Carrot Cakelog

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Carrot Cakelog - Food
Sold at: Sugar And Slice Bakery
Cost: 880 sp <br />800 cp <br /> gp, 60.6 gp <br />60 cp <br /> sp, 40.04 gp <br />0.4 sp <br /> cp

Popular amongst spice cake lovers during the harvest season, the carrot cake version of the cakelog comes with raisins and walnuts (though those can be omitted if the customer makes a special order) mixed into the cake batter, a thick layer of cream cheese frosting rolled up inside, and another thin layer of frosting on top, with a dusting of a cinnamon nutmeg mixed. Should the baker be feeling festive, there may be tiny carrots piped on top, in place of the cinnamon and nutmeg. It is even rumored that there is another version of this cakelog, wherein the carrots are removed and pineapple and bananas are added in its place. It is called the ‘hummingbird cake’, though no one knows for sure why that name was chosen.