Gold-Runed Leather Band

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Gold-Runed Leather Band - (Armor-Arm)
Creator: Kirien Vahir-Ar'Anthari.
Last Known Owner: Kirien.

A simple, thin leather band coloured with red dye, inlaid with golden runes. Each rune is carefully imbued with powerful enchantments intended to halt the onslaught of disease (magical or natural) and various spells that strike the limb the band is worn upon. The band essentially prevents the insidious effects of those spells and diseases from travelling further into the body, as they might easily do otherwise, in order to wreak havoc.


Created by Kirien a long time ago. It's currently used to protect his body from full petrification, which affected his left hand when he removed the poison from a friend and accidentally harmed himself in the process. The band is used in tandem with Kirien's ring of containment, which imprisons the petrification poison until willed free again, at which point it will once more consume his skin and transform part of his left forearm and hand to stone - the band stops it from going further and ruining the rest of his body.

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