RP:Joan Learns A Lesson

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Synopsis Joan travels out to Rynvale to try to catch Lora to deliver a medical/healer novice kit to the other woman as a welcome gift into the healer's guild, while there she takes a look over Leoxander's scars and offers to try to shrink the mass of scars. While there Arlyeon and Lita show up.

The Governor's Residential Villa

Loravelle may not smoke often, but the scent of whatever he had in that pipe was pleasant enough for her to at least breathe in some of the smoke if it wafted her way once Leo does allow for her to break their kiss to inhale. Forget the crossbow, she wanted more time with him like this. But observing him inspect it and gauging whether or not he approved of what she bought was important too. “We can?” Lora perks up at the notion of visiting a range. A walk through Larket brings to mind other ideas, likely similar to Leo's. “Maybe after a bit of practice,” she teases, though she can't help but wonder. If she did manage to wield a crossbow with the level of skill and accuracy Leo had with his compound bow, could she stomach shooting someone? Killing them? The thought leaves her chewing on her bottom lip for a time, but eventually, she speaks up again. “What's your thought? I was,” Lora realizes her thought is potentially just as dangerous, but her grey eyes shift northward while she tries to smooth out her hair a little with a hand. “I was thinking maybe I could try hunting eventually. In the forest.”

Leoxander nodded along but connected the dot she’d missed. “Larket’s got one oa’ the better ranges on the outskirts of town to th’ north, all dirt and stone and steal. An’ if anyone happens to be using it, there could be a reason why. Might let me figure with it a bit.” He could already tell the tension was too tight for her to control just starting, even if she had some training in the past. “You still plannin’ to get Jim of her to fix up the apothecary? You’ll have a hoard of herbists to share t’ hobby with. Speakin’ o’ which, got another blood-sealed parchment from Enchantment. You’ll have to open it, jus’ in case.” About then he looked up from Lora, across the waves and shoreline, picking up on something, or someone.

Loravelle;; “They do?” She's been to Larket only once, while drunk, so the memory isn't very clear. While Leo works at her crossbow, she nods at the mention of her father. “He's bringing plants for the garden too.” The thought brings a smile to her face. Much like when they stood in the rogue's place in Gualon, Lora can't help thinking the words Leo uttered at that time, though not perfectly. It's all coming together here. “There's more from Enchantment? Where?” It must be somewhere far away from Leo, maybe their entire house. She could read it aloud for him. Hopefully, it wasn't an invitation to visit again...

Joan made her way down the sandy beach path; the vampiric healer had a few items tucked under one vested arm as she looked about for Leo and Lora's villa. She was pretty sure she saw them leave Lita's own villa for the one next to it, so she thought it was the one nearby. She pauses next to the first one, it did look rather grand so she thought it could be the couple, the only way to know was to trot up towards it calling out as she came close, "Hello, sorry I'm super new to this island would this be Leoxander and Loravelle's villa?! If not...could you point me out the right one I'm totally sorry for the interruption."

Leoxander heard Joan’s call right about the time he started looking around but had managed to respond to Loravelle’s mention and question. “Good, maybe some o’ it will take to take the island, here. And it’s at the shipwrights. We can pick it up but if it’s another g’damn party I ain’t goin’.” The vampire’s introduction rang out and Leo put a finger to his lips at Lora before activating the medallion on the chain around his neck. Picking up the unloaded crossbow, his shape blurred and darkened and took over the weapon to make him more of a silhouette suddenly jumping into Joan’s line of sight with a precise aim, ready to prank her. Until… two long-limbed and strange mutts took a moment from their wildlives, bellies full, to full-throated roar-bark as they loped toward the villa. “(Curse).” The silhouetted faded and the much smaller weapon aimed was identified to be a smaller projectile shoot he’d aimed like a shoulder cannon. “Lora, kids need a bath.” Which would probably be a romp in the ocean since this was their morning. Not that there wasn’t sand tracked in across the floors every day.

Loravelle hoped whatever plants her father brought along would survive not only the ferry across but also in the garden she started to put together for their home. But that could wait. She's far too worried about the possibility of a letter from Enchantment that might be an invitation and dreads having to read it. Until she figured out some kind of cure for pixie dust, that place had to be entirely off-limits. Just as she's about to reiterate her desire to create some pixie dust antidote for Leo, the sound of Joan's voice is heard, and she shrinks back a little, surprised that they had a guest so late that night. The finger to Leo's lips further silences her, but a sharp inhale of breath might be audible at least to him when he disappears from view. Then the boys start barking, and Lora moves to fetch them at Leo's cue. “Grim, Git, no. Sorry, Miss Joan,” she shouts over their barking, and along the way, she cheerily waves at Joan. “C'mere!” The long-limbed twins seem to understand commands better now, but they still bark at the vampire healer while trotting off behind Mom to the water. It was a little late for a swim, but that wasn't going to stop her from wading out into the shallows with Grim and Git.

Joan:: The vampiric healer would offer a polite tilt of her head as she spotted the dark silhouette seen upon the porch, tho her polite look became one of surprise by the way she had both amethyst eyebrows arched up towards her hairline as she spotted the weapon aim towards her being, her hands would be thrown up in an 'I give up don't shoot' manner', she could have done something, but since she was just a visitor she'd play by the guest rules and not try to attack to defend herself...honestly Joan would have just tossed the portable healer/field medic kit towards the volley if it had been shot at her and then...fled under the aid of her supernatural speed and agility. That loud roar-like bark causes the vampiric healer to quickly step out of the way as the two large dogs lop towards that villa, she now pretty much was sure was Leoxander's and Loravelle's. She waits for the large two beasts to lop past her before dropping her arms, the medic/healer starter kit would have dropped into the sand near her feet, and she would bend to pick it up and dust it off before asking the old salty sea wolf if it was safe to approach now while offering a passing pleasant nod to Lora as she passed. "I got something for you from the Healer's guild once you get back." Joan would call after the smaller woman before offering a rather not amused look towards Leo. "Yeah...not amused by that Leoxander, thanks for the mild heart attack, well it would have been one should I had still been alive." She made a face as she would come up towards the porch now.

Leoxander wasn’t expecting Lora to just take care of the two, but they did have a different relationship with ‘mom’. She was the one who gave him treats and pets and made them smile with their beady eyes closed away as absorbing the sunlight and salty air. They were not partial to dark out of the darkness - Leo had never seen one until the day they found both - but they were adjusting and shedding their thick coats for the heat of summer. “Aw c’mon, healer. You’re made a’ stronger stuff than that. I half worried I was gonna get zapped a second time. You wanna come in for a drink?” A look toward the back and he openly called just loud enough that the waves would not drown out his voice. “Babe, get inside. I’ll light a fire.” That ever-present paranoia since their last visit to what was Frostmaw.

Loravelle isn't really helping the twin maned wolves bathe so much as she's swimming in the water nearby until they both tire of the sea and trot back out, stopping to shake the water from their fur before bounding up to the house and indoors. Lora follows immediately after, eager to get out of the cold water and into dry clothes. The promise of fire only has her walking faster while she wrings out her hair, the braid it's usually held in nowadays undone. She doesn't head for the living room where she presumes Leo, Joan, and the pups will be, but instead hurries upstairs to change before returning downstairs. Lora didn't miss Joan's comment about something from the Healer's Guild, and naturally, she's curious, but it's hard for the woman to believe that someone would travel out this way just to see her. There must be something important on the mainland going on that Leo needed to know about, and she'd keep quiet for the two to chat just in case. Almost. She couldn't be rude and not at least make pleasantries with their guest. As she moves to settle on the couch and shoo Git away from jumping onto it with sandy and damp fur, Lora asks, “How have you been, Joan?

Joan wrinkled up her cute pert nose at Leo's comment, she honestly did not think these people would want the kind of stronger stuff the vampiric healer was made of...that was her dark past anyways, onwards and upwards to this new rather easy and pleasant life, with a shake of her head she wouldn't zap the old salty sea wolf if she could help it, she might like to a little too much. She would take the offer for a drink, "Bourbon neat please." Her attention was taken by the smaller woman as she came to join her and Leo, Joan had dusted off the bits of sand from the kit before she presents this to Lora with a small flourish. "Decent, but I'm here to deliver these kits. Here you go Novice Loravelle, take this with my compliments and proper welcome into the guild. I came out here tonight to try to track you and that big bear fellow down after I made the weekly resupply trip out to the clinic and herbal shop here. One of you three can take over the duties once you rank up." She offers a small, fanged smile to the smaller woman as Joan moved close by as she made a 'go ahead' gesture to Lora so she can open up and look over the basic novice healer kit. "By the way...I told Kasyr that should he need to come to you Leo if he needed to ask about my loyalty. Well, you and Zahrani. I mean she wouldn't willingly work with a bad evil person." She nods pretty sure of her faith in the feline paladin.

Leoxander had always fit his life in a bag and a box, just another reason for the lack of care when it came to clothing. At least he could afford to get a few tailored casual clothes and some repairs from her sisters to torn armor, which he hadn’t seen yet but pled for minimal. So tonight, it was the barefoot, sand-dusted, and time-worn jeans that were actually blue, but coulda have been black, the infamous lucky shirt that had been stitched and washed, a worn white tank top that showed arm ink clearly and peaks of black below. As well as that skin tree spilling over his shoulder. Priority was that fire, but he welcomed the vampire in trusting her, motioning toward the small breakfast bar that probably served more bar than breakfast, but it had a nice view. Every window had that luxury. "Y’know I hear nobody makes their perfect drink bu’ the one drinking it.” Hint hint. He wasn’t much of a host, putting the company to work, but house walls wouldn’t change his straight-to-the-mark behavior. By the time Lora was returning to that living and dining area he was standing up from a crackling brightening fire already flickering brighter than candle or oil lights could, stretching his back, because despite aging slowly and regenerating with wolf blood, he still put his body through a ringer every other day and this ache was probably from sleeping and lounging for two. “You know Kas’ an’ I go way back. Cabal days. But I need’a speak with him one on one or at least someplace quiet. He’s always been to himself, but he’s made it too obvious he’s holdin’ back a lot of secrets.” Coincidentally, his eyes caught light to flash amber like a flip or wink of a penny, returning to the sea blue with an orb of green sometimes appearing to float over the tops of his lenses.

Leoxander said to you, "I've saw that Zarini lady. Think I knew her father."

Joan said to Leoxander, "Great! And no... I don't know much about Kasyr...I only met him personally a couple of times and each time nightery me or him traded more than the normal pleasant greetings and small talk."

Loravelle happily takes the kit Joan presents to her. “Oh, thank you,” but before she can open it and take a look at its contents, Git drops his head right into her lap, sniffing curiously at what Joan handed to her. “No, go lay down with Grim.” The one-eyed twin was comfortable by the fire, but Git didn't want to listen just yet. Lora holds the kit overhead until the maned wolf takes the hint and dramatically flops to his side on the floor by the fire. Once she's deduced that Git is actually settled and not going to rush back toward her, she opens up the kit. Some items she recognized immediately, but others she isn't so sure about. At least not yet. While Lora carefully repacks everything inside, she's tempted to get on the floor by the twins so she's closer to the fire. Instead, she opts for the comfort of the couch, drawing her legs up onto it so she could get more comfortable. The kit is set directly beside her. “You know Kasyr?” She asks Joan but looks to Leo. “Were you both Cabal with him?”

Joan got up and moved to the small bar, giving Leo a look that seem to say 'Come on, honestly you can't pour a straight shot of bourbon...' Joan grasp at the bourbon bottle, pull the cork, and tip the bottle to pour into a glass, she would then swirl it around in her held glass and, the bottle is returned to its place as she left the cork off to allow it to air and breath, with a look towards the Lycan she takes small sips, allowing the flavor to roll about on her tongue and travel in her mouth before swallowing. "No, I have only ever been with the Umbral Council since I came to the mainland about six years ago." She offers a nod to the kit Lora set near her, "That is yours, even if you for some reason leave the guild. There should be basic medical and healing tomes at your local clinic, and you are free to take them home to study, we can resupply anything lost, damaged or stolen." Her voided light violet gaze caught the change in iris color on Leo and her eyes did notice the branched-out scars she could see visibly peeking out from his shirt. "Hmm...I can take care of you and probably make those scars fainter. It would help out Lora in one of her first lessons about restorative magic which is my specialized area of study. I just recently made Journeyman rank. Meaning I'm trusted to be independent." She chuckles as she was pretty much always independent as she was a necromancer first and foremost...she had an unfair advantage when she started out in the healer's guild, she had spent all that time with her fellow undead and such and had all that private study time.

Arlyeon has decided to be a pox upon this household. Or something. Really, she's just looking for a place to crash this evening, and now seemed as good a time as any to make her continued existence known. "Hey! Hey! I know ja in there!" She does not, in fact, know this. But that doesn't stop her from kicking the door and stubbing her toe. Maybe she should try the lock? Maybe she should pick the lock. "Uh. Scratch that, s'all good. I got dis." Because potentially breaking into someone's house in the wee hours of the night isn't grounds to be shot to death with a crossbow, surely.

Leoxander | Chee, (Leo was the one who called them Git and Grim), was the more subdued of the two and would never disrespect the kind woman who was one of the alphas of their little pack. They normally would hide away in the forest with a mate or maybe one other of their kind, but obviously, these two had adapted very well to this life and two brothers became one as they curled and tangled close as they instinctively did to stay alive and be found. Watching Lora, it was almost as if the rogue anticipated her move, and once he was on the couch with one foot propped on a low carved table, he swiveled an oil lantern on a lamp post to give her human eyes some assistance but make his own shine again. Pulling Loravelle’s legs over his lap, Joan could claim her other side, while he lounged in the corner of that seating helping to radiant some warmth in the room with Lycan body heat. “I was in there with Kasyr. An’ Shi.” For years… “He’s been different since the ice witch left.” His left hand, branded and not wrapped for once since he was at home squeezed reflexively at the mention of the ice witches’ name. But he wasn’t about to give away any secrets he did have about his friend that he knew Kas wouldn’t want to be shared. He quieted, and observed at the two discussed the supplies and then the matter of healing. It didn’t hurt it anymore, so it shouldn’t matter. A scar had never bothered him before, but it was less vanity and other thoughts that had him hesitate on a reply. “I figure ointment won’t do much, but what d’ya think?” He looked to Lora to weigh her opinion. He could give nine hells how he looked but with his new little tattoo-addicted lover, he was going to need more skin. When he opened his mouth to continue, he probably just scented and realized a second before her announcement of arrival, Trix was at play. “‘Ey!” His bark was sharp enough to make both Chee and Jee lift their heads and ‘wuff’, but a low growl from the bigger wolf in the room quieted them to grumbles. “You break my damn door it’s gonna have a nice red hide stretched over it. Good in th’ cold weather.”

Joan made a face as Lora seemed to excuse herself and slip upstairs, she needed another healer about to teach and show, and with a heavy exhale the vampire would offer Leo a look as she gave a rolling shrug of her shoulders. He was the victim...erm patient, they could call it or keep on. It was up to the man and Joan said as much aloud.

Arlyeon winced at the bark, though it didn't do much to abate the not-exactly shame-faced grin that had crept over her face, "Aye, Aye, Cap'n. Windows, it'll be." She wouldn't, would she? Well, no. Being part of the flock meant she'd demonstrate good behavior while on the island. Read, 'Good' and not 'Best'. After all, what better way to demonstrate some of the tricks she'd been acquiring underneath Lanlan's tutelage, than the sound of glass breaking, and the dull thud of something like a stone. It's a pretty specific noise, really- and one the Foxkin has done numerous times. And yet, there's a -very- minimal amount of property damage this time around, if only because that particular phenomenon is strictly limited to the noise. There'll be no broken glass, nor incriminating cinderblock- because the entire din, the whole of that intrusive cacophony, is just a bit of illusionary nonsense. A perfect bit of bait to bring a fuming Leo forward. All so Ina, now swiftly shifting to the guise of a fox, can dart inside the moment the doors open. She has a horrible reputation to maintain, after all. And some investigating to do, given Joan's scent is a fair bit unfamiliar.

Lita has come with gifts. Or a gift. Most of one. An opened bottle of rum that was probably full before Mahri had gotten ahold of it. She ignores the etiquette of knocking, doubting that Leo is any kind of indisposed with Joan and Ina around, two people whose scents she at least recognizes as of late. Barefoot as usual, she's dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Not her usual style, but since Mahri had officially moved into the beach house, she's been enjoying some of the perks. Good thing she's got the rum, 'cause she catches the sound of glass breaking and raises the bottle over her head as if it's some weapon she can use to clobber- someone? Except there's just a little orange blur darting towards the door and then inside as she's opened it. Since she hadn't bothered knocking and all. "What the" mumbled under their breath as she makes her way inside, looking about for said critter-thing. She hasn't even started drinking yet! She closes the door behind her and heads through the house to find the pirate and company. "I brought presents." She says, swishing the bottle before handing it towards Leo. "Just the rum. The other thing was here already." Probably. Lita offers Joan a nod and a playful wink before glancing around, looking for someone else... something... oh crap. Leo was gonna kill her.

Leoxander seemed to recognize Joan’s uncertain look and somehow it translated perfectly, so he shrugged and murmured, “I’d rather she be here, bu’ as much as I dislike magic, she’s not a fan after seeing what it can do.” They’d met at a tournament and reunited a year later for one he was not prepared for, but it was a fickle loss that left no bitter taste. The truer loss of land or a friend or sanity, those were the contests where he could not lose. He didn’t bother to get up to stop Arly or warn her further, but for all the thought she had twisting up in that prank fill mind, his limit was probably one she was itching to break but knew better not to. The shattering glass had the mongrels barking again, having already forgotten their alpha’s command, or deciding this was an actual threat to sound the alarm or two guttural voices screaming deep, roaring barks in the direction of the nose. The fox’s plan had two flaws, maybe three. Irritating the Captain who did not bother to get up from his lazy lounge on the couch. And thanks to Lita providing entrance to a little fox creature that was not green or hers, the shapeshifter likely hadn’t counted on two nearly full growl wild dogs that might mimic the critters' colors in coat, but with those lengthy legs (which they were on eight giant paws, now) and the mohawk of manes down their back, they were definitely not vulpine. Or wolf, really. He watched Arly’s next move and the frozen, waiting pose of the two canine hunters, and tilted his head back to look in Lita's direction. “Hey, pretty. Where have you been all night?” He teasingly made it seem like he was talking to Lita’s +1, the bottle, rather than her, but half grinned through it. Luckily Trix had come along with him in a decent mood.

Joan was not uncertain, she just offered that rolling shrug as a way to say, 'Your choice dude.' And it seems he made it, as the ruckus started Joan had already got up and moved to position herself behind the dirty blonde maned male Lycan. She was here to do her duty, and the rolling blur of Arlyeon just have the vampire laughing aloud. The maned wolves were given a look but once it seemed they would not do more than sit up and bark the undead woman went to work. "Take off your shirt please, I need to see and examine the rest of the damage. Once I go to set my hands on you, you will feel an icy chill, very mild as I work my magical energies to slowly draw in the scar tissue as a whole, I'm going to speed up years of natural healing, as that is what your body does natural over time to make the scars thin and begin to fade." As Lita makes her appearance the vampiric healer would offer a nod to her fellow vampire healer, cause well Lita was also a novice healer in the guild. Now Joan had someone else to show what she was doing! She'd call Lita over to her and Leo.

Arlyeon has made a terrible miscalculation. Which isn't saying much, in the grand scheme of things. That said, this was one of the few instances where her reaction isn't an awkward joke or more malarky- but rather, something more instinctive, her forefront lowering even as she keeps her eyes on both the dogs sizing her up. As this stand-off continues, she's barely able to suppress the growl in her throat, though the same can't be said for the way her twin tails flick back and forth like serpents. That is until they bunch together as she sprints towards- a wall? Yet, if someone was familiar with fox hunts, they might be familiar with the nimble manner in which they might bound off a tree- something Ina uses to promptly dive under the nearest piece of narrow furniture, so she can cower in peace. And sulk.

Lita knows better than to try and interrupt the hounds if they're about to give chase. She side-steps out of their line of sight and leans over the back of the couch to hand Leo the bottle. "Are you kidding? Had to pry that out of Mah's fingers." She teases. "I swear, she coul' drink you under a table." She offers Leo a wink this time, eyeing Joan's work. Lita didn't consider herself a healer so much as a stop-gap field medic as a last resort. Which had come in a lot more handy when she'd worked on her own in the past. She wrinkles her nose a bit, knowing Joan prefers a route that involves a more magical approach, and she steps away towards a vacant chair nearer the fire instead. "I'll enjoy the view from here, thanks." Leo shirtless, that is. Never one to pass up a good show. She's distracted by a little fox bounding under her chair though, and seeing as how she has no desire to be fighting off hungry pups, she reaches beneath the chair to try and scoop the fox out, holding the critter around the belly and over her forearms the way a child would. "We should get you a little bell!" She coos in what she hopes is some annoying satire. "A cute little collar with a bell! But we'll make it fancy. Classy, 'cause you're a lady."

Leoxander always tensed up when people positioned themselves behind his back, but he tried to swallow that die-hard instinct and managed to stay relatively relaxed, working on opening the bottle Mahri sampled. “She was jus’ testin’ it for poison, I’m sure.” He sent a smirk Lita’s way. At Joan’s request, it seemed the other ladies would be getting a show, but the werewolf could afford or didn’t bother with modesty, and peeled his lucky shirt over his head, lifting his back from the corner cushions to do so and planting his elevated boot on the ground. Just a lot of tattoos and scars on his upper torso, save the lightning-bold remnants that looked like the patterns of a fur tree, or blurry tree of heaven. Close as he’d ever get. No blades strapped to his ribs but a simple if somewhat intimidating hunting knife with a leather case still on the belt that kept loose denim appropriately covering, He stayed leaning forward with his arms on his knees, the bottle shared Lita’s way after a long drink. As for the brothers Grim (and Git), this creature was strange, but then, so were they. Git, or Chee was the one lower to the ground nose bouncing curiously at Ina’s scent. Grim, the older sibling by minutes and missing an eye, was not looking quite as playful, and took a step forward with head high but gradually lowering toward the foxkin’s nose. “Speakin’ a’ Ma’, haven’t seen her in a while but I’m glad she didn’t see this. We don’t need any more dead wildlife than we already got. Found those two in a pit. Likely Gamorg runnin’ out of bones or anyone willin’ to trade.” Leoxander ^ bolt

Joan waited patiently for Leo to remove his shirt, while he did the vampiric healer would get out her small portable bottle of sanitizer and antiseptic. First, she cleaned her hands with the sanitizer then wipe her hands clean with a small bar towel she snagged from the nearby bar. She would next spread a good amount over the back of Leo's exposed flesh then wipe it off, followed by smearing that antiseptic next. It would cut down any infection that may try to grow. Tho when it was magical healing there wasn't much of a chance of infection, but it was better to be overly prepared than caught with one's pants down. In a quick searching probing manner, her icy pale figures spread out and trace over the scars the undead woman now poured her dark purple aura magic into what seemed the point of impact. As her magic was channeled down into the scar tissue they would begin to draw inwards pulling into thinner lines, in mere minutes the damage is lessened and less noticeable. Breathing out a exhale Joan would allow her chilly energy to seek out any other smaller aches and pains that had bothered the Lycan, easing them hopefully. Drawing it to a close Joan would run her fingers over the smaller faint scars, her magical energies flaring out from the corners of her eyes, smoking up and out to disappear into the air as she withdrew her hands from Leo's back, it was all done in a rather impersonal manner, nothing against the rather dashing looking Lycan but Joan was very clinical when it came to her medical treatments, and Leo already knew this from their one other time after his duel against Shishi. "Roll your shoulders and back, do a few side-to-side twists from the hips, and let me know how you feel. If you have a mirror close by, I would ask you to look over and examine the work done."

Arlyeon paws wiggle in protest for a few moments, before she simply ragdolls in the vampire's grasp- her sulking only compounded by a pout that seems extremely out of place on the fox's otherwise feral-looking form. "Ya jus' wanna see me inna collar. I know a type." That defiant murmur is about the best she can muster, a secondary bout of wriggling and squirming ensuing so that she can better assert her dominance. Mostly, by taking up Lita's lap, doing the requisite amount of kneading, and then circling it twice over before she just collapses in a clingy heap. It's only from this position of questionable superiority, that she ...realizes she's uncomfortable close to eye level with Grim. At this juncture, Lita is just stuck with Ina, given she's dug in like an entrenched soldier, and will adhere even if the vampire stands up.

Lita shakes her head a little at the offer of that bottle back. Rum wasn't her drink of choice. She'd leave that to Mahri and Leo to indulge in. She eyes the ink, she always does. She'd been chewing on a possible new piece for herself as of late. It's been a while since her last one. "We've both been busy I reckon." She says without elaborating. "But I'm sure Mah'd appreciate a visit from yah. She likes the hammock almost as much as you do." She offers. She is more than willing to let the little Trix-fox invade her lap. It's almost cute. No one tells her that! She reaches a handout to scratch at Grim's head between the ears as he ventured closer towards the comfy creature. "Don't eat it while it's on my lap?" She asks the pup nicely. He could eat it later when it wasn't peaceful and blessedly quiet. She leans back into her chair then, scratching absently at the fox's back without disturbing its slumber. She watches Joan work. "Finally decide to get the scars healed over?" She asks of Leo then.

Leoxander slight winces given, some for soreness in muscles others just because of the sensation that potent smelling antiseptic over her skin, her hands unfamiliar though she’d healed him after fighting Shi. It was the magic that caused the hair at the back of his neck and stubble shadowing his features to stand on end. And he was tense through it while she shrank that overgrown ‘tree’ into a shrub, but the way she eased the usual pains along with him had the rogue letting go of a long exhale, his eyelids heavier for a moment before he opened them and reached for the bottle he was sharing with his co-command. “I dun’ like this one.” He glanced up quietly to make certain Lora was mumbling singing in her sleep as she tended to do sometimes but lowered his voice, nonetheless. “I got an idea for a tattoo I wanna surprise ‘er with, an’ I’m running out of room. I’ll lose most of the rights, been burned and charred, and no point tryin’ to fix it. I don’t need them, anymore.” After a drink, he followed the doctor’s orders and shifted in the way he was told to, shoulder blades mostly only scarred with ruined skin that would acquire freckles in the sun before long. Looking back at Ace and Trix, he just shook his head, holding that bottle until she motioned for it and probably helping himself to a couple of sips, in the meantime. “If you could keep her that calm all the time…” Well, then she wouldn’t be who she was. Distracted for a moment, he blinked at the quickness and painlessness of it all. Even though he knew what she could do with that necromantic magic. “We done already?”

Joan stood back to look over her work while putting away her two mini bottles back into her portable kit. "Yup, I'm working on making skin look healed and whole, so when I do let loose a hoard of dead they won't look like the shambling dead, more like they were their once everyday selves minus any big gaping wounds. I mean...would you let a patched easy-to-spot zombie near you chew on you? No, but would you let old Bill next to you if he seemed whole and like himself? That you think...he just had a faint or a heart problem but after a few moments of rest...he raises back up in a normal manner before he attacks you into a struggle hug moaning on about 'brains' before nibbling away on you?! Ha." She'd offer a full friendly smile...don't hate the player hate the game of life being unfair you know what!

Leoxander looked back toward Lita to add in an extra thought. “When you two tie the knot or figure out how to not bite each other to death, it’ll be my gift.” Tenebrae had been a vampire but… not the sort to deal in blood. Still, he knew the difficulties. Interrupting his own words was the sudden flare of light that caused him to jump, suck in a breath through his teeth, and quickly grab his lucky shirt to wrap the binding tight. Perhaps triggered by something she’d done. It would be very possible for Joan, cool as her touch might be, to feel uncomfortably warm like she’d drawn some of the lycanthrope heat from his core. For those who knew him, they would not be expecting Leo to own a mirror, as he’d always had a very difficult time looking at himself. But y’know. Girls. The sisters had given far more than they would use but there was one somewhere, nearby, gold or platinum framed one on a wall if he could be coaxed to make all those near dozen steps. “Just make sure they’re on our side…” He murmured sarcastically to her undead army. Though he wouldn’t put it passed her should the world hit another war, and… it seemed about due. Still, Joan snagged a small chuckle from a pit of rare laughter with her remarks. If Mahri were there, it would have been a perfect time for a hunt. But as it were, relaxing like this with top-shelf rum in hand was damn near as good, looking for the table or the couch to rest his bare feet, holding his left hand close behind the bottle he used to cool it. “Lora’s heading to the shipwright tomorrow to get a missive from enchantment. An’ if it’s somethin’ useful, you an’ another have gotta go in my stead. I can be close, if needed, and have some scouts lined up for chaining messages, but I don’ even know what it says, yet. I ain’t openin’ that –.” A loud pop in the fire as the wood shifted and spewed a couple of harmless embers censored the for him. Leoxander looked and spoke to Lita at that last bit. He never spoke her real name around others who didn't know, and if Joan did - force of habit. Leoxander hadn't ignored Lita's question on the tattoo. He had a couple of sketches started but needed her help.

Joan had busied herself with taking care of the now sticky and dirty bar towel she used, a moment she'd wobbled in place as she felt the sizzling rush of warm energy rebounding through her from the magically healing on Leoxander, damn he was a Lycan after all and undead energies never would mix well with that of the Lycan ones. She'd run her finger along her shirt collar as that icy pale flesh flushed with color for once in a very long time, if it was possible there would seem to be steam rising off her, but Joan was a semi-elder vampire, she could handle the aftereffects, just reaching down into her core to pull that chilled dead energy outwards, chasing away the warmth. "Sure, uh...is there a bathroom nearby?" She asks now fanning her flushed cheeks, water felt like it was needed to splash on her skin. Once she was directed in the direction, she'd take off that way in a hurry.

Lita blinks up at Joan a moment after that comment about Bill. "Wait... is he... still going to eat you?" She can't help a smile at the thought. Considering the recent political happenings, they might not be far from that very thing happening, and yet. "Maybe the pretty part shouldn't be the deciding factor? Maybe the... brains part..." She grins faintly and scratches at the fox's chin in her lap when it shifts and snores a little. Good thing she didn't have a drink just then. Otherwise, the pirate's comment about tyin' the knot would have her spittin' it all over Lora's new floors. She was sharing shorts. That was a big step for her. She's just grateful he changes the subject, even if he skips over the tattoo question for now, she'd bring it up again later. Lita watches Joan for a moment, ready to spring up in case the woman seems about to keel over entirely. Lita points towards the washroom, waiting for her to head off before looking to the pirate again to continue (not that she doesn't trust Joan, just still getting to know the healer). "No worries on Enchantment. Me an' Mah can go. It'll be a nice break from Vailkrin anyway." She sighs softly. In no way was she looking forward to another one of these political missives but if she was going to suffer through another one, she dang sure wasn't going alone. Misery-loving company and all. "Got most stuff lined up for the beach bash coming up too. Just need you to park a couple of boats offshore so we can show off some aerials and run a few boat tours. I'm thinking one royal-naval-themed and the other less-official-" (ahem, pirates) "-then Trix can run some fireworks display between the cannons between 'em. Put on a big show for the finale and all. Otherwise, it'll be mostly the same as last year. Food, drinks, pony rides, and sandcastles at your wife's request." Of course. "After Enchantment and the bash, I'm taking a vacation. Got my eyes on some new ink of my own. Hopin' you or Meri can work some magic in that regard."

Leoxander felt the anxiety before Joan could even ask the question, looking her way. “Are you a’right?” That he could be made to get up for. And as for Lita’s reaction, her bare feet would probably appreciate the sand dragged in and out through the day. “You should take Lora’ if you can. She’s never gotten to enjoy it because of me. I don’t even need to tell you I trust you and Mah’ to take care of her, bu’ she’s also workin’ her ass off to fit in and be useful.” Approaching Joan as she rushed to the washroom, which was fancy for Leo in the sense there was a big, petrified oak and marble tub and a section for showering, basins, towels, and such still in bags and boxes but the mirror was up, of course. Lora had been painting but it was still a pretty open shell of an estate that would far more than he would ever need, but he had a crew, a pack, his family, and a soon-be wife to think about. Not to mention he was overdue a place to finally call home. “See, I knew somethin’ was gonna go wrong…” He spoke to both at the washroom door, be it open or shut, not wanting to deprive her privacy but wanting to make sure she didn’t have a bad reaction. “One time we all hated each other, but that was before I was bit. We push bloody nature trying to do stunts like this…” In so many ways, Leo craved his humanity, and knowing the suffering, couldn’t convince himself to even think about turning Lora. Of course, he wouldn’t have survived many of his encounters, particularly the one they gave him to the ocean for, afterward.

Lita nods at Leo from her seat. She's less inclined to stand, with the fox on her lap and the pup still nearby, and seeing Leo's got it handled (as much as it can be, likely) anyway. She doesn't envy Joan and whatever magic happenings might be going on in her. She had her own opinions about magic, most of which she tended to keep to herself since she understood Joan and others wanting only to help. And she couldn't be mad about that. "I don' mind takin' Lora, o'course." She manages. "Def'ly safer than the last meeting, I hope." She scratches again at Grim's head as the pup lays his head on her knee. He might be growing on her some. "People like you an' her'd be pushin' the bounds of nature one way or another." She says with a brief smirk. It's a compliment, really.

Leoxander, in the time it took Joan to respond, he replied to Lita. “I don’ wanna hide her away from the monsters. She’s tougher than she’s been trained to act.” Everyone saw his fiancé as a delicate flower, and he liked that. But he also knew more about her to know she was a survivor and underestimate her entire life, serving others and made to feel worthless, until now. Even seeing the excitement in that crossbow, he needed more work than he led on two, she was a rogue at heart. And as for the way Git had managed to become able clingable entity to the animal whisperer of the island, Lita could expect plenty of visits on her territory morning and night. They preferred to be nocturnal, but most importantly they’d had been given the mantra Leo strove to make known: ‘You are Free.’ Ironic he was part of the government, now, but that belief would not die in Rynvale.

Joan had not bothered to close the door once she shouldered it open in her rush to reach a nearby facet or shower, steaming now visible rose up off Joan's flesh, the lingering warm Lycan energy fought with the chill cool of dead energy in the healer but Joan would wave off the Lycan as she flipped on the shower, stepping into the tub fully clothed as she let out a loud groan of pain, ducking under the chilled water that streamed down over her soaked form. "It's fine...lesson learned, don't do that again until I have more skill and practice with smaller magical healing on Lycans. Build up that whole tolerance." Her eyes closed as she allowed the rest of her natural dead energy to chase out Leo's living Lycan one out of her system. Side benefit...she would be able to track the Lycan almost anywhere now...by mere scent or mystical sense...tho Joan was pretty damn sure she didn't want to track him down unless it was an emergency, and even then...she just might let him get yeet before she bothers...she was not a fan of pain in the slightest. One of the main reasons she became undead, to begin with. Soaked the vampiric healer would turn off the shower and linger in the shower for a moment to make sure she wouldn't wobble when she went to step out.

Lita hasn't often seen Lora as some delicate flower. Maybe in their first couple of encounters. When she'd been more timid Mouse than wolf companion. But she'd fallen easily into the role and grown with it, rather than because of it. Her and Leo hadn't changed each other so much as they'd changed with one another and the distinction, Lita knew, was an important one. That didn't make her feel any less protective of the girl. Maybe because she'd been human when she'd come to the island. Because she'd been in Lora's place, running with wolves and vampires and being the breakable one. The memories are sudden and not all bad. She doesn't envy Joan just now, huddled under the cold water while she's cozy near the fire. Even as a vampire she preferred warmth. Maybe it was why she chose to live on an island, fraternizing with dragons and wolves the way she did. "I've a feelin' you'll have plenty a chance to learn with this one." She calls out to Joan, with a nod towards the pirate in reference. "I ain't tryin' to hide her from the monsters," she says to Leo then. "Just not lookin' to go leadin' her into their den. If I can give her some home-field advantage when they come knockin', bet your arse I'll do just that."

Leoxander watched the purple-haired vampire step into the icy shower unabashed, though her clothes were on anyhow. He noticed the steam from the mirror when she’d invited the smaller space and knew that wasn’t normal. He glanced back toward Lita with a low spoken. “Let’s not make sure she tries that again. She’s kin’a useful t’me.” He stepped into the washroom to grab a couple of soft folded towels (also a new luxury to Leo) to hand her one and attempt to drape the other around her shoulders, cautiously risking getting so close unless the other vampire moved to stop him or assist. “I’m sure there’s somethin’ for dry clothes somewhere in here. An’... crash on the couch ‘till you feel right, savvy?”

Lita gives Leo a brief salute in an 'aye aye cap'n' gesture.

Leoxander drew her back toward the living den and the fire if she cooperated, a hand on either cooling down shoulder. "Take it that's why I was in yer infirmary near a week. You didn't use this last time." He glanced at Lita whether or not Joan settled or not and went about putting the fire out as efficiently as he could, for now. None of three (four, five, six) including those covered in fur needed the extra warmth now that Lora was cozy with the warmth held in the top floor, longest. Leoxander said to Lita, "Well. I'd say she's got two new sisters beyond blood."

Joan made a face yet again, but she didn't pull away when the Lycan moved in close to drape her with that one towel, the other she took in hand and pat her exposed flesh dry, her clothes would dry, and her shoes would not suffer any harm as most of her outfit was enchanted since she worked with blood and body fluids almost on a daily. "Thank you, I may take you up on the offers...let me just have a moment in private to drink a vail or two of fresh blood I carry with me." She honestly would need about a pint to feel decent, but she was not going to say that out loud, she was a proud semi-elder after all. Joan got ushered into the living room and by the fire by a bully of a Lycan. Yup, she had some dark thoughts of yeet'ing Leo.

Lita makes a face at the fire being put out, but she'll help and make herself useful. That is, by leaving the snoozing fox in her chair with Grim watching over it and sneaking upstairs to quietly find some dry clothes for Joan to change into. Along with a couple of extra pillows and a blanket or two to make the couch extra comfy for the night. She could be nice. "Reckon we've all got family beyond blood these days." She offers Leo. And then to Joan, as she deposits the pile of goodies onto the end of the couch, "There's an extra bottle of two of bloodwine back to the beach house too if you need it." She didn't much care for the stuff herself, but, in case of emergencies and all.

Leoxander nodded, and though the heat would probably repel her from going upstairs anyhow, he let Joan have free reign of that floor. The house was spacious enough, walls high without being a risk to the winds with all the paned and jalousies style windows. Most of it was natural sanded and sturdy oak and leather but somehow the different touches of oriental, unique decor coming to life between sessions of Lora’s painting, it wasn’t dull to look at, anymore, even in the dim lantern and candlelight. The porches front and back and a trail leading to an unfinished greenhouse offered privacy and the comforting song of waves. The rogue was even so kind as to fetch and refill her bourbon from the bottle on the bar neat and brought it over to her. He was starting to look a little bleary-eyed himself with a glance at his Deputy. “Welcome to stay if Ma’ ain’t home.” He knew she didn’t really sleep, but it comforted him to have her here. And he was closing the valve to some of the oil lamps and candles to make it clear he was looking to wind down, particularly with the cold but relaxing feeling eliminating the usual body stress pains. Still shirtless, he murmured as he worked. "Couldn'da been the Hellfire, too."

Joan took the items and placed them on the couch, not really bothering to fix it up, if she did manage to drift off into a dead slumber, she'd know that healing took more out of her than she expected. Fresh bourbon in hand she'd wait for them to depart upstairs or else were before she'd dig out about four vials. Flick-flick-flick-flick goes the toppers and each one drank down followed by the now bourbon chaser, she settled down into the couch and wait with closed eyes for the effects to take place and yep...she dozed off...

Lita wasn't so keen to stay at the house just yet. "I won't be far. Hammock's callin' my name, I think." She stands and stretches some, draping the sleeping fox over her shoulder like some fashion statement, with its front paws on her shoulder and those twin tails around the back of her neck. "But I'll keep an eye on the place." She always did. She'd lean in to offer Leo a kiss on the whiskered cheek and a brief hug before offering Joan a wave and heading back outside. The pups were always welcomed to follow too if they were still a bit restless.

Leoxander returned the cheek kiss and shook his head at Ina. "That's how she get'sem, y'know. Oh, I'm so cuddly cut let me be your friend. Jus' remember who yer takin' home. "Shipwrights in the morning' then?" He didn't bother with locks, but Lita could click them if she felt better doing so. Honestly, no one was going to tread on 'sandy street' with all the beasts, man and woman beasts, vampires, and who knew what else, any given day.