
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Name: Risika Dove Lino

Gender: Female

Race: Lycan

Class: Warrior

Alignment: Neutral

Age: Unknown (For Now)

Build: Slender with little muscle

Hair Color: Raven Black

Eye Color: Deep Topaz


 Risika is usually found to be dressed in a black leather bodice with a black bikini bottom. This lycan is not your typical elegant lady whom will cross her legs when she sits, so be prepared. Studded-leather shoulder-covers engulf her entire mid-top along with the long black-flowing cape that seemed to keep her warm, but this is usually warn when she is upset or feeling lonely, thus a clothing of comfort. The she-wolf has immense amounts of jewelery such as a circlet-of-protection upon her head, guardian clips on each ear, leather sleeves for each arm along with a studded-leather wristband and a sterling slave-bracelet which keeps reminding her of her past - will it ever come off?- her right finger keeps a bone ring on it along with the left, but her true favorite piece of jewelery is her charm bracelet on each of her ankles. All of these articles of clothing seem to make up the beast, but her black visor seems to keep others she does not appreciate, guessing.

Clan: None, but she would love one.

Personality: Soft and loving to some but to most cold hearted and ready to bite.

(That's it so far, thanks for looking!)

OOC: Send me a tell if you would like an rp with me, I'm very friendly and open but don't expect Risika to be <3