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Name: Daiyu

Alias: Dai, Ai, Aiyu, Obsidian, Dian, Sid, Siddy(only used by the persona of her madness)

Race: Vampire

Age: 225

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 135

Eyes: Stormcloud Grey

Hair: Ebony in ringlets

Trade: Assasin, but more of a conversationalist for the time being.

Clan: Phantasmal Knights (the clan is still secret so don't ask her about it)

Alignment: Chaotic...well nothing just chaotic

Dieties: None

Welcome to my madness

I trapsie down an endless hall

I walk along the twisting wall

I skip across the chipping tiles

I hop along it's endless miles

In my head I bide my time

Out there you all think I'm fine

Back in the past

Daiyu smiled up at her father with her little six year old face before a backhanded slap landed across her cheek "Toughen up child," he sneered as she whiped away the blood from her lip but failed to shed a tear. He smiled, approvingly of that move, "excellent girl, now you can learn to protect your mind." Suddenly Daiyu was on the floor sobbing, and her father sneering, "you need mental defenses as well, work on those with your trainers, then you may be in my presence again." She got up slowly dusting off her dress before walking from the room with her head held high. Show no shame she tought he would strike her again if she did.

Many years later "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE GIRL," he howled staring at a now much older and stronger version of his daughter. "I learned Daddy Dearest," she said with a sadistic twist to her mouth. Daiyu turned "now you live through the pain and torment you put me through...let it turn you as mad as me" She peeled off in laughter as she left the room her boots clicking softly on the floor tiles. Ai it's all in your capable little hands make him suffer as I suffered, make him pay as a prisoner in his own mind. She smiled calmly going to her appartments within the large manner that more resembled a small palace packing her things before going to bed. She awoke the next day to the news that her father had ended his own life in a sudden madness his last words being of a little girl name Ai, and a large wolf, and there being no escape, no way out. She smile darkly before taking her pack and leaving a small peel of half mad laughter following her out.

My life in Hollow Daiyu now works for the Phantasmal Knights as a Poison Master, no longer having to use her skills as an assassin though still maintaining her physical abilities and mental defense, most nights she can be found near a warm hearth with a book or a good glass of wine trrying still to curb her madness.