
From HollowWiki
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This page describes a character who is permanently dead.

Savio is unaware of his early years or who or what he really is. As such he has told many stories, and even he doesn't know which one is true or not. But for the sake of everyone else I am willing to reveal it to you. To keep it simple he is a ranger as of now, With physician level healing abilities. I am hoping within some amount of time I may get to customize five or so rooms to create a lair for the character.

Ideas Pending

With some knowledge of Hollow I have a few subspecies for certain races that are pending viewing. Check here often or make a request, and I'll see how I can spin it.

Elder Naga

The Elder Naga are a subspecies of the Naga though they claim to be the true naga. Like their Naga relatives they are snake like in appearance except their top halfs mimic more of anthropomorphic snakes rather than humanoids. They were known to have like their cousins two arms but their necks and their body structure was far more snake like than their cousins. Their society was also a matriarchy the only difference being a great deal of power shared between the female ruler and her mate. This naga society often sported the nuclear family where multiple families lived under the same roof.

Naga who were incapable of devouring a being whole were looked down upon, and tradition was that the eldest female of every family would inherit the majority of the wealth and land of the family. Another tradition was that to be able to graduate into adult life female Elder Naga had to devour their favorite slaves, thus to make them tough enough to be an adult.

As such it is rare for any Naga female to get close to their slaves. Knowing full well that at anytime to prove they fit for being an adult or to rule they would have to eat the one they got close to at any time requested.

Maintaining power was their passion, in life, losing it their greatest fear and like other naga they were often stereotypical realized to be and ethically evil race. Yet even when their race was sold into slavery to lands of the extreme north sea, it became more revealed that many Elder Naga hated their own traditions and regretted their decisions, in some ways they could actually perhaps have a strong conscious than their cousins.

One noted Naga was the Olvinna last elder Naga princess to the Alyithra throne who saved her servant Savio from being consumed and dying helping to get him to safety.

Furred Drake

While their origins remain a mystery as it their homeland with the only knowledge that they come from the Empire of the Extreme northern sea. The furred drakes are by far a dragon oddity. Unlike their cousins they possess a great deal more mammalian traits than their dragon counterparts. For one thing from where they come from they replace rodents, dogs, and cats and even horses. They are warm blooded unlike most dragons and while possessing scales these scales are covered by a thick layer of blubber and above that an extremely soft covering of fur that covers them from end to end to end.

Like their dragon counterparts they are known for their sharp claws and teeth, and their eyes follow all patterns of dragons. However not all have wings, in fact the females are often the only ones with wings and the males lack the wings altogether. Also unlike most dragons they are known for functioning extremely well with almost every species their is, known for being playful, mischievous, opinionated, cheerful, confident, needy, and extremely loyal, and very protective of those they are loyal to. They make some of the greatest companions known in the land they come from.

Now they are also known to be gastric brooders. Yes that sounds weird, but to them its normal. A furred drake has two separate stomachs one for food and the other for hatchlings, and or storing of items and/or masters. Both females and males have this ability, although it is typically the males job to following the eggs ejection. Their eggs are known for being soft like silk so keeping them inside of them is safer for the eggs.

They are known for swallowing their young back into this stomach when their is danger, or when they need them to settle down or even as a punishment, or more likely just because they can.

A furred Drake never stops growing. They can live like dragons for thousands of years however, if they become companions top somone their lifespan make drastically shrink, the reason is they can grow extremely close to their masters, or companions and should they die they often die of broken-hearts soon after, or they commit suicide.

A term of the empire of the Extreme north is that there is no such thing as either a tame or wild Furred drake, your bound to get stuck with both in the same batch.

Furred drakes outside of Hollow and in the Empire of the Extreme north lack any-form of breathe power because the land up their is void of any magic, but in hollow they seem to develop a breath power based on their personality rather than by breed color.