Burning Skeleton

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Burning Skeleton

Burning Skeleton
Respawn: ??
Level: 21 Attack: 2666
HP: 75152 MP: 8045 SP: 6436


Max Drop: 7625 gold, 0 silver, 0 copper
Somewhere in a dark and abandoned location, a small spark of light flares up, revealing the body of a recently murdered person lying huddled on the floor. The spark hovers over the body for a few moments, almost bouncing around as it seems to inspect it. After a moment, it lowers down and touches a piece of exposed skin, setting it on fire. The flames quickly spread over the entire body, consuming all of the clothing immediately before setting in to the longer task of burning off all of the flesh. Dense acrid smoke fills the air as the body burns, obscuring any view of it if there were anyone around to see it. The light is still fitfully visible through the roiling murk, slowly growing brighter and brighter. After a short while, the smoke thins out, revealing nothing left but the bones, still burning on the ground. Oddly enough, the flames do not appear to be consuming the bones, nor do they appear to be going out. Instead, the charred flaming skeleton stands up and walks away from it's death place, seeking victims to add to the death count.

Written by Cyllarus