Hallucinogenic Dragon Claw Gladius

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Hallucinogenic Dragon Claw Gladius - (Weapon Melee)
Creator: Xolin
Last Known Owner: Xolin

As it's name would suggest, it is a Gladius carved out from a Cave Dragon Claw; thus it has a fair bit of weight to it. The trade off is that it's cutting and piercing potential is near limitless! It has also been infused with a potent hallucinogenic powder that, once cut into someones flesh, makes the receiver prone to wild hallucinations for several minutes, if not longer. With each new cut the hallucinations become more intense, driving many to the brink of insanity if they don't succumb to the looming threat of a possible heart attack.


Its history is unknown, but Xolin scavenged it from a fallen warrior recognizing what it had been crafted from. He promised the re-purposed claw that he would give it some action to honor the Dragon it had come from.

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