
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Name: Lydrain

Race: Blue Dragon

Gender: Male

Occupation: Storm Mage

'Human' Form: Blue haired, hawkish looking elf

Clan: None, at the moment.

Alignment: True Neutral, but leaning towards good.

Status: Smitten

Several years ago, Lydrain came to Hollow, hoping to escape the unpleasantness of his current life. Much to his chagrin, he arrived during the Archmosian Empire's resurrection. So, taking the opportunity, as any good rogue-ish person would, he signed on with the Empire, and acted as a spy on its behalf. However, his heart was changed when he met a lovely dryad. Instead of acting solely out of greed, he now wanted to impress her, and it became clear to him that the Empire was foul. So he began acting as a double agent, spying for the forces fighting against the Time lord's kingdom. During this time of conflict, he came across a drow, named Sindle, who was nothing but a pain in his scales. After a few encounters, the then hot-headed dragon, decided that he had put up with enough. Challenging Sindle to a duel to the death, he made his way to the Vailkrin Arena. The fight was brutal, the dragon lost half of his tail, not to mention several other wounds, but, in the end, he was still standing, and the drow was no more.

Realizing that this place was no better than the home he left behind, he fled these lands, not even looking back for the dryad he had become enamored with. For three years he wandered the outer reaches of this world, spending more and more time in his elven form. During this time, he began to focus more on introspective ideals. Why was he as violent and high strung as he was, what purpose did it serve? Then, it finally hit him, it served no purpose whatsoever. From that day on, he dedicated himself to perfecting his magical abilities, and increasing his knowledge of all things. Having been much more successful in the first rather than the latter, he decided, some three years later, to return, once more, to the land we call Hollow.

Since returning to Hollow, Lydrain has found it a much more peaceful place than when he was here previously. There were no wars engulfing the world, no greedy warmongers thirsting for blood, but there was also no dryad, waiting for his return. He had been foolish to think that she would be here waiting for him, but he had hoped she would be. This made him sad, but he had steeled himself against that hope, and pressed onwards. Underneath the Xalious tree, he met a very interesting woman. A half-elf who was able, and willing, to hold her own in a philosophical debate with a dragon. Though he had only known her for a short time, he befriended her rather quickly. Life seemed good after that. He continued to meet new people, a drow, several lycans, another half-elf, and two dragons. One, of which, was a female. At first, Lyd was apprehensive about meeting any of his own kind, as most dragons, even the metallic ones, rubbed him the wrong way, but she was different. Nixarus was beautiful, smart, and a breed of dragon that he had never seen, making her exotic. A little time passed, and Lydrain continued to meet with Nixarus, and, due to that, he began to develop feelings for her.

(More to come.)

Shout Outs:

Nixarus - You are amazing, just saying <3

Luzaf - Well, my apprentice, I enjoy our RPs, though they have been few, hopefully we can get more in.

Raphaline - Thanks for being the first person to RP with me from my hiatus.

Skylei - <3 for you, because you are awesome.

Vakko - Keep being cool.

Bastion - Awesome character, hope we get to RP more.

Lostariel - You know why you are on this list, keep being freaking amazing.

Ranok - For being a mean spirited, but amazingly bearded old coot.