Golden Belled Bangle Anklets

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Golden Belled Bangle Anklets - (Armor- Feet)
Creator: Ahjit
Last Known Owner: Ahjit

Golden bangles worn around Ahjit's ankles. The bands are carved with repeating patterns like the embroidery on his clothing, and augmented with small studs of different colored gems. Between the gems at regular intervals dangle small golden bells. Along with the ring of the bangles these bells chime with Ahjit's steps. The anklets are the only things Ahjit wears on his feet as he chooses to forego shoes of stockings of any sort. Strangely his feet are unmarked by cuts, blisters, blemishes, or dirt despite him wearing no protection. It is as if Ahjit's feet have never truly touched the ground or walked a day in their existence. An unnatural trait even for an avian.


This item's history is a mystery at this time.

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