RP:Ocano meets the Frost Queen

From HollowWiki

Part of the A Different Halloween Arc

Location: Outside the gates of Frostmaw

Satoshi loiters near the gateway, nearby enough to be within easy reach of the keen-eyed guards while not quite so close as for the foxkin to feel stifled by the constant presence of guardians. With an air of concentration the magus paces around a circle engraved in the snow, the staff in her hand occasionally flicking out to add a line or squiggle amid a growing pattern within the sphere, while amber-flecked eyes send wary, dark looks toward a patch of corrupted, twisted black ice nearby. Bozrah's place of death is not the most ideal location she'd like to test a theory, but it was the only one she and her escorts could agree upon, neither within or without the city limits.

A voice echoes across the snow from a point just beyond view. "Bloody snow. My boots are wet now." There was a pause, then a cry quickly muffled. A few moments of silence preceded the voice's return. "For heaven’s sake. Bloody lumpy terrain." Eventually, a figure, obviously not adapted to the climate stumbles into view. The elf, covered in snow, clothes dampened takes a moment to squint at his surroundings. Observing the large iron gates, he nods, "Well, this is the place... I guess." With sodden boots, the sullen figure begins to stomp moodily towards the hunting ground gates.

Satoshi’s runic carvings come to a pause seconds before the complaints are carried to her on the wind. Eyes unfocused as if their owner is lost in thought are turned toward the sounds, as vulpine ears and whiskers alike quiver in their personal endeavours to detect information on the unfamiliar tread being delivered to her in pulses through Frostmaw's snow. With her bound to the lands barricaded for the sake of her mind's safety, Satoshi can only garner basic details on the unknown approacher: a stranger, heavy of foot, and unused to moving across snow and ice. And, most important of all, no hint of corruption as would come with one of the despised Wraiths. It's this fact, over any of the others, which have Satoshi staring in the elf's direction with a half-smile on her face, not immediately welcoming but not hostile either. "There is a reason we say everything in Frostmaw will try to kill you. The land included. We're a particularly treacherous bunch to the unwary, traveller~," she calls out once he's visible, her melodic voice carrying easily through the chill air.

Ocano stops at the voice, turning around a little too fast and slipping on a patch of ice hidden beneath the drifts. With an 'oof' and a flurry of snow, the elf disappears from sight. Re-emerging a few moments later, he brushes himself off whilst squinting into the distance for the voice. Fortunately, it appeared to be not too far, the speaker simply being well adapted, blending into her environment. He raises a gloved hand, in a sort of weary wave. "Excuse me! You startled me. I'm looking for someone, can you help? Lady Satoshi. I was told that she lives somewhere in this gods-forsaken wasteland..." He takes a moment to once more glare at his surroundings, missing the warm comforts of his home.

Satoshi peers at the stranger with a curious gleam in her eyes, leaning her weight against the frost-encased staff she carries and offering him something of a crooked smile. "She does indeed live and rule here, yes," she answers evasively, with a glance toward the watching guards, "But she might be a tad offended if you called her beloved land 'god-forsaken'. Most especially as Frostmaw plays host to the God of War's shrine, and home to a regional deity as well~. What business do you have with her? It's a time of war, after all, so she's had diplomats, sell swords, and would-be assassins alike seeking audience. It makes folks jumpy, y'know."

Ocano quirks a brow, surveying the landscape. Why on earth would a deity settle here, he wondered to himself. Far too cold. "Really? Well. I'm not familiar with the area." He offers a smile as he begins to trudge his way towards her, so they needn't shout over the wind. He lowers his hood, revealing short, chestnut-coloured hair. His ears, characteristic of his race were red with chill. Across his face, he had wrapped a dark cloth to keep the wind from his face. As such, only his eyes peered back at the kit. "I'm a messenger. I have urgent news for her."

Satoshi eyes the reddened ears critically. "Unless you tend to your sodden self soon, your ears are going to fall off before you reach the gates yonder." The statement is spoken with a hint of amusement and a peculiar lilt that transforms it from words to lyrics. A faint azure glow comes from the staff in her hand then, as if in response to the musical remark, and absently she tightens her grip. "I can assist you there, if you wish. Frostbite and I are old friends, it's easy enough it away from you."

Ocano lifts a hand to an ear as they are mentioned. Now that she had mentioned it, they were sore. Then again most of his body was at this point in time. "That would be very gracious of you. Do you have lodgings here?" He asked, in hope of a respite from the cold. "Are you familiar with the Lady in question? Can you take me to her? It's a miracle I've found you. I'm totally lost out here."

Satoshi answers simply, "Yes." before turning on a heel and heading toward town. She doesn't look back to see if the elf is following, nor does she need to when she can feel his footsteps resonating in her very core. One of the guards silently departs his post to follow at an unobtrusive distance.

Ocano sighs inwardly. He was grateful for the help, but he couldn't help but feel that the mysterious stranger was deliberately being unhelpful. With a slight groan, the elf begins to follow her, stomping through the snow drifts, eyeing the guards as he passes.

Satoshi is mostly certainly being deliberately unhelpful, but considering she's the queen of the city that openly declared against the Time Lord, she needs this healthy dose of paranoia to keep herself alive. At least she's being helpful enough to guide the frozen elf to one of the few warm sections of Frostmaw, where he can thaw out amid nocturnal flowers and exotic statues. "Give yourself a moment, if the cold persists, I will call some of it away myself," she instructs before turning to face the stranger, expression curious once more. The following guard halts at the start of the path, his mass blocking most of the tunnel. "Does your urgent news concern the Leech, perhaps?"

Ocano wanders into the open space with barely concealed joy, a smile playing about his blue lips. The scent of flowers catches his nose, surprising him. He had not expected such fragrant foliage out in this environment. They must have been planted, he reasoned. Looking back, he quirks a brow as the huge guard blocks off the path. Turning to his company, he shrugs lamely, "I don't think so. It's not bad news. Just important." He smiles, rubbing his hands together in an attempt to stir some life into the frozen tips.

Satoshi said to you, "Then do tell, monsieur elfsicle~." With a flourish of the Xalious staff, the kit falls into a sweeping bow. When she straightens, she's all grins. "Satoshi Azakhaer, Lady of Frostmaw, Magus of Ice, and Minstrel of Balance, at your service~."

Ocano frowned at what he considered a rather crass way of addressing a clearly distressed man. However, as she introduces herself, his stomach gives way to a feeling of embarrassment. That'll explain the constant presence of the guard and her awareness of the Queen's schedule. With a bow in turn, he offers another weak smile. "My apologies again, milady. Had I known... I..." He clears his throat, remembering his purpose here. "Ahem. Lady Satoshi of Frostmaw, I bring you news of an awakening. It appears an ancient spirit is gaining in power. It claims to be able to see into the future, and into one's soul. I was tasked in spreading news of its arrival."

Satoshi greets the news with an unreadable expression, momentarily silent as she mulls over the words, and when she does speak, the words are quiet and slow with thought. "You say your message wasn't bad, so it is safe to assume this being is not one bent upon conquering and destruction? If that isn't its purpose, which makes it an abnormality from its kin, than does it have a purpose? Farseers are rare things indeed, I'll admit, so this has me intrigued. What information you have would be welcomed." Although she's careful to keep her face devoid of all but polite interest, beneath the surface the kit is aquiver with scholarly delight at the chance to meet a clairvoyant spirit.

Ocano nods formally, the discussion moving into a more diplomatic territory. "It said it's not seeking to harm. It appears it's been dormant for some centuries. It offers an answer to a question asked of it. For a price." He stops for a moment, thinking about his encounter with the dracolich. "Unfortunately, I don't know its exact location, as I imagine it didn't want me to know. It was dark though. Possibly a cave somewhere. However, I'm not sure it can be reached by physical means..."

Satoshi nods in return, still thoughtful. "That's more than I usually have to go off when trying to locate something. And," she winks in response to his last remark, her face splitting into a vulpine smirk, "good thing I have magical means at my disposal as well, eh~?"

Ocano smiles weakly in response to the wink. "Well. I imagine so. I think its presence has something to do with green lights. Flashes of them. At least, that's what I saw prior to my... abduction, you could say. I'm sorry I can't offer you any more information than this." Reverently, he bows his head again.

Satoshi said to you, "You've given me a fair bit of information, thank you." Ocano nods, feeling slightly awkward having delivered his message. He waited, with servant-like obedience, to either be addressed again or dismissed.

Satoshi hefts her staff, draping it over her right shoulder with the crackle of ice striking ice, before levelling her gaze on the elf once more. "You're free to stay here as long as you wish, but if you want more than warmth, I recommend making your way eastward along the road we crossed. It will lead you to the tavern, where a warm fire, hearty food, and potent mead are always available. Tell Drargon you're there on my orders, and he'll see to it you're properly tended to. But if you'll excuse me, it seems I have another meeting with a meddlesome dragon." Obviously, she keeps the source of her information about Firewing's arrival in Frostmaw to herself, not desiring to share that private bit, and enjoying the vaguely mysterious air it presents on her departure.