
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.

Basic Info

Name: Loriani (has a last name, but knows not what it is)

Race: Pixie

Class: Necromancer

Alignment: Some days Lawful Evil, some days Chaotic Good and then others unsure at all

Age: 151

Build: Tiny

Weight: Nowhere near 1 lb.

Height: Nearly 4 inches

Skin: Pale and ivory like

Hair: Crimson like, but with tints of other red shades mixed about it

Eyes: Green hue inspired by nature

Human form build:

About four feet ten inches tall and very slender size about her. She would appear anywhere between 13 and 16 years old, though very small in stature. The human form can only be held for about 15 minutes due to the strain it places on her magical abilities and her body itself.


Remembers laughing with other pixie youths as a very small child, but alas has no family. The graveyard has been her home for so long she no longer recognizes the enchanted kingdom as her place of origin. She has found family in the ghosts, the dead and the darkness. She would still like to find some of the children she remembers in the faded memory of her youth.


The Resurrected


Dance magic dance magic dance....

Uses dusts to cast her spells and work her magic. Loriani carries a wand and uses it to add to the ambiance of her spell craft, but it is not a necessity to her talents. A single black feather, given to her by a powerful necromancer, allows her to summon a small flock of bone ravens. The little ones concept of magic is beyond parallel, and her natural playful and mischievous manner often has her testing her skills when jokes go wrong upon much larger targets. Loriani, while a force to be dealt with, is a very young Necro Pixie and has much to learn to master her craft and skill set. Massive skeleton armies are not within the reach of her powers grasp, as of yet. It is more bone shards and fragments that she uses to do her bidding. The graveyards of the land would be her ideal atmosphere for battle, but then again all Necromancers should agree to that.

There is little a magic wielder can do to thwart this menacing tiny terror, for she is nearly immune to all forms of magic attack. There are exceptions of course to this, that being she would not stand a chance against one skilled in pixie magics. A skilled opponent of her own race would be something that offsets her natural immunities. Those whom are adept in the skills of cold and ice manipulation may also have effect on her. Loriani hates the cold. Over powering her, of course, is the logical way to disrupt her in battles. Physical attack is something that, if ever landed, could cause her much harm. She is tiny and frail after all. This is easier said than done of course, as she is so graceful and nimble in her tiny form, that catching her with a direct blow would deserve much effort and congratulations if achieved. Perhaps this evasive defense is truly her best offensive ability?

The little Necro Pixie's understanding and skill grow stronger each and every day and with every lesson she learns. The graveyards have much wisdom to share with one whom is attuned and eagerly willing to listen and learn. Above all her greatest skill is being so elusive and tricky. Life is like a game to her and she just wants to play. It is when things don't go her way that she sometimes gets "out of hand". Loriani can be found most times in the graveyards simple speaking to the thin air, as if someone is there having a conversation with her. It is said she has the ability to speak with the ghost like apparitions of other realms or planes. Unbeknown to her, the pixie is the project of the darkness and madness. Chaos is a carnival to her and carnage inspires and warms her soul.

The power and force of her attacks are very much dictated by the moment. If her opponent is not giving much to the battle, her interest in turn will not be as great in equality , thus making her lazily "do her best" to defeat the opposition with as little effort as possible. Now on the contrary, if one were to step it up and make her do more, inspire her and grab hold of her attentions then the reaction would be far more considerable. Her full potential is yet unknown, to her and even to the graveyard. Loriani is potentially a time bomb of magic in the hands of a semi psychotic child like pixie, whom has sworn her life to the dark, the grave, the evil.......the Empire.


See character website for details

Character Website

See site for more details or contact info. Necropixie

Character Image

[Loriani Picture]