Project Dissonance Theory Intel

From HollowWiki

Part of the Dissonance Theory Arc

If you’re reading this, that means you’ve more than likely been given clearance to help with Project: Dissonance Theory. If you haven’t, you’ll eat this paper right now and continue on with your life, if you know what’s good for you. With that out of the way, the following is a collection of information that we currently have on the entities we’re trying to contain. In the near future, you will be apprised of more intel, once our Magical Sciences Department finished with its experimentations.


  • Name: Xicotl
  • Classification: Primordial
  • Whereabouts: Unknown
  • Creator: Unknown
  • Description: A subterranean eldritch horror, whose roots have spanned countless millennia. Thanks to Quintessa Dragana’s intense research on the subject, it is known that Xicotl is a plant-like being, a writhing mass of tentacles and proboscis-like appendages whose flesh is disgustingly green, leathery, and slimy, and looks to be stretched over some sort of giant, misshapen egg. Xicotl is nothing more than a parasite, residing far below Hollow’s crust. Once every 937 years, Xicotl seeks to perform ‘The Harvest’, where the creature devours whole civilizations, all of which had been written off as disappearing mysteriously in various history books. It’s also during this time that thralls are created of the soulless bodies left by the mass genocide that preceeds Xicotl’s feeding. No one has been successful in thwarting Xicotl’s harvest.


  • Names: Asher and Naphtali
  • Classification: Sentient Minion
  • Whereabouts: Unknown
  • Creator: Xicotl
  • Description: Twins from a previous era where Xicotl had made his return, the two are cunning and devious lieutenants in Xicotl’s army. They have made attacks on both Vigilanti Semper, and Khitti Herzegler while she was alone, and both attempts were foiled by not only Herzegler, but Quintessa Dragana, Ihrakah, and several others within the Warrior’s Guild. While their attempts may have been foiled, they are not to be taken lightly. Should you find yourself trapped by them, escape at all costs. Both seem to have a working knowledge of the Shadow Plane, between being able to identify a tikifhlee on sight and closing one of Herzegler’s massive portals to the Shadow Plane.
  • Abilities: Naphtali, the female of the two, seems to prefer fighting in close quarters with an emerald-encrusted katana, while occasionally summoning a wall of tiny, flying dragons that breathe ice-blue fire. Separately, these saurians are easy to pick off, but together they could prove deadly. Asher, on the other hand, prefers ranged attacks, whether it’s with the lance that he can summon from seemingly nowhere, as well as throwing thin black poisoned darts. They are also capable of short and long range teleportation.


  • Name: Thralls
  • Classification: Minion
  • Whereabouts: Below ground in various places around Lithrydel
  • Creator: Xicotl
  • Description: These horrific, gangly creatures are the people leftover from eras past. These are the ones Xicotl chose not to devour, forcing them to become mindless husks of their former selves. For all intents and purposes, they can be considered zombies and should be treated as such (though there’s no threat of being turned should you get bit or scratched by one). They do not know fear, they do not know pain, they will not hesitate to rip the living apart as hordes of them swarm areas designated by Xicotl himself or his lieutenants.
  • Abilities: They are much faster than your typical zombie-esque creature and they are capable of scaling walls/trees/whatever necessary to get to their prey. In order to protect them, Xicotl has gifted his thralls a passive ability to gain resistance against the various types of magic used against them. Despite this resistance, they can be attacked with physical weapons without fail and do not use any special weapons themselves, relying only on their claws and teeth for battle. More information on their resistance and just how much it protects them will be available once the Magical Sciences Department finishes their experiments.

Do not use this information to cause panic where it’s not needed.

-Camina Corelia, assistant to Khitti Herzegler-

OOC Note: Credit to Quintessa for coining the phrase 'Project: Dissonance Theory'.