
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

General Information

Name Evangaline Shortfang Goes by Evan and her true name is not known, unless told.

Race Orc

Class Monk

Gender Female

Age 45

Hair Color Blood Red

Eye Color Ocean Blue

Skin Color Blue Olive

Weight 134 lbs

Height 5' 0"

Marital Status Single

Alignment Evil


Banished when she reached the age of maturity, Evangaline has come back with a whole new belief and strengths. Whoever the strongest Orc is in Gualon, she will worship him or her as if they were a god or goddess. Her beliefs are defended by her strong will to fight those who look down on here. Most who are magic users in the Orc world are born with Yellow eyes, but she was born with Blue and is one of the better known magic users in her world. Her banishment opened up many opportunities and she took them, learning magic and physical attacks and defence, only to return a bit stronger in her appearance and mind.