
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.


Race: Winged Silver Serpent (Naga)

Class: Bladesinger(Alublade)

Age: Looks 17,but is really around 230

Height: 5'11

Weight: 127

Martial Status: Single

Hair: A white-silver color

Apperence:His eyes are now a light violet color, that sparkle and seem to glow when he is happy.His eyes flash silver when he is agitated, angry, or annoyed.He is mostly in his human form.When he is in his naga form, a long silver serpent tail replaces his legs.He wears black clothes.On the man's arms and legs are a thin layer of chainmail.His body is very fit and athletic.A silver scaled python is usually wrapped around his shoulders.

Friends: Gwenilyn,Valkor,and Odji

Things about Valse:

-He meditates daily and is hard to anger.

-He can make silver scales come out from under his skin at his will.

-Sometimes a silver aura surronds him.

-Can seem to stand somewhere and then instantly appear next to you because of his speed.

-In battle he relies mostly on his speed, but is pretty strong as well.

-He has a pair of silver wings with a 10 foot wing span