Mirrorscale-Lined Frostmaw Longcoat

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Mirrorscale-lined Frostmaw Longcoat - (Armour-Body)
Creator: Satoshi
Last Known Owner: Satoshi

Satoshi's trademark coat redesigned and restructured to be far more functional and formal. The same blue-white arctic suede consists of the coat's body, and it still bears a trimming of plush white fur, but has since been given an inner lining of dragonscale taken off a Mercury Dragon and woven together to make a lightweight, durable layer. With the Mercurial scales, the inside of the coat has become highly reflective to the point of being blindingly mirrorbright if angled properly in light--much like its former owner would use as a means of self-defense. Further enchantments have been woven into the already flame-resistant fabric to increase its durability and repairability in/after Satoshi's constant fights. The coat's hem has been recently modified, still hanging low in the back, but cropping up to a thigh-length pseudo-skirt in the front, allowing a heightened ease of movement.


A long time piece of Satoshi's attire, it has seen as much combat--and damage--as the magus while stubbornly refusing to be defeated. As the ice magus has no need to ward herself against cold weather, it's assumed this fur-trimmed winter coat carries more fashionable and magical meaning than actual functionality.

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