RP:Leave No Trace

From HollowWiki

Part of the Surface Tension Arc

Synopsis: After fleeing the Underdark, Skylei fears her party has been spotted by a mysterious drow lurking between Craughmoyle and Trist'oth. As fortune would have it, Skylei comes across a Feline Assassin she's met before and hires her for her services.

South Memorial Avenue

Skylei walks with a slight limp as she heads up Memorial Avenue into the ‘posh’ part of Cenril town. Naturally, the half-blood doesn’t make her home in Cenril’s snazzier districts and instead lives in a dodgy looking, dodgy smelling, all-in-all dodgy apartment block just of Arril Street; the heart of Cenril’s petty crimes and stabbings. Still, today Skylei has reasons to be heading out of stinky Cenril and into swish Cenril as she’s on the hunt for a decent healer. Her leg, recently beaten and bloody, has been sorted only by a patch job, and Skylei wants the real deal. Fancy healing, lights and magic! Still, at the pace she’s walking, it’ll take her the rest of the day to get there.

Winter is announced by that sound of a muffled scream form a nearby alley. Soon the small white feline would come into sight licking something off of her fingers. Best not to ask. AS usual the feline is dressed in all black. Black from the collar of her loose fitting shirt to the soles of her stylish boots. The black of her clothes serves to make her flawless alabaster skin and long snow white hair seem almost to glow. A second, very giddy, feline comes walking out behind her. This one is a touch taller and has short purple hair. Like the first she is dressed all in black. A black knee length dress and sensible black shoes. Hanging from her shoulder is a black satchel with a red stone on the flap. The second feline bounces a bit. “Mistress, that was beautiful as always. A little quick though. Are you not feeling well? You barely got your claws wet.” The assassin holds up a hand and turns to look at the limping elf. “It looks like there is someone else here, Kana.” She smiles and approaches the elf. “You look familiar, have we met before?” Kana runs up and whispers in Winter’s ear. Winter looks at the elf again. “I suppose it could be. Hard to tell as messed up as she looks.”

Skylei near enough jumps at the sound of the muffled scream. Common as that sound is in Cenril, she’s been on edge since she returned from the Underdark, looking for those who might seek to end her own life in much the same way as she can only assume Winter has ended some poor soul’s. As the pair approach, Skylei averts her gaze. She knows their sort… hell, she even recognises them. Best not get involved with a known drow killer when one is attempting to avoid the drow authorities. Then she hears them speak of her. Skylei scowls. Messed up? How rude. “We have met before when you, ever so rudely, plonked a drow’s head on my table.” Skylei is just about done with the exchange and goes to move on when a sudden thought strikes her, “Say though… you don’t happen to… be in the business do you? It’s just I have a friend who’s looking for someone to assist them with a problem.”

Winter examines her fingers and smiles as she spots a last drop of red on her white skin. Licking it off she shrugs. “I’m into pest control.” She chuckles. “I might be able to help your friend if said friend has the coin or something of interest to offer in exchange.” She smiles. “I don’t kill for free after all.”

Skylei pulls a face as Winter links blood off of her own skin. Gross. As for the matter of payment, “I merely needed to know if you were interested. There is, naturally sufficient payment in place for anyone who is able to successfully complete the task.” Skylei gestures off of the path towards a clump of trees that offer a little more privacy. “Shall we? I’d like to discuss details.”

Winter nods and gestures to the trees. “Cripples first.” She smiles sweetly with a touch of humor to her eyes. Kana suddenly gasps. “I forgot something.” She runs back into the alleyway. Winter watches her go with a shrug. “I wonder what she forgot?” The assassin walks over a few steps behind the half efl.

Winter clearly fancied herself a comedian. At that ever-so-not-so witty comment, Skylei throws daggers with her eyes and proceeds, slowly, until she is under the trees which she had gestured to. Once Winter had joined her, she would begin, “There is a drow in the outer reaches of the Underdark. I saw him patrolling the tunnels that lead between Trist’oth and Craughmoyle. Very tall, almost unnaturally so with hair a little more grey than your average drow. Dressed in all black with a pair of boots that were quite magnificent. When he walked he didn’t make a sound, despite of the rocks beneath his feet.” Skylei cares little for where Kana had gone. She’s not the one she’s doing business with after all.

Winter leans against a tree as the half elf talks. She listens quietly. “Well that sounds like a fun time poking around in the dark. Not a problem though. I can hunt in the dark.” Kana comes waling back over with a long piece of braided hair. There are jewels interwoven throughout it. “I’ll have to sit down with it to get all the stones untangled.” She stuffs it into the satchel. Winter looks at her. “You went back for the hair jewels?” Kana nods. “she said you could have all her valuables. I wouldn’t want to forget something of yours in the alley.” Winter chuckles. “Well we couldn’t have that.” She looks back to the elf. “What’s the pay?”

“A thousand now, should you choose to accept. And then another two-thousand when he’s dead -and- you bring me proof; those boots I mentioned should do the job. I don’t need to keep them though, I just want to see them on the surface.” Skylei wishes to get this encounter over with as quickly as possible. It’s been a long while since she engaged with assassins on the street and besides, her leg is really quite sore. She needs a sit down, “What do you say? Are you interested or nay?” Skylei holds her hand out to the feline, hoping to seal the deal.

Winter looks at that hand for a few moments. She wasn’t considering the deal, that sounded fine. She was just deciding whether or not she wanted to touch the elf. She finally sighs and takes the offered hand. “Done. Do you have a time window you want these boots in?” she pulls back her hand quickly. Didn’t want the scent of an injured creature to linger around her. It’s a certain mix of things that leaves the distinct idea in the air that it might be fun to kill this. Not that she wanted to. She had just finished killing someone and this injured creature had a job for her.

Skylei nods, offers a single shake and takes back her hand as quickly as Winter takes back her own. “As soon as possible.” She scribbles down her address onto a piece of paper and hands it to Winter, along with a purse full of coin. “Ask for Helena. I’ll be sure to expect you.” That said, Skylei moves away. She has no desire to spend any more time frequenting with assassins. Especially the ones that smell of death.

Winter watches the elf walk away then absently tosses the purse towards Kana, who catches it and sticks it in the bag. “Well I guess I have something to do now. Might as well be off.” She starts off down the street with the intent to start on towards craughmoyle.