RP:Hot Toddies And Soup

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Synopsis The young bard Quillwell falls ill and hurt, he makes his way to the Sacred Shine and find Joan the vampiric healer on duty. Joan treats the bard and sends him on his way.

Sacred Shrine

Quillwell walks into the shrine, peering around curiously, he'd heard good things about this place from the locals. Coughing a couple of times as he made his way in. His rather plain clothes appearance unbecoming of a bard, he looks for anyone he can speak to.

Joan was busy helping crazy Maude straighten and restock the shrine with weekly new supplies that normally come in from the healer's guild. As the shrine is seen as one of the places the local healers use here in Kelay. As the bard enters Joan would look up from her current stocking and welcome the fellow. "Hello and welcome, are you in need of rest and healing? Maude has a pot of good hearty soup on, and we can offer you some fresh bread with butter and a glass of water." She makes a hand motion of 'Come on in' to him as the elder healer lets Joan deal with this as she rather wanted the place fully stocked before the evening rush.

Quillwell tries to answer, but only a scratchy squeak comes out, in the hush of a whisper, he barely gets out "Yes please, that would be great." He follows her and looks around curiously. He waits to be shown where to go, nervously fidgeting with his fingers, while holding his right wrist. It's clear that whatever he's been doing, he's new at it, or at least not very good. Another raspy whisper comes out, "Do you have anything for a sore throat?" If offered any food he would take it, graciously and quietly trying to soothe his voice.

Joan pointed with her thumb towards the nearest bench, she would give the younger man a good look over before going over to one of the many tables to gather what she needed to make a hot toddy. Into a clean mug, she would pour hot water with a hearty splash of whiskey, two teaspoons of honey, and two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. She gives the hot toddy a good stirring with a wooden spoon before turning to offer the drink to the bard. "This will help with the sore throat. What else needs attention, my good fellow. I'm Joan by the way, I'm with the healer's guild." She offers a slight smile not enough to flash fang but enough to seem sincere.

Quillwell drinks the toddy, giving it a couple of sips to relieve his throat, and clearing it a couple of times to make sure it does feel better. Less raspy, and only a little louder "Thank you, I'm Quillwell, or Quill if you like. My wrist is pretty bad too." He holds his hand out, there being a visible red mark of irritation and stress just below his palm. "It's good to meet a healer, you must be quite capable." His hand is quite calloused with a few scars here and there, marking his time playing and a few other hard tasks.

Joan takes the offered wrist into her icy cold hands, her fingers spread out to lightly trace over the red mark as she nods her head. "Hm, yeah I'm of journeyman level. I can work unaided by myself most of the time. Like here with you, but today Maude is the senior healer here and she is always in charge here at the shrine, so you are always welcome to come and get looked over and treated." She offers another smile after her icy chilled fingers encircle Quill's whole wrist. "Now, I can heal this up rather nice and quick. There will be a slightly chilly feeling as I am a vampire and a member of the undead. So long as I have your contest, I can have you in and out of here in no time. Yeah?!" she gives him very good eye contact, so he knows she means every word she says and has full confidence in her ability.

Quillwell looks up at her, the cold grip curious to him, and when she mentions what she is his eyes widen. Staring, mostly from surprise and curiosity. There's stillness in the air as he takes in what she said, and he contemplates silently a bit, before finally. "Yes, please, go ahead." He decides not to press, figuring she has enough of that every day, but doesn't see much reason in her to lie to him. ."How long have you been a journeyman?" He tries to deflect his curiosities and sips again from the toddy.

Joan chuckles softly, she had not run into much shock and surprise about her being a vampire within the healer's guild, for there were others before she joined. "About six seven months. I should be able to test for the next rank here shortly." As she spoke her chilly healing magic flowed out from her hand and spread fingers, seeping into Quillwell's flesh under her light hold. Since he was warm-blooded, he should have been able to feel the difference as her healing magic began to soak into his sore wrist, spreading out to encompass the hurt. Soothing the tender joints, muscles, and tendons. "Now slowly turn and twist your wrist under my hand and tell me when it feels as good as new, okay?"

Quillwell turns his wrist, slowly to begin and gaining speed depending on its feeling. "How many ranks are there to the guild? I've not looked into any myself." His wrist clicks in a few spots as it turns, testing his grip his knuckles crack as well. The numbing cold was a strange feeling to him; however, he also seemed to be studying her magic as well, trying to see any light, color, or shade, curious to see the way it took shape. "It is feeling much better."

Joan now allows her healing magic to spread up along the bard's arm, up to his shoulder and slowly spread towards his chest and the lungs. From there it spread up towards his esophagus moving to soothe and heal his throat and tonsils. "Seven, starting with neophyte, novice, apprentice, journeyman, adept, master, then grand master." Her magical aura glowed a bright dark purple out from her fingers. "I'm taking care of your sore throat also, but I still suggest you finish all of the hot toddy since you now feel the chill coming from me deep inside your being. Also, eat a couple of hot bowls of soup and take another hot toddy to drink before you leave." She offers a wink down at the young bard.

Quillwell coughs and clears his throat in surprise. "Wow, thank you. Sounds like you've seen a lot already." He washes the toddy down quickly. "This is much better than the usual affair of sickness." He tries to manifest his own power a bit with his healed wrist, flourishing his wrist to manifest a flick of blue starlight, twinkling down from his hand. "You manage incredible work. How long does the cold last?"

Joan offers a rolling shrug of her vested shoulder as she pulls back in her magical once she feels Quillwell was healed enough for all his small ailments. "Depends on the being or person. Normally no longer than a few minutes since this was just a minor healing. That is why I suggested you eat the hot soup and drink another hot toddy, my fellow." She takes his empty mug in hand and makes him another hot toddy before pointing towards where Maude stands waiting with that fresh bowl of hot soup and that warm buttered bread. "If you are interested in joining the guild you just seek out our leader Penelope, her place is very close to the shrine here."

Quillwell smiles and nods to her, "If I don't mess up my voice trying to cast these new spells, I'll be sure to." Quillwell flexes his wrist, "May have to defer to you going ahead." He tests another flick of his wrist to create another burst of blue star dust. He dusts off his coat, patting some mud off his knees. "In the meantime, best of fortunes to you." Quillwell steps off with that and makes his way to get some soup to follow Joan's advice, not about to skip any healer's directions.