Duel:Ordox vs. Redovian (DD)

From HollowWiki

Combatants: Redovian, Ordox

Stakes: Death Duel

Setting: Larket Avenue, outside of the Temple of Cyris

Rules/Times: 5 min first attack/final defense, 10 min posts.

Judges (needed): Rheven, Kasyr.

Outcome: 2-0, Redovian

Larket Avenue

The street is bordered by buildings here, the northern structure set against the wall itself, the sound of chanted prayers emanating from it to blend disturbingly with the sound of fighting floating in from the south, where a tall arena stands. Several Larket citizens stand here, apparently undecided as to which building to enter. The street continues on to the east and west here, with Fort Freedom swiftly approaching to the east.

Ordox quickly whips his head around to lay eyes upon Redovian, who appeared far more hastily than expected...The Schemer barely had enough time to finish concluding his plots to destroy Cyris' haven, let alone carry them out.

Redovian felt the summons of his god, the urgency of which he felt making him rush to the scene. Upon spotting the shapeshifter, the paladin's eyes narrow underneath the raging dragon-maw menpo faceplate of his kabuto helmet. The paladin, garbed in his full battle attire which consists of the plated-white leather, and two katanas upon each hip, stalks about like a panther as he calms his anger to assume a more level headed status. His voice rings out. " You shall not be forgiven for your sins, servant of the parasite."

Ordox retorted with his own body, spinning around to face the man of god who's home was in danger. The shifter was in plain clothing, though those garments were not from his outer body, rather manifestations of his own flesh to mold and shape their color and appearance. He knew that he and Redovian would meet once again to bring a conclusion to one of their lives, though he was not without a proverbial ace up a non-existing sleeve. Survival was the creature's main motivation, and this is what he would seek today. "Forgiveness is not determined by you, champion of light." The distance between the two was still great, though if they were to do battle, it had to be eliminated to keep with properly drawn out strategy.

You adds that the final few bottles of Vuryal's blood have already been applied to Larket, seeking to do further damage should these be his last living moments...The blade of discord was also nowhere in sight nor sense.

Redovian has regained that calm and easy manner in which he is able to better utilize his own abilities. With a clear mind, and the raging fire that is his rage supressed, the paladin replies to the shifter. " Let us finish this, be it here, or a place of your own choosing."

Ordox made a few steps in approach, closing the precious distance before he stands boldly. "I cannot think of a better place..." The evil which tainted his soul through his actions emanates from his very flesh, causing the temple to give off a faint glow of warning.

Redovian stands across from one of his most hated opponents, his night blue eyes narrowing down upon the servant of the time lord with utter disdain as this clash of opposites begins. His right and left hands go to grasp at the hilts of the katanas that rests upon his hips, and in one fluid motion the paladin draws forth the blades and lashes out towards the shape shifter's midsection. Such a simple move is easily avoidable, for most experienced warriors, but the sudden unleashing of the two blades inner power brings into the fray a dangerous and perhaps unexpected element into the attack. From the katana in his right hand, known as Ryujin Jakka, erupts white flames of divine power that seek out the evil that is so apparent within Ordox's tainted soul. Should the blade find the man's flesh, he would suffer terrible burns as retribution for his sins, deemed by the god of light in which the paladin serves, known as Cyris. The katana that he holds in his left hand, known as Ror'Rih, poses an entirely different threat. This blade, recently given to him by the Queen of Frostmaw, Satoshi, has been imbued with powerful cryomancy, and is inscribed with sigils that flare to life once the black blade nears the shifter's form. Should this blade find Ordox's flesh, he would suffer the wrath of winter, and whatever wound the wicked blade left would become covered in the strange and otherworldly black ice. Ordox now faces two serious threats to his immediate well-being, and if he is not careful, may fall victim to both of the powerful elements which have been unleashed upon him.

Ordox's mouth hangs open as Redovian approaches with his two pronged strike, aghast at the paladin's initial assault. The Shifter was not prepared to face his holy-embued blade, though this new element added quite the predicament for him. Instead of standing idle whilst he made his approach, the trickster was quick on his feet, desperate to allow his strategy to develop. Showing complete disregard for harm, he dives directly at Redovian, instantly closing whatever remaining distance there had been between the two combatants, throwing his arms out in opposite directions of his body. The blades sever through the soft flesh as though a warm knife through butter, lopping off those appendages and sending searing pains of both fire and frost through his frame. Those body parts were disposable for the moment as the separation from his shoulders are immediately sealed over with fast-developing ice and burns, leaving them useless to assist him as the battle progresses… Mimicking this outward thrust of where arms were are portions of his body, allowing his pliable flesh from the chest down to his waist to take on a wing-like design; the sight of Ordox's gambit reminiscent of a creature akin to a flying squirrel. The mass derived from his core left the Shifter stretched quite thin when he makes contact with Redovian, wrapping his extended frame around his foe's head and upper body. Once completely cloaked, the tissue begins to squeeze, hastily constricting upon every inch it comes in contact with. It only takes a moment before the fine facial features of the handsome hero can be seen clearly from behind the blanket of skin. The danger to the paladin does not come in the form of mass compression, though…No. Redovian is in double jeopardy. For every second he allows Ordox to keep his hold, the man is deprived of precious oxygen from reaching his lungs. At the same time, the masking mold struggles to wriggle inside any available orifice it can worm it's way into- ears, nostrils, even an eye or mouth should either open. Once inside, they would wreak as much havoc as possible from within Redovian's body, willing to separate from their current whole if given the chance to accomplish the task. Though his blade is free to act in defense, the act of flaying the Schemer from his face while blinded would be risky to say the least. Knowing that he would not be able to survive much longer of this elemental onslaught, he needed the paladin to evoke the authority of Cyris, hoping that this sacrificial attack would be the perfect way to elicit it.

Redovian is not surprised to see that the shifter is able to avoid being eviscerated by his opening attack, and quickly takes on a defensive stance that utilizes his dual swords to a better degree. With the chapel of his god so close to him, the paladin is able to draw strength from the sacred temple, such becoming evident in Seika, the celestial guardian that watches over the man, being able to aid the champion of Cyris even more directly as the crazed Ordox unleashes his unorthodox attack. With his enemy suddenly wrapped about him, Seika unleashed her power. The medallion the paladin wears, that bears the symbols of Cyris into it, flares to life as holy flames erupts all about the man, wrapping him in an inferno of divine magic. The flames surround the immediate area about the chosen warrior of the gods, basking him in the flames that seem to do him no harm. Indeed, the holy magic that is unleashed upon Ordox does not even seem to harm the grass on which the clashing pair stand, but rather, the white flames seek out Ordox himself, honing in on and seeking out the darkness within his soul. For that darkness, Ordox will suffer. For these flames are not flames of salvation, but retribution. If Ordox believes he is going to twist the will of the gods into purifying his soul in this clash, he has underestimated the pettiness of the divine beings that rule over the mortal realm. For his attacks upon the innocent, for his parts in the torture of Kelovath, for his attacks on Rynvale, and for his desecration of the temple of Cyris, Ordox would suffer greatly in the flames that surround Redovian, and unless he acted quickly, he would be rendered into naught but ash within moments. As for Redovian's own situation, the man's struggles against the shifter's attack, holding his breath and praying to the gods that this is not how it ends, with this man's vile filth infesting him like it has so many others…

Ordox had waited for this moment, key to his hopes for survival. He had inklings ever since that first fateful encounter with Redovian, a botched assassination attempt, that he and the two would be destined to a life locked in combat. Logic clearly spelled out the end results in Ordox's mind; he had no chance of defeating the Champion of Light. While serving Vuryal's plans, the stains of evil have tattooed their brand so deeply into his soul that they were far too great a burden to withstand the might of Cyris' authority. Though previous frays had allowed the Trickster to sustain minimal damage from the paladin's power, it would not be so today…He holds his position wrapped around the paladin firm, twisted survival instincts being the only theme traipsing about a fear-riddled mind as he allows the holy aura to embrace him and repel him off of the man, landing a few feet away, his form returned to normal, sans arms. Shrieks of agony echo through the area, rippling through doughy flesh as they do. Acceptance. That was the goal. Ordox offers no resistance to the waves of pious energies, flooding his spirit and purging him of all sin found within his being, seeking to baptize the creature deemed evil by their Lord and cleanse him to the point of absolute purity…For whilst the god, Cyris is indeed willing to combat evil in all forms with his blade in one hand, in the other, the flower symbolized his desire for peace as well. While those flames would construct their punishment within his body, incinerating his innards, they also sought to cleanse him. The Schemer's contorted face is turned up to the sky, a gaping maw of utter agony being the only manageable expression as the malevolent forces are quickly corralled and begin their exodus from his body. Powerful shockwaves erupt through his moldable anatomy, and though it may not be visible nor audible, it can be sure that the paladin will take note of it. He would sense the unbridled blast of corrupt thoughts and actions, the very essence that a man of Cyris' teachings of Freedom and Independence crusade against, as they expel a wide ring away from the Shifter and eventually toward Redovian, seeking to destroy what light it might touch. That evil which had poisoned Ordox was finally gone, leaving him to collapse to his knees in exhaustion, his head bowed to the earth. Repentance. Truly this new creature, filled with the divine inspiration of holy light would lay before the eyes of Redovian…Free and innocent to whatever atrocities previously committed in his former life, his iniquity washed away and instead replaced with hallowed virtues. Surely the paladin would perceive this actuality. Should Redovian choose to ignore it and proceed to strike down this recently acquired disciple of Cyris's sovereignty, lest it were revoked, it would leave a heavy stain upon his own soul and perhaps end with the rejection of the god himself.

Redovian inhales a deep, long breath as the shifter is released from his form, the paladin spitting upon the ground due to the foul stench of Ordox's dough like body. The holy flames continue to burn, seeming to be growing with power as the man is in such close proximination to the temple of his god, the epicenter of Cyris' connection to the mortal realm. And then it happened. Ordox seemed to have been cleansed of all sin, bathed in the fires of baptism as it were. And the ending result was the evil essence within the man was sent forth to attack the paladin where he stood, seeking to extinguish the light he brought forth and drive the man into darkness, much like it had Ordox. The essence of evil incarnate meets the holy flames that are Seika, and the opposing elements clash in a tremendous display of the fight between good and evil. With each sin the shifter had committed, the evil within him grew stronger. Thus, the darkness that was unleashed upon the world was indeed of great power. It shrouds the area in its unholy presence, seeking to drown out the good in everything it touches. The grass that previously stood untouched withers and dies. A nearby tree wretches and contorts its leaves falling to the ground, lifeless. A bird attempts to flee, only to be caught in the living evil that now roams free, and die, falling before Ordox as a reminder of his sins. But, where the darkness that attempts to overwhelm Redovian has grown stronger with each sin committed by Ordox, the holy flames, that shred light upon the land, have grown stronger with each selfless act of good the paladin has done. Thus, Seika rushes forth to meet this evil incarnate. The resulting clash causes an explosion of tremendous force to erupt between the two foes as leaves; sand and various other debris create a dust cloud that blocks all sight for several moments. Redovian is sent hurling back dozens of yards, landing upon the ground unceremonially, and with a sickening thud. The sound of bones cracking can be heard as the man skids across the ground to stop as he slams into the stone wall of a nearby house. Moments pass in what seems an eternity, with the paladin trying to rise. His swords have been scattered to who knows where, leaving the man seemingly defenseless for now. The dust settles, allowing a crater of impressive size to be seen where the forces of light and evil just stood in battle. The darkness is gone, but so is the celestial guardian, Seika. Redovian tries to clear his mind of worry for the divine being, and focuses on standing, readying himself for whatever else Ordox has in store…

Ordox was defenseless in his current situation, the forces of evil which had been polluting his mind and soul were gone now, but they indeed took a toll on his body. Bubbling, pulsating ooze begins forcing its way through whatever cavities it may breach, seemingly melting him from within. His slotted, vortex pools were as dim as ever, barely a shred of darkness left within them and seemingly shimmering with bits of light. Redovian was thrown a great distance during the blast which gave both he and the Shifter clearance to recover, but it lasts only moments. Powerful shrieks break the silence which has dawned upon the temple outside of Larket as a barrage of wraithified beasts emerge from the wooded areas of Larket. Having sensed the mass dispersion of darkness through the area, the subsequent holy aura emitted by Redovian is like catnip to the creatures of darkness. All variance of corrupt creatures come cannonading from unseen locations, some by paw and while others by air, all seeking to tear into the flesh those combatants who alerted them. While one group of tainted bird and beast swarm in to plunge fang, talon and beak into the paladin, yet another emerges from beyond, their assault aimed not at the first combatant…but at Ordox alone. Their keen recognition of his transformation frees them to destroy another being whom they perceive to be a threat. Unequipped to be able to fend them off, he lay there, an unprotected to the darkness of the creatures as they begin pecking, biting and tearing at what remained of his body. It is at this moment, the origin of his rebirth as a member of Cyris' legion, that he makes his first plea to the god. Salvation and a holy aura of protection would be his request, seeking to repulse and reject those attacking beasts before they could invoke whatever harm they might attempt.

Redovian seems unprepared for the random assault of wraithen beasts that come out of the literal woodwork to assault the unarmed paladin. But, as he prays to Cyris for strength, the shouts and prayers of the priests and knights of Larket can be heard answering the assault upon their lands by the creations of the time lord. A clash of infected beasts versus highly trained knights, aided by the power of the priests of Cyris who come to the aid of the paladin that leads them ensues. Redovian's gaze comes to fall upon his blades, which have fallen several feet away from the man's injured form. Limping as best he can towards the blades, the paladin is assaulted by a wraithen wolf. The beast, snarling and drooling, lowers itself before pouncing upon its intended prey, seeking to drive the elongated fangs it has into the man's flesh. Again the paladin would inhale a deep breath, forcing his beating heart to calm itself as the wolf lunges. Waiting for the last minute, with his blade only a few feet away, Redovian rolls towards the sacred weapons, grasps their hilts once more, and rises ready to face the beasts brought on by the clash of holy and dark magic. But, to his surprise, a trio of armed knights rushes to his aid, impaling the wolf with spears, as a priest imbues holy magic into the weapons to kill the vile creature. Redovian is left there now, able to watch as the forces of Larket drive back the wraithen invaders. It is in this chaos, with the last few wraiths being drawn back, that Redovian looks for Ordox in the chaos, the man intent on finishing this fight…

(Finishing post to come)