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The lives of a Witch Doctor

Paimon's first life began the same as his father's did, and his father's father before him. He was to be the tribes new defender, the Witch Doctor as it was, he who would calm the generations of dead, and living that hounded the tribe. A year after his birth, he was drown nearly to death, as he was every year that followed. He was meant to feel death, to walk among the spirits, and show the strength to pull himself back from passing the gates. As he reached his maturity it was time for the day of his official coronation into his title. Paimon, as his fathers before him, was hung until he died.

Thus began the second life of Paimon, his spirit left his body, to travel among the seven gates. His body left in the middle of the village, never decaying, never moving, never touched, left for as many years as the gates he walked. Each gate forged a different part of him, it forced him to detach himself from the livings thoughts. All but the last gate broke his mind in a different way, forcing him to pick up the shattered pieces. Each gate made him come closer to being what his father was, to make him acceptable for the title Paimon. Soon his second life came to an end when he pulled himself through, the last gate breaking his spirit so the pieces could come back together in the body he left.

Finally Paimon was born into his final life, one that would last until something claimed it from him. A life where whispers of the dead would follow him no matter where he went. Where he could call upon the dead he met in his second life, and tailor them bodies they could host to protect him. The elements feeling he was unnatural, but still they would serve his will when he imposed it. Bugs trying to feast upon him, instead forced to feast upon his enemies. Disease and rot trying to claim his body, but he would give it to others. Even the curses that seemed to follow his third life, he would share with those who stood against him. Soon it was his turn to leave the tribe, and give them a new successor to raise in his stead.

And so he did.