Arcane Archer

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This page is an UNOFFICIAL CLASS page.

It contains important info about this class. Admin approval is required, those seeking to write a character of this class must first submit an application.

Official Classes Unofficial Classes


An Arcane Archer is the ranger equivalent to a spellsword. They combine magic and weapons, enchanting items with magical weapons on the fly in battle, causing arrows to explode or trail smoke, being able to add numerous effects to not only their weapons, but any object upon them.


The strength of a Arcane Archer, much like a spellsword, comes in their training in both Martial and Magical arts and the ability to combine them in cleaver ways. Enchanting their weapons to burst into flames or their armor to repel elemental attacks.


An Arcane Archer will have the nearly the same weaknesses as a spellsword, and a ranger. While they are trained in both Martial and Magical talents, they are a master in neither, likely not as good as a ranger with a bow, nor as good as a mage with magic. As well they will not often be well versed in any melee combat, much as a ranger would be. But their weaknesses as well as their strengths rely upon their training in their various arts.

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