
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Name - Trissayne Michael Corvinvus

Race - Born a Drow but had his soul combined with a Vampire's soul

Class - Deathknight

Age - 24 in body but 1000 in mind and soul

Height - 5 ft 2 in

Build - Solid, and fit

Eyes - Crimson Red

Hair - Sheer Black

Normally seen walking around in a sheer black trench coat with ancient symbols hand drawn with the blood of his victims.

Triss was a Drow who had traveled the lands in search of a new home after his village was burnt down in an attack. He had no idea where he was headed. His feet just took over almost as if there was another leading him along his new path to destiny. With no one in sight, Triss had to rely upon his inner being which seemed off and has since he began his new journey. Taking his leave from the only place he had ever been. However he had this notion of having to protect someone in a place he never knew existed. Entirely unsure of who or what had taken over his physical being even as it had spoken to him in a passed out state of recognition every night. He was vaguely able to remember the important information that he had received each night, most of it getting lost within time itself.

Triss also obtained all of the vampires memory's and ability's upon waking up from his coma.

--Trissayne 02:47, 8 January 2012 (UTC)