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Name: Filopiastor "Filpien", Doesn't claim a last name. Aliases: Fil, Pip Race: High elf, though he's a vampire. Class: Undersworn, a battlemage who has lost his magic, one that must rely only on his ability at martial combat. Age: 423...7? Doesn't act a day over 21 though... Frat boy mentality. Height: Between 6'6" and 6'7" Weight: 250 lbs Build: Think... pure muscle linebacker?

Personality; Demeanor: It differs... He's bipolar. Attitude: Again... It differs. On account of the fact that he's, ya know... Bipolar? Likes: Women, whisky, extortion (he's not real good at that bit) Dislikes: Men, anything not whisky, probably you.

The inner workings; Filpien was commander of an army. Plain and simple. He's more than adequate in hand to hand combat and swordplay. Throw magic into the mix? Eh, not so much... He's got the speed, the reach, and the strength to back-up anything else though. The vampire lives to feel other's bones break, smell their fear, and hear that last sigh of life.

Description: Here stands a male broad of build and high of stature. His dark blue eyes seem soft, kind even, though beneath them one can see the thrum of power. Tattoos litter the male's arms and back, various runes that ask blessing and others put there as a reminder of deeds done that were of questionable morality. The male's golden hair, cropped shorter and shorter recently, seems to glisten, to shine as if it were the element it seemed to be.