RP:On Thin Ice

From HollowWiki

Part of the Thy Kingdom Come Arc

Summary: Ayras is out on Lake Frysta honing his combat abilities when suddenly his training is interrupted by some unhappy Frost Giants. This leads to a dispute between the giants that Ayras is good friends with and the giants who are instigating the stand off. Desparrow had wandered to Frostmaw with the assumption he might find Yukiko there, but instead only ran into Ayras and the giants. Desparrow learns of some unrest and disquiet from Ayras and the pair seem to have a rather civil chat.

Lake Frysta

Ayras stood out on the frozen lake with a number of giants surrounding him. From the way the sweat glistened on a few bodies, it was obvious some sort of heavy exertion had gone on, and from the drawn weapon in the vampire's hand it was an easy guess that he was, as ever, training. Something seemed off, however, as the smaller man was suddenly pushed as harsh words were levied his way. Only two of the many giants went to the elf's aid, one stabilizing the Knight's footing and the other stepping before him protectively. More words were exchanged with sharp gestures, none of it easily audible from any that would be on solid ground. Whatever was being said, the elf was taking charge of the two giants that were siding with him, motioning for them to keep calm as he spoke, from the looks of it, with an even temper towards the upstart, although his sharp gestures were sure to arouse suspicion that what he said was not in the least words of compromise.

Desparrow was in Frostmaw for no particular reason. Figuring he'd either find Yukiko or someone else he actually cared about here. This however was not the case. Passing by the various beasts of this environment with whom Yukiko was present previously he thought maybe she'd be further in but instead he stumbled onto what was a majestic frozen beauty. That was until the view was sullied by life, quarelling at that. Tapping on his boots he cast a spell which extended ethreal spikes only half an inch in depth so that he could walk across without any problems. The lycanthrope walked over to the group, however maintained a healthy distance as he wasn't sure how to address the situation quite yet, so much in fact he didn't even bother with an introduction.

"-Ain't gonna be no elf rump sittin' the throne next, Knife-Ears," was what Desparrow would hear as he came into range of the group moments before a punch was thrown. The two giants that sided with Ayras were eyeing each other warily as that beefy fist flew, and they were nearly ready to draw weapons before the sound of flesh meeting metal resounded across the lake. His vampiric strength a boon to the over-tall elf, his mithril hand easily caught and held the frost giant's fist. Ayras' face lost all expression as he stared dully at the offender, a look that even made his two backers uncomfortable. "I'm not after the throne, but I won't sit by and watch one of your ancient names take claim and close off the borders again. There has been too much progress for your kind to undo it all." With a casual toss of the giant's fist the elf turned to stride out of the gathering, and it was only then that he spotted Desparrow. The spellblade sighed and shook his head; this night just got -so- much better.

Desparrow didn't know specifically what was going on, he wasn't necessarily a man of politics. At least not those of this glacier city. The scene was interesting enough however and it was impressive to see Ayras stop the fist of the giant; the feat was certainly noteworthy. Standing there in medium armor with a cloak wrapped about his form he just gave a sort of grin to the vampire. "Hey there." the left corner of his mouth was turned up showing off a bit of his boyish personality, and a pinch of arrogance. "Seems a bit heated here…And that is surprising given the temperature."

Ayras could hear snickering behind him after Desparrow's words, the sound loud enough to travel, and loud enough for Ayras to turn and place the tip of his sword not too far from the offending giant's manhood. "If you want to continue to be able to sire heirs to your family name," he nearly snarled as electricity began to play along the red jasper blade, "then I suggest you keep your simple opinions to yourself. Better yet, why not get yourself back to your homes, the lot of you, and keep yourselves out of trouble?" The glare that was leveled at the giants, coupled with the swordsmanship that had been displayed numerous times to those who passed through the fort, sent the group strolling away across the ice, the lot of them grumbling to each other. "-be better if -all- of them went back to their damned woods!" carried just enough to be heard by Ayras and the remaining two giants, setting a frown upon the vampire's face. "You two get back to the barracks," he ordered those two. "You'll be getting enough grief without staying out here with me." And so they made their way across the ice, as well, leaving just Ayras and Desparrow. Silver eyes leveled on the less-than-pleasant wolf. "What do you want up here?"

Desparrow didn't bother with what was going on around him, gaze focused on the vampire. "A bit of hatred towards the elves here huh? I don't know if I should feel offended or not, being that I am elven blooded. Though they weren't talking to me and I'm not from the forest so I personally don't care. Though you seem a bit…perturbed." he sighed, "Regardless. I guess I should apologize. Not that you think of me any better for doing it. Apologize for the harassment in the tavern to that girl, and for our first interaction in that arena." Des stepped over to Ayras and extended a hand. His eyes were serious, smile gone and the overall air around him had adopted a more sophisticated quality; the personality change perhaps leading one to wonder what exactly went on in his mind. Some days he could be completely horrid, violent; others he could be one of the most kind and generous and such radical changes have been known to occur in seconds of one another. Still as of right now he appeared to simply want to mend this disharmony between the vampire and lycanthrope.

Ayras kept his face as guarded as he could as the lycanthrope spoke. True, he -was- perturbed, and who wouldn't be in his position? He was part of a band of Knights that were mostly absent, and his home was crumbling around him. Ayras' guarded look turned to one of distrust as the other elf stepped forward with that hand extended, silver eyes watching the appendage as though he were staring at a snake coiled to strike. It took a number of moments before the vampire's metal hand was lifted to take the wolf's. "I would have you know I am only accepting this apology out of necessity. This does not make us boon buddies." With only the slightest of flourishes as he twirled his sword tip-down, the Knight sheathed his weapon, the lightning dissipating with a soft boom as it was compressed. "As for the giants, they have not been pleased with the Steward having thrown in with the elves in the previous war, despite the victory."

Desparrow gave Ayras a firm handshake. "You don't have to do anything out of necessity. Accepting my apology doesn't mean much to me, at least what I mean to say is that if you do not accept I do understand. I am curious to know as to why you feel you must however. Regardless of this fact this.. country? well its history is interesting nonetheless though I personally don't care for the environment. I guess I mostly come here in order to become accustomed to it since it seems I have friends that live here. I also have business with the blacksmith." he sighed, having made the order for that armor quite some time ago, though he trusted Leone to complete it when she could. With hand withdrawn they disappeared behind the various folds of the cloak, holding it tighter around him so that the cold wouldn't be so piercing to his flesh.

Ayras crossed his arms for a moment after the handshake, mulling over his thoughts. "I'm sure you'll feel the rumblings one way or another," he grumbled as his arms went to his sides. "Especially if you're planning to stick around for your friends and to get your armor. Some advice, though. Don't linger where you needn't be. I fear some of the giants are growing...agitated." Those armored feet of his started to take the vampire across the ice, back towards Frostmaw proper and the barracks therein. "I must be away," he called over his shoulder to Desparrow. "Keep your nose out of trouble, for all our sakes." And with those final words, the elf was off to his bed.