Newsclipping: Unrest in Cenril Continues

From HollowWiki

The Cenrilian Times - Unrest in Cenril Continues

It has been weeks since the beginning of the war here on the home front; and it seems that members of all ages, shapes, and sizes have bonded together in the effort to protect Cenril from the cultists that now roam the streets causing havoc of all sorts. Last night, a dock fire was reported and put out by volunteers and recruits from the Cenrilian Guard, using a contraption rumored to have been invented by General Brommson, who has refused to give comment on the device- a strange wooden pump of sorts. Mr. And Mrs. Mallard, co-owners of Mrs. Mallard's Bakery reported three days ago that there had been an act of vandalism upon their store; stones had been thrown through the windows. Similar reports of vandalism have been seen all over Cenril, each of which was responded to by the Guard and its volunteers. When asked his opinion, Togo of Togo's Armor Shop claimed he thinks that it's "less of a war, more of a big bunch of trouble what's bad for business." His opinion seems to be a very popular one; but there is also a sister opinion that seems to be equally as prominent with the Cenrilian people- that the trouble being caused by the supporters of the Church is slowly but surely getting under control, and that peace may be in the very near future.