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"Damn, that scarecrow is fast." --Orikahn

Ernest's curses

  • The Curse of the Ceaseless Hourglass: This curse must be applied via glancing blow to the top of the target's head. The victim of this curse is made unable to sleep or rest for the next 72 hours. In addition, each breath of air, each bite of food, each drink of water, will become less refreshing over the course of the curse. Unless dispelled early, the victim of the curse will likely be exhausted nearly to the brink of death by the third day. This curse lifts itself after 72 hours.
  • The Curse of the Wandering Child: This curse must be applied by pricking the target between the eyes. Those afflicted by this curse will find it extremely difficult to concentrate on any one thing in particular, or to form complicated plans. Ideas will bubble up and disappear at a pace far more rapid than usual. This curse remains in effect until the victim falls asleep.
  • The Curse of the Tyrant's Dissent: This curse must be applied by causing the target's throat to bleed. The victim of this curse will be resistant to magical healing and damage, be unable to speak and unable to cast any magic spells. This curse remains in effect until actively dispelled.
  • The Curse of the Darkened Mirror: This curse must be applied by pricking the target just above the heart. The victim of this curse is subjected to a horrible vision in which all of their past sins and all those whom they have hurt swirl around them and inflict exactly the same pain that was inflicted upon them by said victim. This curse lasts only as long as the vision, which depends on how many the victim has hurt.
  • The Curse of the Undertaker's Ire: This curse must be applied by shooting the target in the stomach, in the direct center of the body. Any open wounds present on the victim while this curse is active, including wounds taken both before application of and during the curse, will spawn maggots which proceed to eat away at the flesh surrounding the wound, inflicting extreme pain and causing even small wounds to open into gaping holes in the flesh. Magical healing, innate regeneration factors or burning the worms out can be used to slow this curse, but do not lift it. This curse remains in effect until actively dispelled.
  • The Curse of the Cannibal's Eden: This curse must be applied by shooting the target in the abdomen. The victim of this curse perceives everything around them as rotting flesh, including their own body. No physical damage is done aside from the actual crossbow bolt, but the sudden revulsion of the ground below them being made of decomposing human skin, with curdling blood and pus dripping from every surface, the sky above being blood-red and the clouds being made of bone could likely cause extreme disorientation and nausea. This curse lasts until the victim falls asleep.
  • The Curse of the Vulture's Shadow: This curse must be applied by shooting the target in the groin or hip. The victim of this curse becomes incredibly fearful. Every shadow could be a monster, every corner could hide a killer. In addition, a wraith-like monster will appear in every reflective surface the victim examines, as if it's lurking right over said victim's shoulder. This curse is lifted as as soon as the victim realizes there's no real danger, or until the victim falls asleep, whichever comes first.
  • The Curse of the Ravenous Dog: This curse affects an item or designated area permanently instead of being loaded into an item to apply to a target individual. Items or areas cursed will quickly drain the magical energy from those touching the item/standing in the area and store it, leaving the victims unable to cast magic on their own. The curse lasts until deliberately broken.
    • Should someone paint runes or spell sigils onto the cursed object/area, touch those runes/sigils and speak a command word chosen by Ernest, some of the magical energy collected by the curse will be spent to cast the spell.