RP:Happy News for Joan

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Synopsis Penelope sends a request to Joan, seeking to personally speak with her. Once Joan makes it to the guild hall Penelope congratulates Joan on her most recent promotion. The guild leader then charges Joan with a novice for it is time Joan starts teaching what she has learned to someone else.

Healer's Guild

Penelope had sent word for Joan to meet her this evening. The guild halls had slowed down as the sun began its phase of sunset. Golden rays would cast through stained-glass windows creating bright shiny reflections of patterns throughout the building–a calming beauty. A few members still sauntered, but for the most part, mentors were tucked away in their offices or had gone home for the evening to their families. Penelope had also been up in her office for clinical studies. The frizzy-haired healer was just putting some documents and textbooks on her shelf from the daily shuffling of apprentice healers who were in the novice state of the guild program. The druid checks the time before moving out of the office before looking over the railing of the stairs in the guild down at Ninde. “Ninde, when you see Joan, send her up. I’m just wrapping up for the day.” The man in the robes does a silent nod, as he was not much of a talker, to begin with, but if Joan were to enter, he would directly give the point up the stairs before giving a mumbled, “Penelope.”

Joan had just finished the clinic supply run out to Port Rynvale, on her way out there while at the Cenril docks, she ran into Loravelle. The vampiric healer had slightly caught up with the woman and they had parted ways as the other woman seemed in a rush to get back out of the island. Having done her task, the undead woman made her way back to the guild to report in, the empty supply wagon followed behind her as the horse plodded along, knowing the way by heart. As they came up to the outside of the guild halls Joan would turn over the horse and cart to a novice then make her way inside. As she enters, she is greeted by Ninde. As he mumbled "Penelope" to her the woman would give a polite enough wave of thanks as she took the steps up towards the guild leader's office. As she neared the office door, she would lightly rap her knuckles along the door while poking her amethyst-colored head partly inside the opened door, "I was summoned, Miss Nel?" Joan asked as she blinked, it was a bit too sunny for her personal taste, but she looked in to try to spot the other woman.

Penelope is nonchalantly taking a sip of cold tea that chilled due to her buzzing brain. She was staring at some, what seemed to be, a normal case of “flu-like” symptoms before her attention was taken by the amethyst-haired woman. A stack of other parchment covers the case. “Joan! Nel, please, we’re colleagues.” There is a calm smile, as the druid liked things to be casual. She shuffles over in greeting. Should she give a hug? Is Joan a hugger? Penelope is, but she would refrain for now. The girly girl offers a giddy clap instead in her own palms. “So glad you made it. How are you? Can I offer you some tea? A snack? I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here. Surely, it’s not in crisis, I promise, so feel free to breathe this evening.”

Joan tilts her head slightly to one side are she regards the guild leader. Penelope did seem fizzled a bit from all the work, and if Joan had anything to say she would have said so, as Joan is older. But she didn't to be polite, her lips just quirked upwards into a small smile as she fully stepped into the office. No, she wasn't a hugger, but if she was given one, she would return one just to be nice. Yeah, it would be slightly awkward for Joan as there was a very limited number of people she allowed to touch her. "I'm good Nel, I just finished the supply run out to the Rynvale clinic for the guild. I ran into Loravelle, so I can report she seems to be back from her trip. I hope to get with her for a few lessons when I can pencil it in with her. Out of our recent novices I have met with all but two to hand off their field kits." She said in a bright clear tone of voice. "I will take a cuppa of herbal tea and a cookie if you happen to have any. I used to run on sugar when I was alive." She jokes before quirking one brow. "Whatever it is I can promise I will try to handle it, crisis or not."

Penelope normally was absorbed in work. Ever since she started her healing journey, she was all about healing, and paperwork, and less about having a life of her own. A distraction, really. That was just her. When Joan speaks about Loravelle, she parts her lips in an oh-shape because she had not heard that name in some time. “That’s great. It’s good to hear that Loravelle is back from her travels. As for delivering field kits, well, thank you for your service of travels. I know it’s a trek to get that far.” She smirks. Her expression turns ecstatic at taking the hospitality and she instantly turns on her feet. “Oh my gosh, I am on it. Normally people try to be ‘nice’, but you know what? It’s nice to take the offer just as much!” She is happy to make tea. “Cookies… cookies. I am pretty sure Finn just went to visit Kelay for some ginger-shaped baked goods. Where did I put those?!” Frantic Penelope always. There is a cute little box full of goods that she finds before opening it up for Joan to take her pick of goodies. As for the tea, the druid moves to place a kettle on a metal round surface. Automatically, her fingers snap in order to create flames from her fingertips to bubble the water on her own. Like an instant brew. “I hope you don’t mind chamomile. I like it before I leave the workplace after a long day. It calms my brain.” She grins, however, as she continues with their conversation. “Well, lots of fellow mentors, and experienced healers have been observing you. Taking the healing reins by the hand. Maude in Kelay has a close tie with Yerrel and she has said great things. To impress Yerrel? Well, that’s saying something because he’s as stubborn as could be.” She shakes her head from the mild trauma of her past days. “You have really branched into your own, Joan, and I’m not just saying that. You have helped so many souls, and you are a great asset to our guild.”

Joan would make her choice of a Snickerdoodle cookie from the offered box of goodies and bite into it as she listened to Penelope. "I'm still working on the cross-training as I originally signed on for. Gotta make my fellow undead and zombies and such all decent looking so those that choose to can fit in with society at large. Not every undead wishes to look like something the cat drug in." She nibbles once more on her cookie as she blinks at all the praise her guild leader is heaping onto her. "Nah son, I'm just doing my part. Ain't nothing too great. But thank you and everyone who noticed. I'm doing my best, and that is all I can really offer."

Penelope was used to healers to have some humility behind them. Her smile becomes crooked in amusement. “Very thoughtful to make them feel… content in their state.” She would never understand the undead world, as she was living herself–one moment she had almost died. Felt death at fingertips, but for the most part, she would never know. She knows she was talking to a vampire which was not familiar to her. Eventually, the flame dies, and the healer is pouring the hot water to seep the chamomile into a ceramic cup. A hand extends out to her colleague with the steaming cup in gesture. “Well, doing your part or not, you’re making an impact.” At this moment, the sun-kissed woman gets a serious line on her face. Sincerity. “Joan, we do thank you. And… well, I wanted to let you know that we took deep into consideration on your placement in these halls. We want to grant you the promotion of an adept healer. We feel you have mastered your own healing techniques and can really run solo and teach others your specialty. I’d like to congratulate you.” A beat happens before the lights are turning on in her eyes of another thought. “Speaking which… I have someone I’d like you to meet who is interested in your restorative studies which involves necromancy… I’ll go get Ninde to grab them. I am pretty sure they are still here! They are adamant to meet you!” Penelope disappears for a moment before waving at Ninde. There are a few exchanges before the freckled healer comes back in. “It’ll just be a moment. They are just finishing up.”

Joan took the cup of freshly brewed chamomile from her guild leader; she would take a sniff at the soothing aroma before she took a long sip allowing the herbal flavor to roll over her tongue before swallowing in a quiet manner. Man, Nel made one mean cuppa of herbal tea. "I'm just trying to follow the example the other vampires made before me. I mean Artia was a close personal friend. It was her that got me to try out to be honest. I figure if she can be a healer as well as undead I can possibly do it also." She smiles in a soft manner as she recalls her red-haired friend who has since moved on to other travels. As Nel goes on and informs Joan that she is promoted the vampiric healer would give the other woman her best-surprised Pikachu face. You could almost imagine the thought bubble of 'pika-pika-pikachu?!' Joan would give an idle tug to her right earlobe as all she said was, 'Huh, alrighty thank you very much for the promotion." She took another sip at her tea as she didn't know what to say about being given a novice to mentor, she didn't think she was personally ready for that type of responsibility, tho if Penelope thought it was best, who was Joan to argue. "Uh...okay." She waited and nibbled nervously at the rest of her Snickerdoodle cookie, finishing it off.

Penelope comes back from leaning over the stair railing again. Joan probably still has that open-gape Pikachu expression, but the curly-haired one is reflecting on Artia. “Wow, a name I haven’t heard in quite some time. A sweet one, she took me under her wing in one moment too. Odd because I am not…” A vampire, Penelope wanted to say. The freckled woman reflects the smile that Joan once had before that surprised expression touches her own features. “As for your promotion, more like thanks to you.” As they both wait, Penelope strides over to finish the cold tea she had brewed a time ago. Through the doors, eventually, would become a hesitant person. Who would Joan see through the door? Meanwhile, Penelope knows and is opening her mouth in enthusiasm. “Hey!”

Joan set down her almost finished cup of tea and lightly offered her half-gloved hand to the young novice, as they were wearing the normal green and brown novice robes Joan had to take a close look at the youth to try to peg them. The youth was of dusky skin, bright green eyes, and of short black hair. "Hello, I'm Joan Blackheart, I guess you are with me till whenever. Uh...I'mma a vampire if you didn't know. I hope you can work with that, I'm also a budding Carnomancer besides being a necromancer. Hope that doesn't shock or offend you. If it does, you can request to be resigned. Not everyone wants to work with someone touched by such darkness and works that closely with dark forces." She said to the youth. "It shouldn't be too much of a problem otherwise."

Penelope sets down her cup which is officially empty as the novice comes in. Joan automatically introduces herself which makes Penelope clap. “This is Rowan.” Penelope introduces before turning to the novice. They wave awkwardly in that new fashion. “Pleasure,” they respond. “O-oh no. Vampires are no worries,” what was Rowan anyway? “If anything, that is pretty cool. I’ve heard that you work with the Necromancer’s Guild.” Penelope slides in to cut through the conversation. “Rowan is a big fan. They definitely want to learn from you specifically. Requested, actually. I figured you two can get to know each other, and it’s a good opportunity for you Joan to start leading some people who are entering the guild.” Rowan awkwardly stands with admiration while Penelope gives a silly little smile of her own. A sheepish one. “Either way,” she turns to Rowan. “Joan sets your schedule. If she needs you, you’re available.” Penelope then looks at Joan. “Good luck. I figured Rowan is in good hands. As you move forward, you begin to realize that the education of others is in your hands. Congratulations. Oh, by the way!” She digs through her desk to find a bag of coins before tossing it at the vampire. “We seriously appreciate you. Finn wanted you to have this.”

Joan catches the bag of coins tossed her way, blinking in surprise once more. "Okay...I didn't know we got paid for services...should I have been charging a fee to heal this whole time?!" She asks Nel before handing off the bag of coins to Rowan, "Here is your first task newbie, take that, you will be in charge of buying any supplies I need that the guild doesn't supply when we are out and about." That done Joan would give Nel a wave. "Alrighty, I'll do my best, thank you again for the promotion. I'll do my very best to keep working for the betterment of healing."

Penelope shrugged. “Someone has to keep Maude from going even more crazy regarding healing supplies. Also, well, a little on the side doesn’t hurt. We all have our own lives to live too.” Penelope understood the case of being humble despite services, but when one made it a majority of life’s work, it had to pay at some point. “Don’t thank me, Joan. You’ve been doing so much. Now go get along and get some rest. I’ll see you soon.” Penelope would then wave in departure as she would turn to grab her own bags. Perhaps she would actually sleep in her own bed tonight rather than in the office.