
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.


Name: Eladamri
Noteable Spouses: Alexander Asan'ti, Cuki
Famously Dated: Shasto
Clan: Flaming Claw
Class: Ranger
Bestie: Anshera, Lucille

This playful well-known troublemaker started out life as a simple, normal and plain wood elf if you can believe it.

-Her first two years were spent training as a woodland eleven ranger.

-In her spare time, Eladamri could be found in the tavern, chatting with one and all.

-Many pie and food fights were started by this playful wood-elf.

Years pass as they do and Eladamri found herself mixed up with questionable mages, she had foolishly agreed to be their 'test subject', for what?! She never really asked. Seems these mages had got the idea to cross an Imp with a succubus. Crazy, right?! Re-Writing DNA, slicing, dicing, and magically making a mishap accident hybrid became Eladamri's fate, her wood elf form and self-erased.

•This magical mishap made her more brazen and insane than a sack of wet cats.

•Her body took on a more pin-up model tone and shape. (Think 50's era type.)

• Imp was gifted with the use of pheromones.

•Eladamri took on the nickname of Elad, Imp, Da Imp, The Brat Impress, and later Amri (This was the succubus personality.)

When Eladamri did try to be serious from time to time she took to soaring with the best and brightest in unarmed combat. Challenging first the great Alexander, Donovan, Lionel, and Syadon. She never won, but she learned a great did. Alexander grew impressed that the imp could be serious when need be.

•Notable Conurbations: Started the Yuletime Ball with two others. Annoyed Vgfh to no end! :Informed Vuryal he was the worst kisser in all of Hollow after he forced a kiss on her when he tried to 'woe' her into becoming his second 'wife' after Anshera. Destroyed Vuryal's second body in their second duel against each other using Cuki's staff.

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