
From HollowWiki

Watchers are creatures of protoflesh spawned in necromantic alchemist's vats belonging to the Empusai.

Cobbled together from various once-living persons and beasts, Watchers are the lookouts and scouts of the Empusai. Controlled by telepathic means by their creators, Watchers patrol Empusai abodes and territories, ever on the look-out for enemies and new fodder for the Empusai feasting-halls and vats.

Resembling in size and appearance a bizarre and many-legged centaur with four arms and an arrow-shaped cranium, the most unusual aspect of the Watcher is its many eyes, implanted in rows all about its head and along the sides of its lengthy. mottled neck. Its feet and hands are sharply clawed, offering it a means of close-range self-defense, as well as a way to find a grip on the chitinous walls of the Empusai's generally lofty dwellings.

Their telepathic alarm call is shrill and unmistakable. As they are allotted far more intelligence and independence than many other types of vat-spawn, it is possible for telepaths to converse with a Watcher, though conversation really is not their strong point.