RP:A Falsely Founded Farewell

From HollowWiki

Part of the Welcome To The End Of Eras Arc

Summary: Vailkrin's Spear charges into the castle a second time- Though it's with a question on his lips, rather then vengeance at hand. Still his unkind portrayal at the hands of Vailkrins paper, The Carrion Crow, is far from the worst surprise he'll encounter.

Great Hall of Vailkrin

The main room of the castle has been arranged to sit accommodate many visitors with two long stone tables on either side of a centre aisle along which the runner from the entrance continues nearly the whole length of the room. Each table has been set simply but elegantly with a long strip of tablecloth interrupted at regular intervals with identical silver candlesticks which softly illuminate the seating areas. Most of the light in the room, however, issues from a chandelier which is less a candelabra than a giant bowl filled with burning oil, hanging from great chains which are held in the mouth of a stone grotesque, the throat of which also serves as a chimney to prevent the room from filling with the acrid smoke issuing from the flames beneath it. The stonework continues across the ceiling with depictions of skeletons who appear to be passing corpses towards the beast in the centre of the ceiling to be consumed. The ceiling itself is supported by pillars which stand just out from either wall which are fronted by carvings of a faceless, hooded figure; representations of Vakamatharas, the God of Death. To the North – behind a rather more grandiose table supposedly reserved for the hosts and their esteemed guests – and through a small archway are a set of stairs leading to an upper level of the castle.

Kasyr has been hard at work since the announcement of his ascension. While there were a few plaintive individuals concerned about the whole endeavor being a 'naked power grab', the simple fact of the matter remained- Vailkrin had yet another logistical crisis on it's hands. While his hatred of paperwork was perhaps as legendary as the foes he's felled, nothing could have prepared him for the deluge of fresh documents concerning the citizenship status of the combined undead that Caluss had accumulated - whether they were from the chaos realm, Trist'oth, or other acts of devastation both tied to him, and otherwise. It didn't help that some of the more vocal undead were threatening civil war, and to finish the job Caluss started. And then there was the drow. Currently, they were encamped within the forest for , largely due to the sheer lack of room in the city- though he also chalked part of it up to their overall distaste for surface dwellers. It was all a headache. And they wanted to have some sort of ceremony? "Get stuffed. We'll figure out pomp et ceremony when this city isn't trying to compete with Frostmaw for being crater of the year." That, at least, seemed sufficient to shoo away the staff member, and their talks of 'tradition'.

Shishi ’s entrance couldn’t have been more different from his last little visit to this castle. The vampire is ushered in by a pair of guards while the nuisance of a staffer vacates the room. Blue makes eye contact with his singular open, currently blue left eye as they pass each other, never breaking his stride until he stands at the opposite end of the table housing all the aforementioned paperwork from Kasyr. The news Shishi has recently gotten regarding his status within Vailkrin has left him a bit confused and his tone reflects as much, not sounding nearly as sarcastic as the words themselves that leave his mouth suggest, “I’ve been hearing about a lot of terrible things I’ve done recently ever since I got back into town… Thought I’d pay you a visit to get to the bottom of that…” The shadows are stationary, Shishi’s eye is still that calm shade of oceanic blue, and he hasn’t cut Kasyr in half before saying a full sentence. This is going much better than last time.

Kasyr gestures to a seat, before reaching under his desk to pull out an already open bottle of wine, and a pair of coffee mugs he'd been using as glasses. Classy, this is not- but at least he's showing a degree of hospitality- with all it entails. "It's not like I was subtle about what was said, en fait. Everyone in Vailkrin got an earful of that- though, if you're looking for clarification, both in regards to my prior actions and these recent ones- I can provide it, since I'm finally able to speak freely." There's a pause, and then the Kensai adds, "I -couldn't- talk to you before. I was being constantly scryed on by Tessa, who was stuck doing cultist work for Caluss. A bit too efficiently, since pettiness becomes here." There's a shrug as the swordsmen pours out a healthy amount in both cups, before he finds a means of sliding Shi's over between the towers of damage reports, requests, complaints, and general research.

Shishi kicks out the chair meant for him and takes a seat, sliding it back forward while listening. Once he’s in place he nods and snatches up his mug, taking a large gulp, sending a bit of the liquid dribbling down the left corner of his mouth in the process. “Aye. Some “clarity” is what I’m here for.” He emphasizes the word while leaning back in the chair into a relaxed position that favors his right side. “I’m curious what you think there is to gain telling the story like that… How this place benefits thinking I’m its enemy…” He huffs out an exhale, a superfluous expression of frustration and disgust for a vampire with no need for breath. He gestures around the room, but he means for the motion to encompass Vailkrin as a whole, “Especially with the state that I’ve returned to find this place in. You can paint it one way, but ‘this wouldn’t have happened if The Spear was here for us.’ doesn’t make me sound as bad as you might think.”

Kasyr doesn't seem particularly bothered by the vampires discontent. If anything, he's just grateful this has remained as cordial as it was. And so, he simply waits, sipping at his mug and waiting for the vampire to gather his thoughts and get them out. Once that seems to be the case, the Kensai raises his hands up in a motion to stop- before humming something quiet, a tune which catches in the air, to provide a cadence for the ensuing words, "Then I'll do you a service. I swear to Daedria that in this moment, I won't lie to you, or mince words. Provided you do the same. And I assure you, that oath carries a bit of weight here." There's a pause, and then Kasyr can't help but add, "I assure you there's a plan, and it concerns for more than you and I. Though- that's certainly a part of it, and the framework for how this all works."

Shishi raises a brow and, with it, the gaze of his left eye, which drifts upwards as if following the tune being hummed as its essence fills the space. It might be obvious to a less oblivious person that this melody and promise might carry some divine magic with it, but Blue is certainly not such a person. He agrees quickly all the same, “Aye. I’ve got nothing to lie about.” He says, without actually taking the time to think if that’s true or not. One more smaller sip from his mug and one more little reposition in his seat as he waits to see where this goes.

Kasyr scratches at his cheek. On one hand, he'd half been expecting for blue to at least question what happened, but- well, here there were. "Alright. I suppose we ought to start at the beginning then. I'll ask you a question, and then I'll do my best to answer- and trace out how we got here. Which- first things first, what's the actual reason you attacked the castle? Was it on Tessa's behalf? And did she ask, or hint for you to do so?" May as well see, at this juncture.

Shishi tilts his head, contemplating his answer. The first part of the question is much broader and difficult to answer than the second part that seems to qualify the first. Blue answers in reverse order, maybe just to give him time to think about his true reasoning for the attack. “I hadn’t spoken to her before I came here.” He shakes his head, “I only heard what happened and came on my own.” He puffs out his cheeks, settling on the overarching reason he came in guns blazing like he did some months ago, “It is like I said when I was here last. Quintessa protects Vailkrin. She looked over my children when I could not.” He pokes at his top right fang with his tongue, knowing full well that what he’s about to say next is foolish as Quintessa’s vampirism charade has long been revealed to him, making it a certainty that she is not part of his vampiric bloodline via Larewen, “She is my family. The people of that house that was destroyed were my family whether I like it or not… and it’s my-...” He cuts himself off and rephrases mid sentence, “I have to do everything I can for them, and this place. I made a promise.” His nose wrinkles, the vampire just a little embarrassed.

Kasyr actually looks relieved, when Shishi clarifies that it was by his own agenda that he'd arrived. The possibility that he'd been manipulated had seemed a bit too strong, especially given, "By the time I destroyed the house, it had already been attacked, damaged, and vacated by those present. I'm not going to clarify on who did the actual breaking, beyond that it was not my fledgeling inks. I can assure you, their intent was not to do harm to your children. If anything, they'd have a vested interest in their well-being." He almost sounds amused there. That said- whatever amusement he can garner from their exchange ebbs away as the vampire clarifies his situation, "I have never attempted to kill your daughter. Nor, I should note- did I attempt to murder Quintessa, as much as I was sorely tempted, and had initially intended to do so. In fact, while I gave her an -alibi- that Caluss would not admonish or slay her for an inability to act, I had also discreetly healed her in that moment. Just enough so she wouldn't perish." it's here the Kensai claps his hands together, and then spreads them apart slowly, "Quintessa may call me an oathbreaker- but she did so first. In allying with a deity that wanted to turn the entirety of the world into an undead husk- she broke our agreement. And while she certainly -regretted- her choice, and occasionally made amends- she also repeatedly served it's agenda, with a less-than-surprising degree of efficiency whenever she seemed to have been slighted." A pause, and the Kensai airily gestures to the east, "See Cenril." And then a gesture to the west- ...which is corrected eastward, as well, "Hell, see Alithyra. A -kingdom- descended into Caluss worship- providing him fertile ground for followers. A kingdom that even now is barred to outsiders." It's at this point he realizes his passions are getting the better of him, his voice dropping back down to something akin to conversational, "I imagine you have more questions, since we're still far from done."

Shishi furrows his brow and wrinkles his nose at the tale Kasyr tells about not trying to kill Quintessa, but he’s sworn them both to telling the truth, so there must be some veracity to it. The purpose of the subtle subterfuge of course goes over the vampire’s head, so it may even have been for the best that he didn’t know about it at the time, as it wouldn’t have swayed his own actions in the slightest back then. Not much could have. Shishi follows Kasyr’s gestures towards Cenril and Alithrya with his one open eye and simply shrugs. He wouldn’t know about anything going on in the world if it weren’t for updates from his daughter that still probably go in one ear and out the other. ‘Larket Bacon Sandwiches’ is what he got out of one current events recap years ago. Finally Blue nods and drops the only two logical questions he can think of, “Why me now?” and “Why take the throne back now?”

Kasyr was expecting that he'd need to clarify more, but blue either seems to be getting the general idea- or, he's simply focused on the parts pertinent to the situation at hand. Either way, it keeps things simple. "I suppose we'll start with the latter. And the answer should be apparent when you look outside. Vailkrin's been crippled. The bloodbank had vast amounts of the enchantments preserving it's stores shattered when the tree was destroyed. You know, that whole plot to corrupt them enacted by Tessa- and abetted by someone else." He may have cleared his throat there. "The ensuing sanctions on the city, largely put in place as a result of her assassination attempt on Valrae did little to help the city. Nor did the most recent events, since- we're once more on the verge of a civil war, due to the massive increase in undead, and their actions against the vampire population." To say that Kasyr looks irritated is putting it mildly. "I'm taking the throne now to try and achieve the same thing as before. A -unified- Vailkrin. I'm duly aware this will be a thankless task. And that, whenever the next disaster arrives- I'll be the first line of defense, and the first one to blame even when I succeed. That's just the nature of this place." Okay, yeah- he's just going to top up his drink now, and gesture the bottle towards Blue, "Which brings us to the announcement, and your role in things. Whether you intended to or not- you didn't help the state of Vailkrin. You undermined the city, were striving to protect someone who, at the time, didn't give a single fig about the world, and would have likely seen you dead, too- if it meant saving her skin. Karasu's safety likely played a factor, too- though-" What would salvation at Caluss' hands be like- other than being saved for last, in a ruined, still world. His lips press together, before he continues, "And your conspicuous absence when the god of death was laid low, and the city ate itself alive only further cements that. The only place you pointed your 'spear' was at what had offended your sensibilities- rather than anything that actually threatened it." Here was the big sell, the moment he'd been building up to. "Quintessa has stated she wants to work towards unifying Vailkrin with me. To help provide some small hope spot. And though her recent actions don't absolve her of her responsibilities insofar as the state of Vailkrin et the world at large. . ." He sighs, one hand gesturing to the side, "I want to believe her. In her. She was someone I considered a close companion. And so- I am building a narrative- pinning the fault of events not on her, but her master of coin. As for your part in things- Your role as your daughters 'sire' - means her responsibility in things can be passed off to you. Ensuring her safety in the city, of deflecting any animosity the other houses may still hold onto- by deflecting it towards you, should you take on the mantle of Pariah." It's a lot, really- and Kasyr feels now's as good a time as any to just make his way through the coffee mug.

Shishi not so much flinches as does his whole body tense up when his daughter’s part in the attack on the holy trees is brought up, indicating that even that very indirect mention is as far as he will allow to pass unchecked. The implication that his spear was pointed in the wrong direction cuts Shishi just a bit and he averts his gaze, occupying it with the task of getting his mug refilled in kind. The Blue Demon acting as a scapegoat and taking the brunt of the blame for someone else is not a foreign practice for him, so he nods along, sipping at the mug as if it were tea or something equally at home in such a vessel rather than (probably blood spiked) wine. “Aye…”He pauses to think, “I can deal with that…” Almost instinctively he looks down and southeastward at the floor, expecting some kind of immediate retaliation from that direction, maybe for what he’s agreeing to, “She won’t be happy though… Orange, and she’ll probably be heard of before it is all done.” She’d rather stand up and face the consequences of what she’s done, as that’s what her idol probably would have done in such a situation, but what are fathers for if not something like this. One more big gulp of wine, then he spins his index finger on his left hand in the air a couple times, gesturing at the room they’re in. “Want me to rip a hole in the realm again to really sell this? Or you good with the one I left last time?” The practiced fanged smile that has graced thousands of fight posters gets flashed along with that smart question.

Kasyr notices the restraint, and doesn't antagonize the man any further. To a certain degree, he even understood- given his own ties to the Coterie. Still, he is appreciative of Shishi's acquiescence. "I can't imagine she will be. That said, she'll be safe, et I will do my best to ensure both your heirs, and that estate, are safe. I can give you my word on that." There's a thoughtful pause, before he adds, "provided they don't set the city ablaze." When Shishi stands and poses his question, Kasyr can't help but roll his eyes, "Please, no. Markan is already annoyed at me for sealing the last two." Instead, the Kensai gets up from his seat, and moves to shake Shishi's hand- a gesture that would be accompanied by an altogether peculiar sight, as the space around them begin to fold in on itself- collapsing the distance between their location, and the bridge leading into the city- despite how nonsensical the connection was. "For the moment, this is going to be about as far as you can go, J'imagine- unless you fancy an unreasonably long job across the bridge." There's a shrug there, before he adds," If anyone asks, I'll state that you're on a quest to redeem yourself. Stomping out the last of Caluss' now leaderless remnants- Commit regicide with Reginae, Peut-etre?" When Kasyr draws back- the space between them snaps back to a semblance of what it was, and yet- there's a distortion left in it's wake. For Blue, all roads to Vailkrin would lead here- to this simple patch of bridge endlessly folding in on itself, until such a point that he'd step away.
