Duel:Raziel v Zaxx

From HollowWiki


Just another night in Kelay Tavern, as there is drinking and talking. After Raziel gets the bright idea to down several glasses of vodka she meanders about the tavern and leaves a note that was offending to Zaxx, causing a rather violent turn of events that evening. After much fighting Zaxx overpowers the blind elven woman and bounds her tightly with ropes to take her away for ransom. But before Zaxx leaves Raziel's adoptive father, Muraski, enters only to tell Zaxx some, perhaps, shocking thoughts about what to do with his elven, or lycan disease tainted, daughter. The woman to be taken away by the Preklek for several days before Mura obliges to giving him the ransom.

Idle Chatter Becomes A Violent Game Of Cat And Mouse

Zaxx turns his gaze to the man at his side only after the full content of his glass, nearly regurgitating the foul stuff all over Mesthak's bar. But such extremes were the only way he ever felt close to what most tavern-goers would know as drunk, if only for a minute or so before his body obliterated the toxins in his blood. "All of..." he pauses to control a belch that may have turned into a retch. "The monkeys that were born on this little mud ball."

Zaxx said, "And all the others who call it home."

Raziel walks into the tavern, dark tinted goggles covering out the blind eyes, and a raven upon her shoulder. The white haired elf in all black goes to a secluded table with a grumble and orders some straight vodka, giving the money to Nancy after she does and throwing her booted feet upon the table with a sigh.

Kyros seems unbothered by the Preklek's show of mannerisms, his nose twitching a bit, if just for the smell, and then he raises his glass to his lips, drinking deeply. Setting his glass down again, his eyes seem more focused, really taking Zaxx in as opposed to just staring him down. "Yes," he says, "Most of 'em, yes."

Zaxx seems a little less concerned with Kyros than with expressing his annoyance, which he clearly demonstrates by cutting the man off mid sentence. "I mean, who else but an idiot tries to break a deal with someone who's just downed four orcs? Really?" The Preklek tosses a couple more of those bloody coins onto the bar next to his glass and waits for Mesthak to refill it.

Raziel takes the glass of vodka from Nancy, thanking her, and as soon as the barmaid walks away the tall yet skinny elf downs the whole glass and sets it upon the table, not seeming very phased by its contents... And muttering something about some freeloader.

Raziel drank a vodka.

Kyros takes a moment of silence before he hums under his breath, vague acknowlegement to the words Zaxx is speaking, then his eyes are back on his glass, watching the slow ripples in the liquid and the foam across the top. Kyros is still and listening in a concise manner before he shakes his head briefly, back and forth once. "Dun' know," he says then, and raises his glass again for another drink of it. This is his third. "Entitlement complex," he mutters, reaching into the pocket of his leather pants and retrieving coins - all silver, no gold, to pay for his drink, shaking his glass for a refill.

Raziel orders another vodka from Nancy, giving her gold for it and not accepting change back as her hand gives the woman back the empty glass.

Zaxx shakes his head a bit, watching the Dwarven bartender come round to fill both his and Kyros' drinks. "What is your name?" the Preklek asks of his temporary companion as he remembers that Humans do so enjoy talking about themselves. Besides, there was little more to say on his end, the fool was dead now. His life was enough to cover the rest of his debt.

Kyros waits to let his drink settle, a bit of the foam sloshing onto the bar when the barkeep sets it down, somehow putting him off to it briefly. He shakes his head more briefly, "Kyros Atheoso, and yours?" he says flatly, disinclined to show too much interest, be it in himself or in the blood-covered man a seat down from him at the bar..

Raziel simply downs another vodka and asks for another once again... Though she seems pretty ok yet.

Antonio stands in the door way briefly, looking in at the... People. He stops, unblemished face looking about, wound free, scar free, fashioned blankly right now. Finally, he sits down on the floor, ordering something, no care of what to drink.

Zaxx shrugs just slightly, eying his drink as though it meant to kill him. "Your tongue would find itself unable to pronounce it, and thus your kind have taken to call me Zaxx. Or monster, if you'd prefer. I kill things for money. Pretty simple." his head cants round as it hears the door open, a toothy grin elicited at the expense of that porcelain man who'd just entered. Oh how he'd enjoy disfiguring that one.

Raziel downs yet another vodka, and is about to drink a fifth when the glass pauses at her lips, claw marks upon her face slightly burning. "... Frecken disease..." she mutters, downing that one and then standing up to leave, setting five extra gold pieces upon the table to tip Nancy.

Antonio watches Zaxx, his eyes suggesting he's sleepy, his face doesn't change among the stare, going a little still. His shield leaned on his shoulder, made of something odd, from far away, its just white and looks like it ripples. He stare for a moment, before draining what he ordered in one gulp, its something hard, but it doesn't even give him a shiver.

Antonio drank a blood wine.

Raziel pauses as she reaches the door and swiftly turns back to Nancy to quickly order something else. When Nancy returns the woman drinks it and sets the glass on a nearby table before turning back to the door.

Raziel drank a clear water.

Kyros follows Zaxx's look and turns his head, watching the undead man enter the tavern. He recognizes him as Antonio, and raises his chin a fraction in what could be a greeting, were it more pronounced. Then he takes in the rest of the Tavern, eyes briefly resting on Raziel as she gets up to leave. Kyros turns back to Zaxx then. "Monster. Hmph, interesting," he says low under his breath. "Wouldn't no one pay you to kill me, so I'm not too worried. Got nothin' fer you to take from me, not even braggin' rights." His shoulders shrug up, his head turning to glance at Antonio briefly and then away again.

Zaxx grins a little at Kyros, devilishly even. "Oh, but there's where you're wrong. There's always -something- I could take." but he shows no sign of aggression, and his tone is mocking, even if it does contain a subtle, dangerous edge. "A friend of yours?" he then questions, jamming a thumb behind him to indicate the plasticine floor dweller.

Antonio sighs inwardly at the glances, the once human, though showing no trace of anything, besides the most subtle bluish tint too his skin. He nods a little too Kyros, nothing more though, his face hardening the littlest bit. He watches the floor he sits on, hands just as free as his face, slowly folding them together. His scythe off on his back, the ground twisting it, he stands after a few moment, murmuring too himself, sounds like its own deep rumble for a moment. Pupils taking a little more in size, but back to the same size just as quickly.

Kyros grunts in response. "M'not so sure. There's as much merit in killing me as there is in killing a drunken fool wandering the streets; I'd probably be less likely to drop anything of value, even," he laughs under his breath, unconvinced, and twists his neck, not looking at Antonio this time, but past him. "Not - Well, no, not quite a friend," he says without further explanation, and his fingers run through his tangled, dark hair. Finally, he attends to the glass in front of him, taking a drink from it.

Raziel pauses at the board to write something out, with the instructions of how given to the blind elf by her raven. Once she's done she pulls forth a tack in the form of a white wolf and pops it upon the board, then allows the raven to read other notes to her, stalling on going home though she really should.

Zaxx said to Raziel, "Oi! If you've covered up my bill, I'll cut your eyes out!"

Raziel turns towards Zaxx and shrugs. "Didn't, stranger... Eh. My eyes are useless to you anyways." the blind elf turns back to the board, as if she's reading forth from it, as she acts as though she can see.

Zaxx hops up and prowls over to the board, taking a quick glance at the woman's post and where it was placed before rounding on her with fire in his eyes. "Is that so, hmm?"

Raziel lofts a brow at him. "You're the one calling people dogs." she growls, turning to leave.

Zaxx towers high above the female, a look of disgust plastered across his features as a powerful hand snaps out to grab a fistful of her hair and attempt with all his strength to wrench her off the ground. "Don't you turn your back on -me-, girlie."

Kyros turns in his chair to watch the scene play out, eyes moving slowly between Raziel and Zaxx, his drink unattended.

Raziel cringes as she finds her hair grasped, the 5' 10" elf not exactly terrified, as she's taken from the ground, a scowl given at him and she crosses her arms, her short hair causing her pain though she pretends it doesn't. "Hmph. I do what I want, creature."

Zaxx snarls, and at the word 'creature' he spits full on in her face. "Watch your tongue, or you'll lose it." he commands, and then reaches back with his free hand before loosing a vicious back-hand that, with the special forces ring on his finger, could easily crush a cheekbone and leave a wicked little tear in her flesh. "Two options, apologize, or get stuffed in a sack until someone takes enough pity to pay for your release."

Raziel growls as she's spat in the face, her teeth bared before she finds a powerful crack to the face, her bone shattering painfully and blood trailing down her face. The woman releasing a loud yelp of pain, and shakes with agrivation at his words. "I can pay for my own release." Is all she says to the Preklek that's still holding her by the hair.

Zaxx chuckles a bit, he can't help it, really. The fragility of these monkey races did amuse him so. "Oh, don't worry. I'll be taking all the gold you have on you anyway. But the option to apologize still remains, for a moment or two." the Preklek tilts his grasp so the the woman faces away from him as he proceeds back to the bar where his pack is laying next to the seat he'd just left. Mesthak shoots him a dirty look, but not as dirty as Nancy's. "Oh, stow it!" he calls to them, pushing his victim hard to the floor where he then puts a heavy foot in the small of her back so that he can rummage freely in the large pack.

Raziel scowls once more as he chuckles at her, and scoffs at his words, only to find herself being shoved to the floor and a heavy foot to land upon her, a snarl releasing from the woman's lips. "Fine! Fine! Frecken... Ugh... I'm sorry I was rude to you, called you creature, and posted something offensive upon the board. Now lemme go!" Raz turns to attempt to bite at the man's leg, though that's to no avail. "Dammit if Muraski finds out..." the woman mutters, squirming to reach for something in her boot.

Kyros watches Zaxx with a look of disgust, glancing to Mesthak and then back to the altercation at hand in silent anger.

Zaxx pushes his boot down extra hard into the woman's spine as he feels her struggling, though as he rummages through the pack he fails to notice her attempts to pull what is likely a dagger or some such from near the ankle. "Can't you manage a please?" he says in a sarcastic-sweet tone, barely able to contain the laughter that was fighting to come out after her apology. Really, he'd lost all interest in releasing her the moment she failed to apologize the first time around. What a scumbag. It's only a moment or two before he manages to find a coiled up bit of rope which he unravels and then cuts into separate lengths.

Raziel growls once more, though a smirk catches her rose hued lips as she pulls forth a dagger much like that of a Drow's and says "Fine. Please release me." Though she grins as she moves to drive the blade into the Preklek's ankle, hoping that it drives through and causes enough pain that she can roll to the side, get up, and move to make a quick getaway to Cenril.

Antonio snaps his spine back up, whole body completely twitching suddenly. He stops, his pupils fill his iris, frosty blue taken away, staring at the floor.

Zaxx 's eyes return to his victim just in time to register the point of a little blade being snapped toward his ankle, but without the time required to react properly. Arrogance is quite often the downfall of wicked men. Fortunately for him, however, the elf didn't exactly have the power required to drive her weapon clear through his flesh, given that she was reaching behind her back from such an awkward position. It does indeed pierce his flesh and draw blood, but the wound itself is superficial, causing nothing more than pain. And pain was something the Preklek special forces operative could deal with quite well, had been trained to withstand, had experienced many times. Yet the surprise of it all catches him off guard, causes him to shift his weight onto his other foot and off of Raziel's back just enough for the lithe elf to wiggle free and make a break for the door. "Where are you going?" the hunter shouts, his left arm rising up to aim at what appears to be the woman's back as he makes a fist. It's only now that anyone watching might question the nature of that strange, bulky bracelet he wears. Or at least it looks something like a bracelet, a leather harness with three cylinders protruding from it. Raziel was almost to the door, to freedom, when it's nature becomes clear. Zaxx pushes hard on a little pin shaped protrusion on the back of one cylinder, or more accurately, barrel, and with a deadly whistle a thick bolt of solid steel three inches long is ejected from the end like a bullet. It sails past the elf, just as she's reaching for the doorhandle, and pierces straight through the door, into the frame, preventing the door from opening at all. "That wasn't much of a please." he snarls, already advancing on her with a deadly look in his eye.

Kyros looks at Antonio again, if only to take his eyes from the sickening display between the preklek and the blind elf.

Antonio relaxes as his eyes just as quickly revert into a normal size, shaking his head a little, and murmuring a sort of a curse. He looks up, smiling a bit, looking like hes coming back together... Mentally at least.

Raziel tries to open the door when she finally reaches it, snarls and growls escaping the elf's lips as she continues to pull upon it, then grasps at the metal thing, hearing the Prekleks advancing steps she spins around, pulling forth her sabre and the crossbow her father had loaned her, if only for protection as she moves to try and get more space between her and the Preklek. "You're the one who was crushing my back. Now let me leave! I'm a very busy person, and I don't have all day for this nonsense just because an elven woman may have hurt your pride. Besides that, I'm in no mood to fight you." however, her not being in a mood to fight doesn't stop her from bracing herself in case of conflict, her white hairs bristling as she releases another uncontrolled growl.

Antonio draws himself up with just his scythe slung off his back, using it as something to pull himself up, ward in hand. He leans forward a bit on the scythe, before drawing himself up too full height, a creak sounding out from his back, he watches Zaxx, feet softly scraping against the floor. " So.... " a lethargy to his voice, almost like someone getting up, " This looks... " Yawn.. " Curious. "

Antonio Slides his helmet on, resettling on the floor, all the way against a wall, face covered, with only slits, he watches the two ward behind his back, scythe on his lap.

The Duel Ensues


Zaxx wins: He keeps Raz as a captive until she’s freed by someone.

Raziel wins: Raz gets to escape

Time Limit:: 15min

Judges:: Kasyr, Muraski, Kyros

Winner: Zaxx

Zaxx takes the woman's draw of arms as an immediate sign of hostilities, and from that point onward, the hunter declines showing any form of mercy. Before she is even able to raise her crossbow properly he adjusts the aim of his wrist mounted bolt launcher and jams down the little pin trigger on the second of its barrels, loosing a three inch long spike of solid metal straight toward her chest before making a quick dive away from the bar. He lands heavily into a roll next to a table covered with plates and drinks as its occupants flee, rightly toppling it to use for cover and then shoving his shoulder firmly into the thing, pushing it toward the last known position of his victim. For someone that didn't want a fight, she sure did everything she could to push his buttons. Disrespect from the lower races always made his blood boil. "Put the damages on my tab!" he shouts to Mesthak as the bartender cries out obscenities and threats, demanding the bouncer -do- something about all this madness. But alas, Mesthak had chosen to hire the wrong man, for he'd already slipped out the hole in the southern wall. Apparently he didn't get paid enough to battle giant lizards. Zaxx stops pushing the table for long enough to undo the clasp of his traveling cloak, revealing a piecemeal assortment of armor, most of it of Preklekian construction, mixed with bits of leather, all accompanied by a fearsome one handed battle ax held onto his the back of his chestpiece with straps, which are promptly undone. Zaxx takes his weapon in hand then, peering over the top edge of his mobile barricade to try and ascertain where the elf might have gotten to.

Raziel listens carefully to her surroundings, as a low humming noise escapes from her, the blind bard’s own version of a sonar. As she hears the sharp pieces of metal release from the Preklek’s weaponry her torso turns to the side and tilts away from them, trying to make sure no vitals are injured, one of the metal pieces burying itself within her arm, thankfully she’d chosen to wear her leather armor beneath her clothing today. With a growl of pain she begins to move, not wanting to waste any of the bolts and being cautious of hitting people with it, for the bolts contain a poison of sorts. A respitory paralysis that would work to cause the lungs to slowly stop their working. As she hears the man begin to move, so too does she, the elven woman to dash to a distance from the man so as to not be rammed or any such thing with a table. She leaves the metal piece within her arm for it was just a minor annoyance at the moment. Finally the woman figures her best attack is a defense of sorts, and so she starts singing and lacing her magic through her song so as to cause the Preklek to hopefully become drowsy from her music. Should this work she’d start dashing around to the other side of his table, trying to watch out for various other furnishings and patrons of the tavern, so that she might have a better aim at Zaxx.

Zaxx catches sight of the woman fleeing from his crouched position behind that table, quickly gauging the distance between them and preparing for a mad dash in her direction. Yet right then she begins to sing, and the Preklek suddenly finds his eyes feeling heavy, trying to close on him. He shakes his head violently, smacks himself a good one too, right across the face, which seems to do the trick for a moment at least, long enough to realize that his plan to vault the table and close the distance was probably useless now, for the pitter patter of feet moving across the floor was obvious. Still fighting the bard's song of sleep Zaxx closes his fist around the leg of a nearby chair and waits, a yawn escaping him as he prepares for the perfect moment, just an instant before Raziel would be rounding the edge of his table, and then hurls the chair with all the strength he can muster. The second that it is out of his grasp, Zaxx forces himself to follow, though it is a sluggish, drunken sort of swagger that he falls into, the spellwork taxing him heavily. As the elf finally comes into view she will find a sturdy chair hurtling at her, mere feet from collision and given that she cannot see it, might have a very difficult time of dodging the thing before it smashes straight into her chest and or face. If that's not enough for the poor creature, even if she does manage to dodge the chair Raziel will then have to contend with Zaxx's axe which swings down brutally at a diagonal angle, aimed to bite into her shoulder and tear a path all the way to her chest from the sheer power that the towering Preklek possesses in his arms. His plan is to catch her with the weapon, and then pull her to him with it as his left leg lifts and pistons out for a devastating straight kick to the gut, meaning that even if she manages to evade both the chair -and- axe, she might find herself hurtling through the air before slamming hard into the bar, with possibly enough force to snap her lithe little elf spine.

Raziel smiled to herself as she heard the yawn coming forth from Zaxx, though she continued to move to encircle his location, raising the crossbow to shoot a single bolt his way, only to find the sound of something being hurtled in her direction, followed by clumsy footsteps. Muttering a curse beneath her breath, the woman promptly forces herself to the ground, in an almost tripping fashion in appearance. She is thankful to hear the axe barely miss her from the odd way she chose to dodge both, but soon finds a swift kick planted into the woman’s abdomen, flinging her just over the bar and into the shelving behind, glass shattering and sticking within her leathers as she falls behind, Meshtak promptly moving to the back room as the fight is getting too near to him. When whence she recovers, sabre and Cenrilli repeater still in hand for her reaction to the pain made her clasp the weapons tightly within her hands, she moves once more, though she has a groggy nature to her movements, the elf stands as best she can and begins firing bolts at the Preklek’s neck, face, arms, and then legs. Only releasing four bolts in total before she’s sorely moving once more to hop over the bar while slashing at the creature’s neck in an angled fashion with the sabre, hoping to have his flesh torn from him and cause him enough distraction to go to break one of the windows and make her way out through there. Though that’s only if nothing else happens in between.

Zaxx breathes in relief as the bard's song is cut short and stretches out his shoulder muscles to ease the knot which had formed when his heavy axe carried him into an over extension. But it is only a moment of rest, for then the elf is back on her feet, wavering, but standing none the less. Left with no more cover and lacking the speed to dodge crossbow bolts with impunity the Preklek breaks into a desperation charge, long heavy strides carrying him swiftly toward the bar as that repeating crossbow looses it's payload of death in his direction. There is a crunch as one of the bolts aimed for his neck tings off of his chest plate, the signal for him to drop into a fevered slide just in time to avoid one which might have split his skull open and ended his life. Battered as she was, Raziel's aim suffered, yet she seems to manage a correction to account for his sudden drop in elevation and catches him with two of her projectiles, one in the left shoulder along a seam in his armor and one just a slight lower which manages to punch through his plate. That one only does minor damage, the bulk of it stopped by his now crumpled metal suit, but the one in his shoulder elicits a roar of pain and anger from Zaxx as he slides hard into the bar and swears, testing his shoulder to see how much he can move it. The answer is not much, at least not without extreme pain, but he'll manage through it. If only due to his physiology. A human opponent would likely feel their respiratory system slowing and starting to shut down, but the Preklek would never even know that those bolts were poisoned, his body eradicating the toxins the moment they contact his blood. The hunter pulls himself into a crouch just before the elf hurdles his new place of cover, and with a yell he explodes upward at her, baring his good shoulder like a ram to knock her off course and then twisting his whole body round to bring a powerful close quarters swing of his axe down upon her, likely striking her in the chest and ripping her to the ground where it would tear through any sort of protection she might have and end her life in a dazzling spray of gore.

Raziel hadn’t had much time to mentally celebrate the fact that she’d actually gotten a hit upon the big guy, before she hears him moving again, her hand to swiftly place the crossbow into the same hand as her sabre and reach into her satchel to grab a velvet pouch filled with 14 coffin nails, of which she dumps upon the floor near and around the Preklek’s feet, for she bought those a few days ago figuring they’d have some use for something. However she stumbles backwards clutching at her ears painfully as the creature releases that horrid yell and rams into her body sending her toppling off to the side, though because of the woman’s daze she spins to the side opposite of where his only metal bolt was within her and finds her leg caught by the axe flesh ripping apart, though she stumbles away whimpering in the pain that followed, tears being caught within her dark tinted goggles as she continues forth to the window, and away from the Preklek. Whence she is within several feet of the area she was trying to reach she spins around and whips the sabre in his direction like a large boomerang, hoping for it to crash into his skull so that she might escape him and return home, though never once releasing her father’s crossbow. However the initial spinning motion that she made caused her to stumble after tossing the blade, which makes her pause and try to catch herself. Luckily the leg the axe hit already had a gouge in it from a couple nights previously, except for the fact that this new wound was much deeper and profusely bleeding, despite her armor. “Just leave me alone already!” the elf growls at him, backing away and aiming the crossbow back at him once more with a shaky hand, until she’s caught between the lizard man and the window pane.

Zaxx is mildly surprised to find nails sprinkling down on his head moments before he does in fact manage to knock the elf out of the air and catch her with his axe, if only slightly, yet he doesn't spare them much thought. Not until he manages the unfortunate task of stepping right on one. It pierces straight through the sole of his boot and into his foot, causing him to jump and yell, which then leads to him stepping on another one with the other foot. What follows is rage. Pure, unadulterated hatred and anger that courses through him like molten rock, building up and then erupting from the proverbial volcano of his lips as a yell which trembles with the sheer indignation of it all. "When I get my hands on you girl, I'm going to make you wish that the invasion had wiped your whole pathetic race off the face of this planet!" Zaxx advances, picking his steps a bit more carefully now, blocking out the pain in his shoulder and feet as he stomps close and closer to Raziel, not afraid of her sabre or her crossbow. In an act which reeks of desperation she whips her blade at him, but Zaxx simply swats it out of the air with a quick swipe of his vambrace covered forearm, feeling pain as it digs into his flesh at an angle and draws a large flow of blood to the surface, but the leather protects him from the worst of it, and the sabre skitters away across the floor. "I'll tear your eyes out and feed them to you. I'll drive nails into your feet and make you walk one hundred leagues behind me. I'll take you to a whore house and sell you to the dirtiest, scummiest, most disease infested sailor I can find!"

Zaxx closes the distance between himself and his victim, leaving a trail of greenish blood the whole way. She might try to fire at him, only to find the mechanism of her crossbow jammed, and find herself powerless to resist the Preklek's strong right hand as he tightens it around her throat and drags her back to the bar where his pack and the previously discarded lengths of rope lay. "Maybe this will teach you some respect for your betters." he spits, tossing her down on her belly and stomping on her back so hard that she might feel the wind knocked out of her lungs. Zaxx takes up a bit of the rope, and forces the elve's arms behind her back, using his wounded arm despite the searing pain it caused him. He ties her bonds intentionally too tight, pulling on them brutally, and then does the same with her ankles, likely causing massive discomfort as the rope digs into the large gash on her leg. He then ties her ankles to her wrists before finally removing his foot from her spine and retrieving a thick handkerchief from his pack. "Anything more to say before I silence your insolent tongue? Maybe 'thank you, sir' or 'i'm sorry, sir.' hmm?"

An Odd Proposition

Muraski entered into the tavern only to find himself stumbling a rather peculiar scene. As preklek grasped his daughter, the rogue found himself to blink, a second glance given, then a third.. His head moved in closer to make sure he had seen everything correctly and when finally he was certain that Zaxx was indeed taking off with Raz, the man grinned. He approached the scene, a small pocketful of gold coins lifted out of his pocket and thrown his way, "Beat her until she understands her place, please. She needs a damned lesson in the world already and apparently, I can't do a good enough job at it. Maybe, a lizard can." With that he turned towards the board and left his kid in the hands of the preklek, words yelled in a fashion so that Zaxx might hear, as he read the newest news in the lands. "Oh and if it's a ransom you want for her, I'll pay it in a few days when she's finally learned not to be such a dumb ass child."

Muraski gave 1000 gold to Zaxx.

Raziel frowns deeply as she does try to shoot the crossbow, only hearing a click at the jam it had gained, and dropping it to the floorboards the minute her throat is grabbed, choking at the feeling. As his foot returns upon spine a yip of pain is given as it also digs some of the glass shards within her as well. She'd weakly squirm before finding herself painfully bound together and she groans in pain, the vodka she had earlier doing nothing to cease any of it now. "Yeah... I got something to say..." she starts to growl, before she hears the ticking of her father's fake heart "I'm dead..." As she listens to his words exchanged to the man her mouth goes agape, but she soon closes it and braces for any impact, knowing she's not getting out of this brand of his punishment.

Raziel said to Zaxx, "Errm... I'm sorry?"

Zaxx had just finished with his knotwork and was in the process of stretching his sore limbs when he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Out of reflex he spins round, his left arm rising so fast to level that wrist mounted bolt launcher at Muraski's face that Zaxx completely forgets about his infirmity, and has to bite down hard on his lip to keep from crying out in pain. There is a tense moment where Zaxx debates triggering his weapon and obliterating the stranger's face. He wasn't in the mood for another drawn out conflict, not now. Yet then his ears catch the sound of gold coins clinking together, and he reflexively catches the bag, a bit shocked. "And who are you supposed to be, the kidnapping fairy?" he retorts, eying Muraski up and down as the man simply turns away and heads about his business, completely ignoring his prize for the moment.

Muraski pointed at the female that was hog tied up by him, "Her dad, that's all. Just the kids parent is all that I am. And, I'm sick of trying to be her parent when she refuses to listen. So, thank you for beating her senseless, thank you for capturing her, and hopefully you'll do well to teach her the foolishness of her ways. In fact, you make sure she gets covered in bruises but comes back alive, I'll pay you.. I'd prefer to see her again, just perhaps a little wiser." He finished looking at the boards before he moved back towards the pair, "Anyways, I appreciate what you've done. I'll be going now. If you wish to ransom her off, I'll be available to pay such a fee in a few days. Perhaps name an amount so I can work for the coins needed."

Raziel whimpers as she hears the next round of words from her father, and before he leaves she groans out "Dad... You're crossbow's by the window... I accidently dropped it. Sorry." however she doesn't argue anything about her punishment, knowing there was no arguing it without him adding to it. Only a sigh before she moves to start biting at the metal bolt making growly noises as she tries to reach it.

Nuntius steps in through the hole in the southern wall of the tavern, drifting in almost like a tumbleweed being blown in from the desert. Dust covered Nuntius' dark skin, and naught but tattered remains were of his clothes. At some point, he'd run out of money during his journey but that hadn't stopped him from coming this far. He appraised the situation, with distant curiosity. He had no desire to be directly involved, yet wherever he went, it seemed he became involved by choice or by force. Scars marked most of his visible body, and his skin had been beaten into darkness by the open sunlight.

Zaxx almost laughs, almost. This guy sounded a lot like his 'dad'... who was actually just another clone of him who'd been around longer and kicked the crap out of him everyday until he couldn't manage it anymore. But still... same concept really. "fifty thousand." He says "All gold, no silver or copper." and then he reaches down to stuff that handkerchief in Raziel's mouth so that he doesn't have to hear her annoying voice anymore. "You've got three days to come up with it, or i'll sell her to a brothel and cut my losses, got it?" That being said Zaxx slings his pack over his shoulder, and hefts the girl up with his good hand by her bindings, which is extremely uncomfortable, let me tell you. Especially when injured. "Three days." he repeats, before exiting through that hole in the southern wall to go find the safety of his hideout and a healer to tend his wounds.

Muraski simply watched Zaxx leave, a simple nod to make sure Zaxx knew the rogue recognized his words. He almost offered to have her kept for a week but decided that might be a bit harsh, "Fifty thousand, where do I meet you?" Was his only question.

Raziel faces Zaxx in shock at the amount he's asking for her, not that she can see him though, the woman then turning back towards Muraski, wide eyed and about to say something when she finds a handkerchief shoved into her maw. One of her eyes twitch as he mentions selling her to a brothel, totally unwanting of that, as she tries to face Mura pleadingly, offering her father-figure a sniffling and another whimper being muffled by the fabric. Soon finding herself lifted from the ground and the Preklek moving away, the elf not appreciating being man handled at all, as well, basically giving up with the pleading look as she hears him agree to the terms, and keeping silent… Though rather embarrassed by tonight's turn of events.

Zaxx said to Muraski, "You don't. I'll find you."