
From HollowWiki


Respawn: 1120 minutes
Level: 21 Attack: 2150
HP: 69849 MP: 8000 SP: 8000


Max Drops: 6000 gold, 10000 silver, 10000 copper

On quiet nights, 'neath Vaalane's light,
It's unwise to leave your home,
For when the byrg walls come to life,
You might meet the singing stones.

Ghastly white as bone they are,
And it's said they're very thin.
With spindly legs and dusty scales,
They tend to blend right in.

They slither like snakes but have a human face,
And are still as any rock
Within the cracks of the walls they wait,
Always in trios do they flock.

Don't look into their eyes, the Elders say,
Or listen to their humming tune.
Just feed them a pebble and be on your way,
Or soon you'll meet your doom.

Some say the byrgwyrms leave their homes
during Vaalane's fullest phase.
To Fengoth or Foregengan they like to slither
For the river washes their dust away.

Then it's Arh'nuk's turn to guide the byrgwyrm,
And within its scarlet gaze,
They molt and reveal a single horn,
Curved skyward, the color of jays.

They dive into Venturil's rivers
Then migrate to their desired wood,
And it's here they feast upon silver leaves
Then nest in dirt and stones.

It's bad luck to touch their gravelly eggs,
But they're said to be a rare treat.
Sought after for their precious blue coloring,
Their shells taste especially sweet.

When Kafzhash shines its brightest,
And the days grow far too long,
The byrgwyrms turn their heads skyward,
And sing their parting song.

It's swift, their death, and with it comes
A very peculiar sight,
Their legs still skitter, even while they wither,
Into the mist and out of sight.

To follow them in their race to death
Is a risk best not to take.
But you might be rewarded if you follow that path,
For the treasures left in their wake.

Their horn is prized more than the scales,
As its brilliant blue color shines.
It thrums with a sound that is difficult to place,
Like a fork's tuning tines.

Papery scales wither away quick,
Revealing most peculiar bones.
A mix of snake with a powder-blue carapace,
And a skull that looks like your own.

Written by Iintahquohae for the Unique Fauna Contest