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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.


Race: Feline (Mountain Lion) Eric appears as none feline as possible at most times, with only ears and tail identafiable. Eye color: Icy blue

Hair color: Brown/blonde

Skin: Lightly tan

Height: 5'11

Weight: 130 pounds.

Hair: Long, thin locks, to the neck in the back, curving up the sides to just above thin eyebrows.

Face: Slightly longer than wide, jaw-line is slightly rounded. The outline of is an inverted egg-shape, widest at the cheekbones. Forehead is fairly broad(broader than jaw) Eyes are evenly spaced, with one eye width distance between them. No extreme characteristics. For example he does not have very small or very large eyes, mouth or nose.

Those Muscles: Eric is mostly a short sprinter, though he can run for some distance. As for his arms, he has enough muscle to lift himself over objects at good speeds, hang from things (though not for very long), climb, and other obvious theif related activities.

That tail: Eric's tail is just over 3 feet long, and has enough muscles in it to lift himself by, or grab things.

Those ears: Eric's ears have 42 muscles in them, can rotate 190 degrees, can hear better than a dog, detect 1/20th the variance of a tone, pinpoint a sounds origin from four feet, and hear at 6 times the distance of a human.

That's actually weird for a cat. Yeah, it is. But since Eric is a mountain lion, as wel as having odd genetics becasue of roleplay things (at times his family tree's branches are a little too close) such as the entity infesting his body, his hydromancy, and other things.

THAT THEIF!! Eric is a theif, everything from pickpocketing to minor theft- "I'm sure no one will miss this." To actual heists. (Could always roleplay with you about stealing from your shops.)I know it's stereotypical, but the next parts not.

Was that a hydromancer? Yes, yes it was. Eric has an entity that resides within him, and it was an expert hydromancer. Upon it's entrance part of it's knowledge was shared, and now Eric can do hydromancy. That's not magic. It's a skill. Eric can use his body to connect to the air around him and join the smallest bits of water. At the end of a good training day he can produce a six inch diameter ball with the power of a cannon.

Entity? Yes, an entity. A being that came into Eric's body some time ago and hasn't left since. I'll get to a bio sometime that will explain it all.

And those swords? Eric is always seen with two oddly shaped swords strapped to his back. They are shaped, when put back to back, like an upside down heart but instead of a point it hooks out to both sides. I don't have time to talk about their exact dimensions, but I'll get to it sometime. Just to be precise. They're very important to him, but that'll be in the bio as well.

Other common items on him include his blue coat, his satchel, his leather boots, and his two crescent daggers.

That's all the editing for today.


Other senses, and degrees of feline form

Eric is a feline, able to control the degree in which he resembles his feral form, a mountain lion. To make this simple, there are condensed stages: Ears/tail

furred, half bone structure

mountain lion

However the amount betweent hese stages is adjustable. WEther it's the amount of fur, the hands, feet, or legs, to have small specific adjustments is difficult and often dangerous. Of course with these degrees senses become more cat like.

Ear/tail= more balance, better hearing

furred, half bone structure= enhanced human

mountain lion: Light sensitivity is greatly advanced. Eric's vision is sharpest at four feet from his face,with focus on the center of vision. Because of Eric's slightly altered genetics, and other things (Do they need to be listed again?), instead of eyes that constrict into circles like a regular lions, his constrict into slits like a domestic cats. Mountain Lions, like all felines, have the greatest distance in vision. There's a nother eyelid set. Calm down, this is actually normal in cats. Eric can actually sleep with his eyes open using the 'nictating membrane' as a sort of shade. Seriously, you can google that. By the way, Eric only blinks once every four minutes.

This isn't much. Actually, this is only a slightly enhanced rating for most cats. So it's not as awesome as it sounds, it's just a bit better than if it was normal.

How Eric caught a Pegai

Eric serveyed his surroundings. The trees are less sparse here, with much more room for light to shine down upon the decaying forest floor. All types of insects worm about in the dirt, some just beneath browning leaves. Southward Sage Forest continues on in all its monotony, while to the east is an outlet from the high branches, with a nearly plain-like look. Eric saw the Pegais he'd been chasing the entire day. It stood there, munching on the grass in the East. It stood just between the trees and the sun, a solid blue Pegais from the chest, fading toward the back, getting lighter until it sprayed onto the wings, fading to white on the tips of the wings, like the spray of sea-foam from a wave. He had gotten rope yesterday and set out on a mission to catch the Pegais. He thought it would simply be like breaking a horse, except for a lot more danger. He came around the front of the beast, it only looked up at him and then went back to grazing, ignoring him completely. Eric was slightly annoyed that a Pegais would blatantly ignore him, in fact, he did indeed have a bit of pride, and this Pegais had offended him. Eric fished the rope out of a bag tied to his waist under his robe. He made a lasso and twirled it once before throwing it, roping the pegais successfully. "Yes!" He cried out in joy. Unlike Eric, however, the Pegais had known this was NOT over. It took a few small steps back and Eric realized the same too late. The Pegais galloped forward,, knocking Eric over. Eric was hit in the left shoulder, injuring him to where the shoulder was nearly broken. He fell, ungracefully, and was pulled harshly along by the Pegais, ramming his back into roots, trees, and rocks- and he couldn't help but think one had been a poor bunny that yelped painfully. He soon kicked off a root and began to run. The Pegais looked back and took note of this, and grew just as determined to get Eric off as much as he was to ride it. It quickly darted to the left and right, dropping and gaining speed at random intervals. The first dart to the left surprised Eric a bit, but he adjusted well and ran accordingly, learning how to move based on the Pegias muscles. The Pegai got more annoyed and ran at almost top speed. It beat its wings once, twice and just as Eric realized what it was about to do it took off, and as much as he could brace himself, his left shoulder hit the tree full force and he yelled in pain, it felt as if someone was trying to slowly slide a large knife into his shoulder. The Pegai dragged him up the tree for a second and then Eric caught himself, running up the tree. The Pegai went outward horizontally and ten inward. The desired effect took and Erics left shoulder was yet again slammed into the tree. Eric adjusted and jumped with each outward movement, timing perfectly. The Pegai lept outward more and Eric used the momentum to swing, to the right, to left, gaining hieght and the rope wrapping more around the pegai's neck. Finally, it swung outward the most it could without losing vertical hieght. Eric used the chance to add his own momentum, swinging himself up and then onto the horses back. He couldn't help but let out a great yell of joy, and the pegai leveled out, coming right side-up again. The Pegai neighed, almost a mocking laugh, if it could laugh, and Eric felt a sudden swell in his stomach as the Pegai Tiltied down, at an angle first, then a total nose-dive. Eric closed his eyes so tight they hurt and leaned out to the side as he wretched, vomiting horribly. He dared the pegai to pull any trick it wanted, but he was not letting go. The Pegai reachewd the ground at an amazing velocity and then turned upside down-flying parralel to the ground for a moment. The moment was long enough for Eric to be slammed into the ground and dragged across it, making his shoulder unimaginably searing with pain. At this moment, he decided he would either drop off and die, or break this Pegai like no other before him. The pegai went back to running and decided to slam into trees, it's last resort. Eric nimbly dodged though, and the pegai slowed down into a complete halt. "Well," Eric said to it, "give up yet?" The Pegai neighed, almost disagreeingly, if it could do so. It walked around slwoly for a few minutes and then went to it's knees. "How 'bout now?" Eric asked. The Pegai neighed, as if it agreed. "Allright!" Eric yelled, little more than a hoarse whisper. "You put up a good fight though. Now, let's rest a bit." The Pegai was already asleep and Eric was soon taken by a pleasent, light sleep. He'd finally broken a pegai. And tommorow, perhaps, he would go back to the tavern, and tell his recent freinds about it. But untill then, both Eric and his Pegai's rest were well deserved.