
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

  • Telemnar has a docile, patient temperament, often gentle and good-natured. She is a coldblooded creature, not particularly sensitive to the weather. She eats vast quantities of grains and fruits.*
  • Telemnar has a wise, proud look, but don't let that fool you. She has long, horse like ears and deep, soulful, kind, brown eyes. Her upper half is light colored and has a tinge of a frost blue and pink to it. Her eyelashed and brows are silver and frosted and her tail and hair is silver and silky ,and reaches down to the middle of her back. Her horse half is darker, from dark gray skin and a light gray coat, though it looks white. There is some darker dappling along her sides and belly and chest. The vast amounts of feathering around her white hooves is long and ivory in color. (white hooves are just as hard as the dark gray/black ones.)*
  • Telemnar's horse chest is broad and deep, while her back is short and barrel or stomach is deep and well rounded. Her loins and hindquarters are long, muscular and rounded with a sloping croup.*
  • Telemnar's legs are strong with broad joints, fairly long cannons, and shortish pasterns. Her legs are long and well muscled.*

Being a young centaur shire, she is still quite small, but she makes up for that in all the muscle she carries around with her. She is a healer in training and loves talking to the elders, especially the leaders of the tribe. (still trying to decide what tribe I want her to be in)