
From HollowWiki
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name- MaKenzie nickname- Kenzie race- Elf class- Ranger*


hair- Crimson/Auburn Red. Waist Long. eyes- Blue/Grey. Almost glassy looking. skin- Light, almost pasty.


body- Cross between a corset and bustier. Long sleeved made of leather. Crimson/red in color. Midriff is exposed. Cape/cloak attached.*

legs- Short shorts. Leather. Crimson/red.

feet- Knee high riding boots. Leather. Crimson/red.

face: Mask around the eyes only. Sticks on, no strings or bands. Made of cotton. Crimson/red.

  • Cape/cloak is made of cotton.


height- 5' 7" weight- 112 lbs age- 17-30. Appears young and is young, by elven standards.