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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

"I got soul, but I'm not a soldier..."
~Lyric from All These Things That I've Done by The Killers

Teira's Statistics

Name: Teira Reiyn Evermyst

Nickname: Tee-Tee

Alias: None

Gender: Female

Age: 23 in human years

Race: Mountain Centaur

Class: Chaotic Ice Ranger

Occupation: Falconer

Marital Status: Married to Korike

Home: While she frequently visits Frostmaw to train, she's recently made her home in the Chaos Realm with Korike.

Family: Azurro (brother); Taikahn (adopted brother); Bonni'ae (niece, Taikahn's daughter); sister to Morganza through marriage to Korike and possibly claims her family as family as well.

Children: Arryn Evermyst, born of Korike.

Friends: Zarah (deceased), Ramsi (deceased), Brandi, Vasha, Aldred

Allies: Ymheshphilun

Enemies: Jerralith, Roldan, Zedreth

Clan: Phantasmal Knights, though she has yet to ingratiate herself within the group.

Guild: None

Tribe: Queoldian

Important Dates: November 3rd is the date of her birth as she remembers it to be. April 15th (2011) is the date of her wedding. November 22nd marks the birth of her first son Arryn.

Alignment: She's aligned with Chaos

Deity: Cire

Teira's Appearance

General Appearance

She stands at a height of 7' 6", which is fairly short for a centaur of this land. Her hair and tail are a dark midnight black, and both are long and well-kept. Her equine half is colored a dark chestnut brown, and her legs are muscular and strong. Her human half is skinny, almost scrawny, and she appears rather boyish from her lack of a figure. She has chestnut brown eyes, and her large hooves are a deep ebony. Due to her sheer size and mass as a centaur, she weighs nearly 1200 pounds. Her armor adds another thousand pounds or so to that weight.
As she walks along the natural ground (i.e. gravel or grass), frost forms where her hooves have touched. She seems to emenate a cold feeling simply by touching her skin.


Most of the time, Teira can be seen wearing a dark blue ensemble. A bodice with loose flowing sleeves and a ribbon used to tie her tail up. When traveling in colder climates, she wears a flowing cloak and gloves, things that are easy to move in.
Her armor is strong and plentiful. There's not a single portion of her body that is not covered by some kind of protection. Even her equine half is somewhat plated in metal for her protection. She is rarely wearing her armor, however.


When she was younger, Teira got into a fight with a pack of wolves, which resulted in several long scars across her equine half where the fur doesn't grow properly. She also has a runic tattoo of protection on her right flank, given to her by the lovely Vasha. She hopes to gain more tattoos from her friend.


Teira has a rather jaded view of the world, and believes that no one is truly good or evil, and that everyone holds some amount of chaos in their hearts. She has an awful temper, but it takes a while to get her riled up. Her love of children knows no bounds, and she wishes to become a mother someday. Teira is usually pretty quiet, choosing to stay on the sidelines rather than get involved, and she tends to break down under pressure. It wasn't until recently that she learned how to truly laugh, thanks in large part to the shadow gnome Korike. She has a rather dark sense of humor. She's revenge-driven most of the time, not willing to act on something until someone she cares about is threatened or hurt. She also tends to overthink things most of the time, driving herself and others crazy about something for months until she reaches an answer. Teira is prone to bouts of depression much of the time due to this, as she tends to agonize over something until it makes her physically ill or upset.


Chaotically Enhanced Crossbow
She has two of these on her person at all times, usually hidden inside her bags or under her clothes. These are her most prized weapons, and being a ranger and trained from birth to hunt long-range, she's an expert with them.

Frost Enchanted Razor Whip
This weapon is usually worn around her waist like a white belt, and to anyone not looking closely enough, it would appear as such. This whip is used with her frost abilities in battle. She's still getting used to this weapon and the diciplin it requires to use successfully.

Repeating Crossbow
A weapon made for Teira by her friend Taikahn while on a trip to the preklek realm. She has yet to actually use the weapon in battle, however.
When the trigger is pulled, it unlocks a gear. The gear connects to a wheel at a ninety-degree angle. The wheel has a spring attached to the axle, powering the spin. On top of the crossbow is the ammunition storage/firing mechanism. It's hooked up to the wheel with a rod, like you would see turning a steam engine's wheels. As the wheel spins, the rod moves back and forth. When the box moves forward, it grabs the bowstring. As it slides backwards, it simultaneously loads a quarrel and tensions the bow. When it reaches all the way back, the string is released, firing the dart at it's target, and then the process repeats as long as the wheel turns. To reload it, you'd simply slide in more darts, flip the safety switch on and rewind the spring. ~As explained by Taikahn.

Barbed Balance Blade
Another weapon made for Teira by Taikahn. This sword is made of a bright green metal that is virtually rust-proof and is very strong. It has several spikes along the bottom half just after the hilt, made to catch an opponent's weapon and rip it from their grasp. Having been built customly for Teira, the sword is balanced to her proportions, making it act like an extension of her arm in battle. This also makes it harder for anyone else to use the sword.

Fine Long Bow
And intricately carved wooden bow made by Teira herself in her times of bordom. The bow is used for hunting only, and is usually kept at her home and away from anything that could possibly damage it.

Liquid Oxygen
Tanks that look like metallic saddlebags she wears across her equine half under her armor. While only used for emergencies, it's function is to essentially freeze anything it comes into contact with, and it can also be set aflame and cause explosions when necessary. Given to Teira as a wedding present from Taikahn.


Korike created and enchanted several arrows for Teira as a surprise. The arrows are made from the bones of a dragon, with feathers that come from the wings of an avian. The arrow tips are carved from minotaur horns, and a few of the arrows are enchanted with dark magic and made to explode with said magic upon contact with their target. The arrows that are enchanted appear to have black arrowheads.

Most other arrows used by Teira are normal wooden arrows, and she can create shafts from her ice magic. Her abundant amount of arrows means she is rarely without them at any given point in time.

The Menagerie

Hank: An otter and Teira's most beloved companion whom she is most often seen traveling with. She met Hank when she saved the poor thing from drowning in a fast moving river. He sort of latched onto her and she immediately allowed him to stay. He is often hiding in the crevices of Teira's pack, and only comes out when he is being fed or when he feels comfortable. Hank is a fearful creature who doesn't trust many people. He is not hostile in any way.

Katie: A white tiger who is always with Teira but is rarely seen. Katie joined Teira and Hank in their travels when she saved Hank from the likes of a particularly nasty snow fox. Teira was wary of the tiger at first, but Hank trusted her nearly immediately, the first time he had done so since meeting Teira. Because of this, Teira allows Katie to travel with them. Katie is always with Teira and Hank, but chooses to hide in the shadows and not be seen until she is needed.

Crispin: An ice wyvern hatchling who latched onto Teira on her last visit to Frostmaw. The hatchling doesn't travel with her, as he's not fond of the warmer climates at lower elevations. He therefore is only seen when Teira is in Frostmaw. She often brings him little goodies and treats to eat. He is distinguished by the blue mask-like markings around his eyes.

Grug: A tamed ooze given to her by Dergious upon her first days in Hollow. While she's not entirely sure what it does or even what it is, she finds herself oddly attached to the little thing.

Portence: A griffin that Teira is attempting to train in much the same way she trains birds. Portence responds to things like a bird does, and actually rather likes birdseed. (Portence is listed here instead of under the Aviary list simply because she can't be classified as a bird per say.)

Sable: A wooden puppet made by Teira under the insistence of Zeke. She carved it and put it together herself, and named it upon completion. Recently, she's decided to begin practicing with it again, in case the puppet may be needed (also acts as a weapon).

Hudson: A hell hound that attacked Teira during a visit to Vailkrin, which resulted in him being attacked and subsequently beaten by both Katie and Figment. Teira healed the hound and it thanked her for her kindness. He now follows her around much in the same way that Katie does, always hidden in the shadows or trees and just out of sight, and follows Katie's every order as she was the one who beat him in a fight.

Stranz: A frost drake hatchling that latched onto Teira when she went up to Frostmaw to visit Crispin. The drake battled the wyvern for food, and Teira wound up feeding the little guy to keep Crispin alive. Stranz then began following her, but won't go past the boundaries of Xalious for whatever reason. He seems to have a talent for using frost magic, often creating a little cloud of frost to create a distraction and get away when he's scared.

Simon: An albino bat that she found injured outside of Vailkrin while hunting. Achal attacked the little creature, but Teira rescued him and brought him back to her home. Serafyna took a liking to the creature and now treats him as a sort of chick, caring for him as any good mother would.

Tiana: A black bat who began to follow Simon around, and eventually became his mate. Teira now cares for her as a pet when she can.

Cryon: A little snowflake imp Teira has recently learned to create with her magic. It acts as a familiar when Teira brings it to life. Its gender is unknown, but Teira believes it to be male.

The Aviary

Due to the fact that she's a successful falconer and seems to have a way with birds, Teira has a virtual flock of birds on her side, each one trained to perform a different task for the centaur.

Figment: The first of Teira's birds. An ice falcon, Figment was a sort of "experiment" into the world of bird training, Figment is Teira's most well-trained bird, and also one of her more stubborn birds. He does everything from fighting with her to delivering messages. He is trained to respond to different whistles and clicks of the tongue.

Serafyna: Teira's biggest challenge to date. Literally. Serafyna is a huge white roc that attacked Teira while she was venturing through the Xalious Mountains. The training was slow going, as Serafyna constantly tried to eat Teira during the process, but Teira was determined to get the large bird on her side, and finally managed to succeed after several months of training. Serafyna now acts as a battle companion, and comes when she whistles.

Achal: A huge condor that Teira is currently in the process of training when she is not training Serafyna. Spurred by her success with Figment, she decided to try to train another bird of prey to do her bidding. This one she is teaching to hunt for her when she is exploring the land. So far, he's learned well. Achal is Teira's smartest bird, and is trained to the sound of a small bell.

Ebony: A dark black raven that Teira trained to deliver messages. She is, in short, a courier to the centaur. Though she is quite beautiful, Ebony is a bit of an idiot in every sense of the word. Despite this, she took a surprisingly short amount of time to train, and is trained to the sound of Teira's call.

Miller: A crow that was killed by Achal during one of his hunting missions. Despite her best efforts, Teira was unable to save the poor animal. She went to her friend Korike, who used his powers of necromancy to bring the creature back to life. Miller is used as a spy and tracker, and can find nearly anyone she wishes to be found.

Chuckle: The Kookaburra given to Teira as a wedding present from Korike. So far, the little bird only acts as a companion, riding on her shoulder. He and Hank don't get along, both vying for Teira's attention and affection (which is silly, since Teira loves all of her pets equally). Teira is constantly breaking up fights between the two animals.

Teira's Story

One day while Teira was walking through the woods, she was attacked by a pack of wolves. The creatures nearly succeeded in taking her life, and had she not been rescued by a fellow centaur named Arryn, she would have perished. Arryn took her back to his tribe, where she was nursed back to health, and the two fell in love nearly instantly. A year later they were married in a glade that was located just on the edge of the tribe's territory. This glade became a favorite spot for the couple, and it was there that the first proclaimed their love for one another.

Shortly after the wedding, a rival tribe moved in to take territory and push Teira's tribe out. As Arryn was a protector of the tribe, he was forced to go out with the troops and fight to protect them. Teira was left at home with the other females of the tribe, most of which were Arryn's family. Defense went on for nearly three months before the first wave of troops were sent back. Arryn was among the wounded, and Teira was forced to nurse her beloved back to health. However, even after his recovery, Arryn remained distant and even dark, at one point attacking Teira in the middle of the night during a bad dream. She had barely begun to get him back to the way he used to be when he was forced to go back out to fight. He made sure that Teira was secure and safe at home before heading out, leaving a distraught Teira behind.

Two months later, the troops returned, having successfully fought off the rival tribe at the cost of dozens of lives. Among those lives taken was that of Arryn, which left Teira a blubbering mess. Because of his death, Teira -- who was not an original member of the tribe and was therefore considered an outcast -- was shunned.

Refusing to live a life in which she had been proclaimed invisible, and being unable to properly mourn her husband's death (as she hadn't been allowed to attend the funeral), Teira left to find a new place that would accept her no matter the consequences.

And so, she arrived in Hollow.

Current Happenings

  • Just gave birth to her son, Arryn Evermyst, who was conceived during her marriage to Korike and is named after her first husband, Arryn.
  • Currently teaching Arryn the art of using a bow and arrows to defend himself before she brings him out into what she's now deemed a dangerous world.
  • Much to Teira's dismay, Arryn seems to be unable to speak as of yet, despite the fact that he otherwise seems to be a perfectly healthy little boy.

OOC Info

I'm 22 years old, a babysitter, and an amateur actress. I have two younger sisters (one of which plays Hollow), and little doggie named Kohl. I live in Colorado, which I hate, and plan to move to California soon. I'm open to any kind of rp you can think of, and I think I'm a pretty fair player, as players go. I'm by no means an expert at this game, but I have been playing for nearly two years now, so I'm no noob either.

As a note, Teira is highly annoyed by anything even slightly new to her, so do not be offended if she doesn't talk to your character or comes across as overly hostile. Just because Teira doesn't like you DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LIKE YOU, and I would like for you to keep that in mind.

I do not DD. Do not ask, beg, threaten, or impose a DD on me, because I will refuse. Point blank. I may spar here or there, even duel if an occasion calls for it, but DD is out of the question.

I have a Skype account that I'm willing to give out, as well as a dA account (the same username for both). If you contact me on either one, please tell me who you are or you'll most likely be ignored. This isn't the case so much for dA as for Skype, but still.

My email won't be given out.


Easton: You have played three different characters since I've come to Hollow, and I've loved all three! You never fail to impress me with what you create, and you're just a plain sweetie! <3's for you!

Taikahn/Ymheshphilun: Cripes, what can I say? Ym freaks me out, and Taik makes me melt, and in between them both is a great guy who I just love to talk to anytime. You make me feel better when I'm feeling down, and you give me some awesome ideas and inspiration. You definitely make my imagination work, that's for sure!

Korike: You never fail to make me laugh, and you taught Teira to laugh as well. I can see our characters staying together for a while, and I'm really happy they finally found one another in a way different from friendship.

Aldred: You are just one cool dude. You gave me credits for my bio page, and your character taught mine that it was okay to love again. I'm sorry it didn't work out between them, but I'm incredibly happy that they get to remain friends and that Teira still gets to be associated with the great Aldred. <3's for you!

Brandi: You're just too sweet and funny, my dear, and Brandi makes me wanna hug a puppy!

Vasha: One of the sweetest gals on this game. Love ya!