RP:Bedtimes and Babysitters

From HollowWiki

Kelay Tavern

Sabrina poofs into a chair at an otherwise occupied table. She sits slouched as far as she can go, lacey shawl wrapped around thin pale shoulders and bare legs and feet- all else is hidden from view by a massive and very antique looking book. The book was one third the size of she, having been on the shorter side of her Elven kind it made her look even smaller in comparison. Inky ebon trusses drape over the back end of the chair, and what half of her face protruded from the top of the book consisted of dark, thin furrowed brows and an emerald glow emitted from concentrated eyes. Green viney tendrils came forth from the book’s bindings entwining themselves around her thin fingers and all the way up past her exposed elbows. Of course she was wearing clothes behind that literary veil, but what exactly would remain a mystery. She hadn’t noticed the other at this table, that, or she didn’t care; but she reaches up to the tippy top corner of the book and turns the page. The shift in this movement causes a dance of light to glimmer across the cover and in between the vines you can make out ‘Book of Ara’ and just under it ‘Annabelle Ara’ in what appeared to be genuine gold filigree.

Desparrow was sitting at the bar with a bottle of whiskey at his side and a shot glass in hand. People randomly entering were a common thing in this tavern, as were so many other things but this time it was different. Violet eyes ran over the woman and his breath stopped. He hadn't see a familiar face since he awoke from his coma and here was one that although he had only interacted with briefly, was exciting. Carrying his bottle and glass over to her table he looked down with his hat on his head and only wearing form fitting leathers on his legs, boots on his feet and a loose button up shirt only buttoned three-quarters of the way. Occasionally the motions of his body would reveal the scar left by him by Kyros, his ex-lover. "Mind if I have a seat?

Sabrina’s attention was broke from her reading and she looked up at Desparrow with squinty eyes- like she hadn’t focused on anything real in some time. The light found his form and she smiles half-way. “Not my seat, make yourself at home” She gives another trying smile and shoves her attention back to the folded pages that appeared to have moving pictures on them. If she recognized him it didn’t show, and as sudden as she appeared a larger figure began forming just behind her. The figure stood around five foot tall, peering over her shoulder with menacing maw only inches from her perfect hair. Grey scaled hide heaves in and out announcing the stress that this method of travel had on his calm, but he found her nevertheless and all would be well. Sabrina doesn’t flinch; she doesn’t even notice, just turns another page and continues on. Rohk let out a steamy breath, curling a couple of the pages just at the corners. His eyes fixate on Desparrow in a swirly black abyssal vortex laced with a crimson glow.

Desparrow appeared crestfallen at the lack of interest in the other but then again he wasn't exactly the most charming fella on the block. When the figure showed up behind her he was actually intimidated. A couple shots of whiskey later and he was feeling pretty good inside and soon he knew he'd be feeling good in the head too. "Umm.. How have you been Sabrina? Haven't seen you in a long time, I was actually kind of surprised to see anyone at all that I recognized after I woke up.." he still had that air of respect and authority about him though, the air of a leader even if the title had been stripped from him just as the clan was. "Am I bothering you?"

Lydrain walks into the tavern, wearing a hooded cloak. His face was obscured from vision, at least for a moment. The dragon in elven guise quickly made his way to the counter and ordered two drinks. Quickly paying for them, he found a secluded table, and sat down. Concentrating on his drinks first, he down the first glass of rum faster than most people dared. Beginning to nurse the second one, he stared at the door, eyeing anyone who decided to enter after him.

Sabrina heard her name and so her attention was drawn away from her studies once more. She closes the book with a soft thud and the tiny vines began pulling from her form seeking refuge in their home which was the book’s bindings. The further they withdrew the less emerald her eyes became. She balanced the book on the edge of the table and opened her mouth to speak when Nancy comes by with her empty serving tray and Sabrina tries to wave her away. The small disheveled woman points to the sign next to the board which Sabrina manages to glean through squinted eyes. Sabrina sighs and gestures for the girl to bring her whatever she had by placing a small stack of gold on Nancy’s tray. Nancy’s eyes grew large as she counted fifteen pieces and quickly retired behind the counter to fix something worth a fraction of that. Her eyes had faded by now, spying back at Desparrow with a fresh minty look. This brightened her whole demeanor making her appear friendlier and her expressions more familiar. She hadn’t recognized him yet so she takes a tiny roll of parchment from her belt loop and the golden quill tucked behind her right ear. She unrolls the parchment and scans it fruitlessly. She looks up at him once more, but this time at his mercy. “I must admit my memory does not serve me as it used to.” An odd thing to say looking as young as she, but clearly she had failed to write something down at some point, this was not overly surprising. Rohk neglected to move, despite how many drinks Desparrow inhaled and just stood alarmingly statuesque over the girl. The door opens and lets in another soul as well as a draft of cold night air. Rohk’s eyes follow one he finds familiar and for the time being Desparrow has been denied intimidating glares.

Desparrow seems to have gone into another coma.

Lydrain felt as if he was being watched. Gazing around the tavern, sure enough, he was. Though not by what he expected. There he was, a hellhound, actually, the only hellhound that Lydrain had ever encountered before. What was his name... Rock... no... Rohk, thats it. If he is here, that means, ah yes, there she is, Sabrina. Pushing down his hood, to allow his face to be shown, he calls out to her, "Good evening Sabrina, and to you as well Rohk." It was obvious, from their last encounter, which the hell hound had a sizable intellect, and, as such, he would be treated as another person, and not just a 'hound'.

Sabrina watches Nancy return with what appeared to be a pail of Rum for the hound, and a glass of Sabrina’s usual; water in a Vodka glass to keep Mesthak from stewing over it. Nancy is gifted a genuine smile and the glass is centered in front of Sabrina but beside the book. She spins the glass three times as she situates it meticulously but she never takes a drink. Rohk grabs the pail in his maw and tramples tables out of his path both loudly and rudely whilst stifling a snicker to Mesthak who anticipated these things from the dark hound. The massive beasty settles in Lydrain’s corner, like they were old pals, curling twin tails about his scaly form and shoving his face into the bucket. Indecent noises ensued until the last drop was scraped from the bottom of the pail and his head rose, licking dangerous chops but not looking for more than he was given. Sabrina stares past Desparrow who had become suddenly quiet and motionless, probably from too much drink. Everyone these days seemed to know her name and once more she found herself at a loss. Her eyes sneak a peek at the parchment still unrolled in her hand and finally a look of obvious realization hits her. “Headmaster Lydrain!” She almost fell out of her chair; it was not a matter of who he was, but a matter of the parchment working in her favor for once. The notes were concise enough to inhibit familiarity, which said he was more friend than foe- else she’d have written that bit down. Maybe. Besides, Ro seemed not to mind at all and so Sabrina rises from her chair, tiptoeing across the tavern’s cold weathered floorboards briskly, and finds a seat (uninvited) adjacent to Lydrain. She wore nothing more than a thin set of shorts, a tiny strapped tank top, and a lacey shawl- comfy enough to sleep in, and she probably would have been if she had not been a slave to her studies. The book is whisked from her table to his, phasing out and in with a silvery grey puff of smoke. It sat there heavily and all innocent like between Sabrina’s shining smile and Lydrain himself like it had been there on that table the whole time. She beams at him cutely “Have you decided on your entry?”

Lydrain shakes his head, "I'm still not really sure what I should write? Is it supposed to be something informative about the academy? I would assume so, seeing as how any old headmaster would do." He chuckled a bit, and took another sip of his drink, "Or is it supposed to be something more personal? Or is it just allowed to be whatever I fancy?" Finishing off his glass, he motioned for Nancy to bring him two more. Turning to Rohk, "Would you like another?" If the hound said yes, Lydrain would pay for his second round as well, "If you don't mind me asking, what have other people, in a similar position as I am in, put as their entries?"

Sabrina frowned at him. “You are thinking about this all wrong.” Rohk looks over to Lydrain pathetically. She puts both thin legs in the chair to give herself a boost up- dwarfs were short, she couldn’t figure out why they made the chairs so big- anyhow, she needed the leverage because especially without the armor she was a great deal smaller than the average-average. She flips the book around and opens its pages to Lydrain “This magus put in his method of transference…” she flips the page again, pearlescent images forming equations and texts “and this one added a detailed account of a successful necromancy that dates back 900 years at least…” She flips through the pages some more pointing out intricate spells and their masters before adding with a tinge too much excitement. “I am on the verge of discovering the spell that allows you to be in two places at once, it was put in by a collective when the book was made- that’s how they get it to ‘move.’” She throws quoting fingers in the air looking a mix of pure intellect and child-like bewilderment. She didn’t tell him the book refused to show it to her because she was convinced she could find it if she kept looking. She looks at him deeply, mint-green eyes searching for a look of eureka. “You have to put in your mark. Some form of magic you make- not something you have duplicated.” She had a point, all magic had an origin, and all masters could create something new. The book obviously held a great deal more but no one person would ever be able to master it all. Rohk didn’t want Lydrain to lose his train of thought; and in an effort to ensure he didn’t, he lifted a huge paw to place it on Lydrain’s knee.

Lydrain nodded his head, "Now I see. I guess I misunderstood the idea behind this tome. I definitely have something to share, if that is the case, though I may need a small bit more time to investigate it further. I was not classically schooled, when it came to magic. Most dragons are simply able to do it, to some small degree, and I just kept using it. Like flexing a muscle, and, recently, I had a... change of power, you could say... If you want an entry that involves the raw essence of magic, I believe I can do that. Though, like I said, I don't completely understand it yet. Still working on that." Nancy walks over, and with a practiced hand, scoops up Lydrain's coins, and his two used glasses, and deposits two fresh cups. Beginning to sip out of one of them, "I've never really tried to analyze my magic before... This could be a learning experience, even for me..."

Sabrina sniffs noticeably. “Why does it smell like brimstone?” She wrinkles up her nose, though the smell was probably not noticeable to anyone else besides Rohk, who- lets face it- had some smells he was working on that made Brimstone smell like morning dew. She doesn’t give him a chance to answer, it was probably rhetorical anyway. “I think you better make sure you know what you are gonna write.” She flips the book around effortlessly despite its probable weight. She skims backwards a few pages and flips it round again. “See this guy?” A pearly etch of an elderly chap with a pointed wizards hat looked like he was straining to relieve himself. “He added an inaccurate account about curing swamp blisters and the book infected him for lying!” She was actually laughing out loud. Her laugh was melodic, enchanting even, but that man probably died from his inaccurate recording. She waves her hand in the air, trying to catch her breath “At most I would have called it a typo but it could all be a spooky story too. Who knows but the Ara’s.” She sighs heavily, remembering the book had not adopted her own name. “Best I find the new owner before it does something to me.” There was a hidden streak of fear in her voice when she said it. “Anyways, you should definitely analyze it before you try adding it. I am not sure if the book can discern between ignorance and malice.”

Lydrain nodded his head, "I had no intention of recording an innaccurate analysis of the ability anyway. My own pride wouldn't have let me do so." He downed his glass and started on his fourth glass. The amazing thing about being a dragon, is that, even in his elven form, alcohol hardley effected him at all. He could probably drink almost all of Mesthak's current stock and still be able to fly home. Turning away from the book, and looking at Sabrina, "How have you been?" He wasn't overly familar with Sabrina, but there was just something about her that intrigued him. Perhaps it was the book. He was trying very hard to ignore it, even though it had been the topic of conversation. Deep inside he just wanted to take the book home, lock himself in his office, and only come out just before starving to death. The thoughts of what that book might contain made his head spin. Finishing his fourth glass, he refocused on the outer world, waiting for Sabrina's answer.

Sabrina sat back in her chair. No one ever asked her that before and honestly she wasn’t sure. After much thought she replys “ I have been busy.” She smiles, pulling bare knees up to her chest. Rohk had enough, he pushed the bottom of Lydrain’s chair in protest. Nancy had already been on her way with a full pail of rum, tsking her finger at his impatience. A snaking black tongue slithered out of his mouth, tickling her scolding digit and making her giggle before retreating. That hound had a heart… well, half of one at least. Sabrina smiled at him adoringly. She looked to Lydrain “I trust the Queen is making herself at home?”

Lydrain shrugged his shoulders, "Honestly, I don't know. I haven't heard one way or another. My job at the academy keeps me rather busy. She hasn't been out walking amongst her people, if that is what you mean? I don't mean to spread rumors, but I believe her journey, wherever it was, took more out of the Executioner than she would admit. Though that is purely speculation, as I haven't even had an audience with her since the day of her return." He sighed, and was about to order more to drink, and he thought better of it, "So who else needs to write an entry into your book? Or am I currently the only requirement?"

Sabrina nodded along his story about what was going on in the world with mild but politely genuine interest. She only stopped to correct him once. “It isn’t my book, and I am not sure who needs to write in it. I just figured it needed a recent entry since the last recording I found was at least thirty-three years ago.” Sabrina stared at Lydrain for some time before admitting she was tired by fault of a long wide yawn. She seemed surprised when it snuck up on her and lingered longer than was polite. Her eyes watered and pale cheeks flushed as she brought a small hand to her mouth. It was raining outside, the clatter hitting the roof like an orchestra de tin roof. She sank in her chair as the book began to leave again. She couldn’t muster the massive amount of energy it took to make it stay. Sleep had eluded her for days and it would seem would catch up with her in the near future. “Is there any place closer than the river to find a warm bed?” The way she looked at him with minty frosted eyes almost invited him to join her, but she had a way about her, and she meant nothing by the intoxicating look she sold him. The elements had a way of tricking those around her so they suited her mood, and her mood screamed sleep. How she was to get from here to there without the book had not donned her awareness just yet- especially since she was dressed in pajamas with no shoes.

Lydrain quirked his head to the side, as the 'almost' invitation passed right over his head, "I'm sure we can find something. I could transport you back to Larket, relatively easy, and dry. You could stay at my academy for a night. We have a guest bedroom that is always prepared. Breakfast will even be on the house." He smiled at her. This conversation had made him decide that she was a friend, and he would open up his home to her. It just so happened that his home was more than adequately prepared to host guests at any given time.

Sabrina was more than grateful to accept his offer, unfortunately Rohk decided to play momma for the night. He stood immediately, crowing his head downward at Lydrain in his seated position. Daggered tails fell in slow motions, stiffening just a hair’s breath from the tavern floor. Drink or no drink, Sabrina has not, will not, and be damned if he was gonna ever allow her to stay anywhere with the likes of –him.- The hound, in respect for Lydrains gift giving mood, would allow the male one chance to resort his offer. Sabrina laughs lightly. “The House of Ara is relatively the same distance. I can sleep there and Rohk promises to behave if he is promised breakfast anyways.” She felt ridiculous even repeating the offer. She slides out of the chair, pushing a small pale hand between Rohk’s slightly raised and amber hackles. She hoists herself astride him and inside the Tavern no less. He would be less inclined to break more of Mesthak’s things. They make their way toward the door but not without a hesitating disapproving look from the Beasty.

Lydrain nods, "So be it. If either of you would like breakfast, you are more than welcome to come. If the faculty gives you any problems, simply let a student know, they will come and get me, though, unless you would like an excessive amount of attention from young mage's, Rohk, you might want to think twice about the breakfast idea. They can be very inquisitive." Lydrain chuckles, "Safe travels, to the both of you. I will attempt to contact you when I am ready to leave my mark on the book."

Sabrina offers a lazy wave and leans forward on Rohk to avoid the top of the doors. "Sleep tight."

--Sabrina (talk) 12:58, 12 December 2013 (UTC)Book of Ӓra --Sabrina (talk) 12:58, 12 December 2013 (UTC)Rohk