Ghostly Shadow Spinning Spider

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Ghostly Shadow Spinning Spider - Pet
Bonus: +15
Sold at: --
Cost: 00 sp <br />0 cp <br /> gp, 00 gp <br />0 cp <br /> sp, 00 gp <br />0 sp <br /> cp

Halloween 2023 Costume Contest prize given to winners Joan and Ralinde

This peculiar spider features spindly, almost delicate legs that are white and translucent, giving it a ghostly and spectral quality and their name. They radiate a soft, eerie glow in low light. When they form a bond with their owner, the connection goes beyond the physical and transcends into the metaphysical. The spider becomes a companion that can sense the emotions and intentions of its owner, often acting as a protector and sometimes a source of comfort. They are able to spin webs of pure darkness. These webs are not physical in nature but are composed of an intangible and shadowy substance. When spun, they appear as intricate patterns of darkness. These webs can serve as a means of defense, ensnaring and disorienting enemies.