to believe that Gabriel has given him all of the information -- which is part of the reason Bradyn demanded to see the ritual. Were Gabriel to ever reveal the whole truth, Bradyn would in truth not care. His analysis was that so long as people died, that would serve Vakmatharas' liking well enough, so he was quite content to continue this ruse without asking too many probing questions of Gabriel. All and all, and overall, Bradyn is quite delighted to participate in this mayhem regardless of any partial truths spoken to him. Mayhem and death was just that, he just wants to have a little 'fun'. The sounds of screams and feet stomping above brings a delighted grin to Bradyn's face, a rare expression indeed. Of course Bradyn would smile at the prospect of murdering some innocent. "I believe that I am prepared to begin straight away. I will just inform Seymour and Kharis. We could be ready to begin in say...half an hour. Would that be sufficient?"

A great beast of a man continued his stomping on down the staircase, forcing down a small boy and his mother downstairs. “Amos, say ‘hello’ to the nice man,” Gabriel gestured at Bradyn, to which the vampire would be met with a grunt. Gabriel looked at the two newcomers, careful scrutiny taken of both as they cried, no longer having the energy to struggle and scream. “Hmm. Wasn’t there others? An older brother and a father?” Gabriel looked to human known as Amos again, bloodsplatters spied on his dirty clothes. “Tsk tsk. I supposed they gave you issues then. A pity really. We could’ve used them tomorrow.” The preklek-in-disguise just shrugged, shifting his attention towards Bradyn once more, “I’m sure these will do just fine and we’ll find more -willing- participants soon. Make your preparations and meet me back down here in half an hour, as you said.”

Any preparations Bradyn needed to make were in fact quite minimal, Gabriel had been left to deal with the brunt of the work in order to ensure the success of this ritual. Amos is given curious regard but his focus is pulled to the two latest unwilling participants in this sacrifice. The Maharan is assuredly not bothered by the fact there is a child amongst the chosen. The more innocent the better. There is a nod before Bradyn turns and travels back up the stairs. It is just shy of thirty minutes when three sets of footsteps can clearly be heard descending the stairs that lead into the basement. They all move at a calm and leisurely pace, nothing alarming. Bradyn is the first to enter the room, and he is the only one to actually approach Gabriel. Seymour and Kharis are also present, but they find a more out of the way place to stand. Much like Bradyn, the two other vampires are dressed in black. If that is their own preferred color choice, or if it is because they have the understanding that things might get a little bit bloody. The scroll that Gabriel left Bradyn with during their meeting in Vailkrin is in hand, not for reference but to be returned to its owner. Rather than handing it directly to Gabriel, Bradyn sets it on a table on his way to Gabriel.

Amos had merely stared at Bradyn as the vampire headed off to tend to his business. Upon Bradyn’s return, he’d find two more metal slabs pulled out from within a wall, the tables thick enough to hold a body and yet not breaking or bowing from the wall. The tables now held that child and his mother, the two much in the same state as the first female Gabriel had been introduced to. In addition to this, candles in varying hues of grey--both dark and light--lit up the room while small bundles of yew twigs burned in equally small, fireproof cauldrons. “Everything is ready for you,” came a voice from the shadows--Gabriel’s voice. Dressed now in dark clothing and that favored leather coat of his, the preklek-in-disguise stepped out of his waiting spot as Bradyn approached, dark red splotches covering his face. Bradyn would be able to tell that it was merely paint of course, made to look like blood splatter, for that sweet red life force that would soon flow from the humans the imposter provided was for one god and one alone--and it wasn’t for Vakmathras as Gabriel had claimed. “They will awaken soon. You seem to be the type to like the screaming, so I lessened the hold the spell placed on them to keep them sleeping.” Gabriel had no qualms about whether or not this was the be a loud sacrifice. Even he took delight in their cries of mercy.

Gabriel was not off the mark when voicing his assumption that Bradyn was the sort to like to hear them scream. The news that they would soon be waking up inspires Bradyn to take his sweet time from this point on. He had read and studied the ritual over and over again. He even mulled through a few sacrificial rituals dedicated to Vakmatharas, the Maharan found nothing overtly similar to the ritual Gabriel provided. The point being? The Maharan knew the ritual well and was easily able to navigate his way through the ingredients chosen by Gabriel -- but he was slow moving. On purpose. The longer he took, the more awake his first sacrifice would be....and he wanted them all awake. The ritual is executed meticulously and flawlessly, Gabriel might think Bradyn foolish and easily manipulated but good help is hard to find, and so far the necromancer was delivering on his word. No movement, no word, no ingredient is missed, this dark ritual was looking like it would be successfully completed. The first who would be offered up to the deity that Bradyn was told is Vakmatharas is going to be the youngest. There would be screams indeed, and they would not come just from the child about to lose his life. They would come from the two other women who were stirring and bearing witness. Their screams would soon be heard right alongside his, with the mother being the loudest of the two women. Bradyn intends to have her be the last of the offerings.

It didn’t take long for the first of the three to awaken, much to Bradyn’s delight. Tied to the table, the nameless female opened her eyes, realized what was happening, and started to struggle and scream for help. “Cry, and yell, and plead all you want, dear,” said Gabriel as he approached the table, a hand stroking her hair calmly, “No one’s going to hear you. I soundproofed this room long ago after I took Ellia’s tongue. I would’ve taken yours too, but… I’d rather not disappoint my guest.” From within his coat, Gabriel retrieved a dagger. Curious carvings lined its obsidian blade, in a strange language seemingly not from the world, much like those on the ritual parchment. “Here you go, Bradyn. I think you know what to do with this.” After handing over the dagger, Gabriel tended to the ingredients, taking special care to mix them with a strange black liquid. “Amos, be a dear and open her mouth please.” The silent henchman did as asked, nearly breaking the woman’s jaw in the process, allowing Gabriel to pour the wretched liquid down her throat. “There now. Doesn’t that taste wonderful?” It didn’t. She managed to spit some out, but Amos, the kind soul that he was, helped her to swallow the ritual components more easily, like someone aiding an animal in taking their medication.

Oh these poor unfortunate souls, but they had a choice didn't they? Well even if they did not, Bradyn did not truly care. He was of the particularly heartless variety. Hearing that this room is soundproofed elicits a grin from the normally grim Maharan, one that expands to a full sinister smile when he hears that the reason Ellia cannot speak is because her tongue has been removed. For once that grin is not short-lived, it stays even after the dagger Gabriel offers him is taken in hand. While Amos and Gabriel are trying to force the liquid down the female's throat, Bradyn amuses himself by dragging the blade along the body of the young boy. He was already dead but a little psychological torture just to make it all the worse for the female seemed in order. Once she has stomached the ritual ingredients, it was her turn. Following the same ceremonial routine he had for the boy, Bradyn makes a sacrifice of this woman. Words are spoken in a language identical to that carvings on the dagger Gabriel passed him, gestures are made, and then the dagger is plunged blade first into the belly of the woman. She would be carved open from stomach to sternum, and her death would not be an instantaneous one. If she did not pass out from the pain, her screams would continue for a minute yet.

The boy didn’t last long. It was a pity really. Usually youth had so much more will to live. Perhaps this one was just far too young. Oh well. C'est la vie, as that umbrawisp Phylicia had put it. As the child’s life left him, and his blood covered the blade, the etching on the dagger glowed a bright, fel green, the blood seeping directly into the etchings themself, taking the soul of the child, and the woman soon after, with it. Bradyn went about his work gleefully and Gabriel only stood and watched. Things were far different here than they were on the island. He didn’t do his usual chanting and his bonfire and various other ritual things. No, he had to be more reserved. More subtle. The end result was the same though. His master would be pleased with this. “And last, but certainly not least, the boy’s dear mother. You’ve done very well, Bradyn. Vakmathras would heap praise upon you, I’m sure.”

Last but not least indeed, except by the time Bradyn has turned his sights on her it does not seem that the poor mother is interested in putting up much commotion. She has already seen two people die today, including her own son, there are no screams as she is sacrificed. Poor dear. As far as Bradyn was aware, the ritual was complete, and he was still also tuned into the fact that he was not aware of -all- the details. Vakmathras would heap praise. This statement is met with a bemused smirk, Bradyn did not quite agree but he does not express his disagreement. Nor does he follow up with probing questions. "Gabriel, it has been a pleasure working with you and I hope I was able to offer the assistance that you needed. If there is nothing else, my travel companions will head up the stairs, and if it is not too much to ask we would like to impose upon your hospitality for the night. Unless you have further need of us, we will be back on our way in the morning." Gabriel otherwise knew how to reach Bradyn should anything arise down the line.

Gabriel tilted his head curiously at Bradyn, an eyebrow raised. “Oh? I’d thought that you’d like to make this a nightly ritual or even weekly. Certain accommodations could be made to rid you of that tiresome journey from Vailkrin to Venturil, you know.” He put his hand out, awaiting the dagger to be returned to him. “I absolutely understand the need to return, however. You’ve got your guild… your House to think of. But, this could be a great opportunity for you. Whom else would I get to replace you?”

Bradyn was quick to understand what Gabriel was needing, though he did not initially realize the extent in which Gabriel was looking to praise a certain dark god. The vampire nods as he hands the dagger over to Gabriel, flipping it at the last moment so that it is offered hilt first. "There is no need for us to rush away in our departure. We can stay a week. or so. But you are right. While I can spare the time for now, we should find suitable help for my absence. Just in case my duties or the guild need tending to. Kharis and I will begin the search at the end of the week after preparations have been made to ease the travel between the two cities." Bradyn may as well take Gabriel up on the offer, as who knows how long it will take to find additional good help. Gabriel already knows this struggle well. "I will ask Seymour to remain behind with you during what I promise will be a brief absence." Brief because if he is not able to find anyone, then he'll return to see to any rituals without interrupting any cycle that Gabriel is trying to create with them.

Gabriel nodded in understanding, “That works perfectly. Your rooms will be available to you whenever you wish.” With that said, Gabriel took the dagger and stuffed it back into his coat for safekeeping, blood and all. “Amos, be a dear and clean this up, would you? Make the pyre big tonight. I want the light to pierce the darkness we’ve created outside. I want the other byrgs nearby to see it, to let them know they’ll be next.”