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Full Name: Dollahonna

Title: The Headless Horsewoman

Gender: Female

Race: Dullahan, Also known as Headless Horsewoman (Formerly an Human)

Origin and Lineage: Human and Undead

Class: Death Knight (Formerly a Paladin)

Place of Rebirth: Vailkrin

Religion: The Dark Trinity (Delisha - The Dark Mother, Vakmatharas - The Elder God of Death, and The Unnamed Spider Goddess)

Clan: None Yet

Guild(s): None Yet

Alignment: Neutral And/Or Evil

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual (She swings Both ways)

Strength(s): Darkness, Death, Night, Cold, Ice, and Water

Weakness(es): Light, Holy, Life, Day, Heat, and Fire

Backstory Summary

Past Life

New Life