RP:A Conversation Over Curry

From HollowWiki

Part of the Larketian Fault Lines Arc

Summary: While continuing his efforts in aiding Larket, Bastion delivers a strange and unsettling gift to 'Raevyn'. Celaeno brings supplies for the young monk, and she and Raevyn catch up over a bowl of curry.

Date: Nov. 28th, 2017

Larket Avenue

The street is bordered by buildings here, the northern structure set against the wall itself, the sound of chanted prayers emanating from it to blend disturbingly with the sound of fighting floating in from the south, where a tall arena stands. Several Larket citizens stand here, apparently undecided as to which building to enter. The street continues on to the east and west here, with Fort Freedom swiftly approaching to the east.

Bastion had found himself in an unsafe situation in the witches camp. He didn't discriminate... he helped witches and citizens alike, saving every life he possibly could. Normally, people tended to like him without much effort, but he'd helped save even people who'd done horrible things to some of the witches, and many of them had turned their anger upon him. He understood... there was so much pain around, and he did not discriminate. He helped everyone. Now that he'd spent a week straight tending to the wounded, his services were needed elsewhere. He'd taken up helping see to it that people were fed, calling upon friends such as the people's of Xalious and the burrows, who'd brought emergency food and blankets and other needed items through the magi's portals. The wizards aid would be remembered by the people. Bastion helped cook large pots of soup and distribute them to the now homeless, the many who'd lost everything but their lives. He hadn't slept in a long time, and it showed, but he smiled and kept working, wishing well everyone he came across, and promising acupuncture treatments to help soothe their pain when he was done working the kitchens.

Celaeno wandered into Larket, still donning her usual black robes, though this time she had her hood pulled up over her head, hiding her face. Her peculiar hands stayed shoved in her sleeves and she generally walked out of sight, keeping to uncrowded areas of the street where they might be. She cradled a still bundle in her arm, linen and dry ink wrapped in burlap to anyone who could smell it. She glanced up from under her hood, searching those still cleaning up after the attack for any sign of familiar faces.

Raevyn quietly strolled along the path to the north, her pilfered scythe stepping along with her own sullen rhythm. She had been doing much contemplating the last few days since that dreadful attack on Larket; The entirety of that night still playing through her mind, over and over. She had been utterly helpless in the whole affair, and because of her inability to act, was almost killed by one of Kahran's casters. She did look much healtheir than the week before, however. No longer were her cheeks sunken in, and that nagging cough was finally gone. The robes were cast away for something more feminine, including a nice pair of black leather boots with a sturdy heel. she stopped soon, her pale blue gaze first cast upon the robed stranger, and then to those that worked tirelessly through the evening, providing aide to the less fortunate.

Bastion was in front of Celaeno before she had a chance to realize what was going on. He could be a sneaky little thing. "Here you go, miss." He handed her a bowl of mabo curry, filled with succulent pork, tofu, and a special curry blend fresh from the gardens of hobbits. Bastion was an exceptional cook of many exotic dishes. "You should try it. It'll help you keep your strength up. I can help you to carry that, if you like." He peered up under her hood with a crook of his head, wine pink eyes looking almost curious, and face alit with a cherubic smile.

Celaeno was not quite as stealthy, as much as she practiced occasional sleight of hand maneuvers, and jumped at her little friend's sudden appearance in front of her. She silently took the bowl, exchanging it for the bandages. Anyone paying attention might catch a glint of silver with glowing runes on its surface with the motion, but it'd disappear as quickly as it came. "More needles. I managed to mine some silver to mix those in," she said, speaking in an undertone. "The strips of linen with the characters on them are bandages that will act like stitches and seal any wound that breaks skin on contact. They can be reused without the runes washing off, provided they're sanitized of any bodily fluids first." One face caught her eye, making her gaze flit away from Bastion a moment to the woman holding the scythe. She seemed the total opposite of a farm worker ready to harvest grain. Perhaps she wanted to use it in the same fashion as some cultures' symbol for death personified? Squinting some, she placed a name to the fuller face and figure. "Raevyn?"

Raevyn's brow lifted when her name was spoken, her eyes mimicking Celaeno's as if trying to figure out who out this was would know her. It took a moment before the young woman offered a polite smile and wave of her gloved fingers, "Hello again- Celaeno, right? How have you been doing since last we met?" Her hood was pushed back, allowing her hair to breathe as she surveyed Bastion, offering a polite nod to the helpful young man.

Bastion is overjoyed at the gifts brought by Celaeno. These would do a great deal of good, in days to come. When he turns his attention on Raevyn, his smile turns into a frown. He looks at Raevyn almost as though he recognized her to some degree. "You are called Raevyn, yes?" He went away for a moment, and set down his things, and came back with a package, one which he looked like he didn't want to touch, let alone carry. "This... this is for you. There is something wrong with it, something dangerous. I don't know what... I promised not to look." That was what had terrified him most, though. He'd had the suspicion the stranger who handed it to him knew full well that he could see within it without opening it. "I... I don't know what it is. Please be careful, ma'am." Inside the package was a strange, life like mask, blank in affect, and terrifying beyond imagination, emanating horror and malice as though it were a nexus of suffering and torment. Wearing such a thing could do no good, certainly... but Bastion was easily bound to promises, and as such, he delivered the item, though with a warning. "The man who told me to give it to you, I didn't know him. I couldn't... describe him if you asked, either. He frightened me. You should throw that away, I think."

Raevyn seemed both surprised and confused all at once, with a hint of concern bubbling through. A gift, for her? From a man? There were only two men that Raevyn had ever met in land, and one specifically was a very disturbing individual that made her flesh crawl. "For... me? They referred to me by name? Do you recall what this man looked like?" She wasn't sure she even wanted to open the package, as she was not sure what to expect, given Bastion's warning. Still, she was intrigued. As soon as that gift was opened, if it were even possible, Raevyn's face grew a shade paler. She almost dropped the thing right then and there! Inside, a blank, lifelike mask? There was once a strange man, a creature even, that roamed this land two years prior. He too wore a mask. A very strange and life-like mask. And like the gift he presented long ago, this one too was held with fear.

Bastion shook his head. He couldn't answer any of her questions... and wasn't sure why, either. It was all very unsettling. When he noticed her reaction, he felt his heart sink. "This may be... well beyond my abilities. But if you need help... if it's some sort of curse, or something. Don't hesitate to ask. I'll help you. I promise." He'd not leave her to whatever horrific fate he might have delivered into her very hands. Hopefully, it was just a scary memento from a danger long past, a terrible joke at her expense. He felt it was something far, far worse.

Celaeno watched the exchange silently, eyes getting big under her hood, enough that she didn't notice it slipping off her head bit by bit as she leaned forward to get a better look at that mask. She would even go so far as to edge closer to Raevyn's side. The mask itself held no meaning for her, though the emotions it emanated seemed to do naught more than perk her curiosity further. "What is so terrifying about this item?" She glances between Raevyn and Bastion, tapping different runes along her gloves under her sleeves, preparing a combination of...something, just in case.

Raevyn licked the corner of her lip and pulled it inward with her teeth, that unblinking stare lingering over the mask for some time. She had been doing so well with pushing past those events of a couple years back, almost having forgotten about the whole ordeal. And then, just like that, those same fears and worries had come cascading over her once again. "I-I'm sure it is fine. I will... have it studied, perhaps. To maybe seek its origin. I would not dare to wear it. Not under the circumstances." She was a very naive girl, but thankfully, she was not completely stupid. it was a bit bothersome that Bastion, could not recall whom had given him the package, but she had her suspicions- Those would be revealed as she answered Celaeno. "There... once was a man. He carried with him a strange and unsettling darkness. We met in Gualon. His face... it was not his own, in that I am certain." She finally tore her eyes off of the package and turned it over so she did not have to look at it, instead opting to glance between Bastion and the silver-handed woman. "It would not be the first time he has given me a strange gift, and if this is his work, then I can only assume that there is more to it than meets the eye." She nods firmly at the thought. Not far off in the brush, a shadowy figure emerges, a thin and withered form that would begin to shamble its way over toward the trio. It smelled of decay, and did not look a whole lot better.

Bastion did not like such dark things. There was darkness in all things, as there was light, but some things traveled so strongly along that dark path that it was hard to find the light within. This was a road he wasn't sure he was prepared to walk down. Whoever had given her that mask seemed to be a distant figure in her past. He hoped that meant she was better prepared to handle it. The boy looked back at his impromptu kitchens. "Oh! Excuse me, miss. Would you like some mabo curry, too? It helps." With a good many things, but soothing upset nerves was indeed one of those things. "Do you know about the recent events that befell Larket? I've heard much, but I only came after to aid with relief efforts, and I've heard many conflicting stories. Some say the witches summoned an army of demons to destroy Larket." He didn't mention his doubts... though he found some ill will among them, he'd done much the past few days to help dying and stuck witches make it out of the city, alive.

Celaeno pinches her eyebrows together as she overhears Bastion's commentary about rumors regarding the Larket invasion. He'd made his suspicions plainly clear to her, and while she understood "blending in" that certainly bordered on agitation. She says nothing, though, far too distracted by the mask, almost hypnotized. "Do you need help studying it? In the right controlled conditions, with safeguards of course, I'm sure its purpose could be unraveled..." In the meantime, she brought the bowl of oddly spiced food closer to her face and sampled a bit on her finger--had he called it curry? A tad spicy, it made her somewhat...homesick. She tried another bite before the familiar scent of decay reached her nose, making her nostrils flare. She glanced over her shoulder, lips pursed. "Did someone bring a friend?"

Raevyn had been teaching herself to know better than 'taking candy from strangers'. Once upon a time, when she first landed in Lithrydel, she would take anything offered! And then, certain events transpired, and she realized that there were dangers in this world far greater than what she could imagine. Still, Bastion seemed earnest in his offering. He seemed kind and sweet, as evidenced by his compassion for others and the warning offered. She also really enjoyed eating. "Curry? I do not think I've ever had curry, before. So... sure. I would love some!" Then, with his inquiry as to the events of Larket, Raevyn nodded. "Yes.. I was here. I am not sure what happened, exactly. It was so fast. I... almost died. I know that there was a woman here who was spoken to by this... I don't know. This evil entity. He was terrifying to look upon. I can not recall exactly what he said, but he seemed to be trying to force her into violence. She was taken away by the guard, once the invaders were defeated." Celaeno was regarded next, her own offer gifted with the necromancer's smile. "Yes, please. I am not very experienced with these sort of things, so I will take all of the help I can get!" As the elven woman made note of a particular 'friend', Raevyn wrinkled her nose in annoyance, head tilting to look past Bastion and upon that familiar undead stalker. "I am so sorry..." she begins in apology. "He follows me, everywhere. I don't know why or what he wants..." A sigh escapes.

Bastion was the most trustworthy person in all of these lands, and many people had come to realize it. His Vow of Truth made certain of it... no matter what, he couldn't betray the trust of others... no matte the consequences. He seemed deep in thought after Raevyn mentioned this evil entity, trying to force a woman into violence. It made sense, and lined up with what he'd heard... he had to get in to see her, one way or another. He'd have to work fast, too. If what he suspected was true, there was a chance, albeit a small one, that he could prevent disaster and unite Larket. With the queen's ear, perhaps it could be done. Perhaps. "I'm sorry, I have to go. It's an emergency. Oceal will be taking over the kitchens, feel free to help yourself to more Mabo Curry if you like!" He'd take off at a dead run then, ignoring the shambling, undead figure entirely. Whatever he intended to do, it must be important.

Celaeno raises a brow as her little friend runs off from his duties. It must've been something important. She tugs her hood a bit lower on her head, further over her face just in case any were to recognize her from an earlier visit. "Evil entity, hmm? Seems those creep everywhere. Speaking of which..." She side-eyes that mask and shrugs at the apology. "He isn't wildflowers, but they're a tad strong for my liking. Did someone you know raise him?"

Raevyn found is a bit peculiar that Celaeno seemed to be on her guard this evening, a simple, "Are you alright?" asked she she looked around. The bowl of curry was paid for with a thank you and a smile, she too giving the stuff a good sniff before trying it. It wasn't too bad! Definitely not the local cuisine she had grown so used to. When Bastion suddenly parted, Raevyn laughed a little to herself and commented, "Strange fellow. Nice, though." Another bite of the spicy curry was washed against her tongue to soak in the flavor, her answer to Celaeno quite casual as she stared upon the thing she would nickname 'Rawr'. "Not that I know. He just... appeared one day out at the ranch just north of here. I was visiting Artia, my friend from before, and... he came right to the house. Now, wherever I go, he's there. He usually keeps his distance, but he's definitely there." She had thought about putting him back into a grave once, but after that night in Chartsend where he saved her life, she owed it to him to let him exist. "I think... he tries to communicate, sometimes. But he is so withered away, that I fear his voice is unable to manifest. So... he just grunts and groans." Raevyn finally looked over to Celaeno. "So, how have you been since we last met? Are you finding your way around, well?"

Celaeno nods in agreement, a slip of a smile quirking her mouth. "Indeed, too nice if such is possible," she quipped before glancing past Raevyn to her odd shadow. "Is he...friendly? Perhaps we could give him a way to speak, see how eloquent he is, perhaps see who his master is." She turns over her palm, tracing a few of the odder runes just under her finger joints. "I did meed Artia. She rather abruptly saved my life when I made the attempt to visit Vailkrin. I had no idea that by 'city of the dead' you meant city of vampires. So many stories and legends seem to find their way to this continent. Aside from that I have been losing my way now and again, meeting different sorts of charming company in my search for those other libraries your friend mentioned."

Raevyn seemed interested in Celaeno's idea, looking once more upon 'Rawr' in a thoughtful manner. "Friendly? I... suppose, you could say such. He has saved my life, and the only person he ever attacked was intending to cause harm. Though, do you have any ideas on how to get such a creature to speak? I... my studies in such matters are so very little." When the mention of Artia saving her life, Raevyn looked surprised. "Really? Saved your life? What happened?!" She looked a bit guilty as she said, "I'm sorry. I did not know. I had just heard it was an undead city- I did not know exactly what sorts." A gentle touch was placed against Celaeno's arm. "I'm glad that you are alright, though. Perhaps we can venture together to try and find them, sometime. Strength in numbers and all!"

Celaeno grins wider, perhaps the widest anyone had ever seen thus far during her stay in the lands, and it was certainly the first sign of mischief. "I have a few ideas. Making a mechanism that could fill in the blanks, perhaps. With the right characters and some observation of his patterns we could fill in the blanks, see how much soul he's got left." The mention of Artia and the small ordeal made the expression flit away. She rolled her eyes. "Oh some ruffians crowded me hinting at wanting my blood, I suppose for drinking. She came in, flouted her connections as well as some impressive intimidation tactics, and they ran off like children. Then there was an avian, a charbroiled corpse, nothing too sensational. But then there were some forbidden documents and I was let inside the library at...Scherazade is it? That was a good day." She patted Raevyn's hand, the grin returning full force, excitement replacing the former mischief. "Oh! I have never had a companion in my hunting before. That could be enjoyable, considering my status as a newcomer and your recent return." A puzzled finger was pointed at the scythe, however. "What have you been up to since I last saw you? Certainly not harvesting crops."

Raevyn looked over Rawr as she thought about Celaeno's suggestion, wondering if he could even understand what they were saying. He did not move from his position now, kind of creeping about and watching the pair. "That is a very interesting idea. I would be willing to try it!" With the explanation of what had taken place, the young necromancer could not help but laugh. "I knew Artia had some sort of connections. I am glad she was able to help. Although, Avian? Scherazade? These are... unfamiliar to me. Something else I must add to my list of things to read about!" The scythe that she carried was shifted forward so that she may better look upon it; It was rather tall, with a malachite hue tainting its unholy construction. "Oh my. Well, not much if I do say so. There's the finding Artia once again, and Rawr over there. A week ago I woke up near a town called Chartsend- Apparently a three day venture by foot, and yet I was there within only a few hours of sleep. Upon the very plain I woke, a war was fought. The evil forces were defeated, their leader- some sort of ghoul or wraith, dropped this." She motioned to the scythe. It's nice, so I kept it. I figured it might make for a scary weapon to show off so people don't attack me." There was a wink tossed into that little bit of humor and she went on. "I bought a steed while in Chartsend to get home. So, I now know how to ride. Scariest trip I've ever taken, by the way. The land between Xalious and Chartsend has some very dangerous things. Had a couple of ghoulish things give chase, just outside of the Dwarven city of Craughmoyle. Um, oh, and I almost died in Larket when those same dark forces invaded- Which I spoke of earlier." She shrugs with a smile. "So, not much." The sarcasm on those last words was extra thick.

Celaeno :: "I've heard them called angels in other lands. Humanoid creatures with giant bird wings! I have only spoken to two since I came here, but they are...interesting. Apparently they live there, from what I gathered." She peered closer at the scythe, squinting up at the blade that was a good couple of feet taller than her. "Perhaps something good to study alongside that odd mask...ghouls and wraiths are nasty business. I prefer the latter, only because of their spectral nature. Less mess." She crossed her arms over her chest, more from comfort than closing herself off. "I haven't heard of a dwarven land, or of this town. We have much ground to cover in our explorations." A bit of her glee turned back to her customary frown when she described the incident. "If the results are any evidence, the attack itself must have been horrendous. I heard tell of...eldritch creatures and other assorted evil as part of the horde?"

Raevyn nodded slowly, finishing the last of her quick meal. She wasn't much of a spicy type, the evidence of this fact displayed by the light sweat gracing her forehead. "Two? Lucky! I have yet to even see one, and I've been traversing this land for quite some time! Yes, we will most definitely have to make some sort of plan for adventuring." it wouldn't take long for that excitement to dwindle as she reflected on the horrors that she saw not so long ago. "Then I am sure you heard correct. There were things I certainly could not identify in those armies. Things I ought not want to see again. Not in the way that I had..." her face goes blank, eyes unmoving as she looked upon the earth below. "It took me two days to get the blood out of my hair. I saw a man's skull crushed right beside me. It was so awful, Celaeno. I pray that you never have to see or experience such a thing." When she finally brought herself back to the current moment, Raevyn glanced to the stars above and noted their positioning. It was getting late into the evening and she still had a few things to attend to. "While I would love to continue this discussion, I must be on my way. There are a few things I must do. It was nice to see you again. Come by the Tower sometime soon and we shall plan an excursion to find that Library, as well as other adventures of interest." She would pause and give Celaeno time to respond, soon to issue her goodbye. "Good evening, Celaeno. Travel safe. Soon, okay?" A smile, a bow of her head, and soon the young necromancer would be on her way north to pay visit to a friend.

Celaeno rubbed her forearms, a subconscious fidget and reminder of a few of the things she'd witnessed under the tutelage of her old master. Her face stayed stoic, albeit sympathetic to her friend's plightful experience. Despite that her imagination cooked up a reasonably vivid imitation of what Raevyn described, odds were, despite Cela's pride at thinking she had seen the worst of such things, she probably hadn't enough experience to comprehend that true of horrors just yet... "I have been staying in the dormitories some of the time. That would be a splendid meeting place. I'll watch for you in the coming days. You travel safe as well, and I am glad to see you looking better." And with that, she would draw her hood lower over her face and duck off back out of the city.