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Name: Corinth Bastion Age: 17 Height: 6'2" Weight: 225lbs. Race: Avian (Though due to his odd features there has been some speculation) Class: Holy Knight Skin Color: Pale Hair Color: Crimson Hair Style: Hip-Length and loose Eye Color: Bright Green

Corinth was born to a prominent officer of the Royal Avian Empire and his lovely wife. He grew up in the floating city of Armantium above the Xalious mountains. Before he was conceived, his father won a great victory against a vampire legion that had attacked the Royal Empire. After the battle, one of the prisoners, a vampire witch, cast a subtle curse upon him. The vampress refuse to tell him what magic she had used on him, even up to her torture and brutal execution. Later that year, his wife became with child. Soon after, she gave birth to Corinth and immediately it was obvious to his parents that this was no ordinary Avian child. His hair was not the same color as his wings, in fact, it was a striking contrast the shade of blood. Unlike his parents who both had dark blue eyes, his were a bright green. Instead of the more common light golden skin of most avians, his was pale. All around, Corinth was an enigma to avian culture that aroused many suspicions within the community, but one flaw stood out more than any other. His slightly elongated and very sharp canines. This caused many rumors to abound that his mother had been seduced by a vampire. The creators of these rumors were quickly arrested and charged with discord and dissention before being executed. Corinth's father became more and more hard and unyielding as the years went by. As hard as the boy tried he could illicit no affection or warmth of any kind from him. His father remained distant and cold throughout his entire childhood. The boy show great physical prowess, besting every young avian that challenged him. He grew extremely proficient with the sword and was soon enlisted into the avian military as a young recruit. At the age of sixteen, he made the mistake of being honest when his father asked him why he wanted to be a knight. The young avian said "So that I can protect the innocent people of Hollow. To be a guardian for the younger races below until they reach their full potential. Corinth's father was outraged at his love and compassion for the "lesser races" and all but disowned him. We're it not for his mother's pleas, he may have done just that. Instead, he exiled him from his house and told him to live with the filth below and not to come back until they had taught him his proper place. Undeterred, Corinth has dedicated himself to protecting the innocent and helpless people of the surface and destroying evil wherever it strikes.Arriving in Cenril, he happened upon a wondrous and holy place. It was a temple dedicated to the Divine Three; Sven, Lore, and Hinde, the three who sacrificed themselves to save the world from darkness. He felt the power and Grace of those that had ascended to godhood by their selfless and courageous acts and new that the majority of avians were wrong. They spent so much time worshipping themselves that they never thought to search for a source of divine power dedicated to the light among the surface dwellers. After weeks of prayer and meditation here in the temple, Corinth discovered that his ability to use holy power to heal had grown amazingly in a very short time. Shortly after, he realized that he could use that same power in many different and continually more powerful ways. Armed with his skill with the sword and his new magic gifted by the divine three themselves, Corinth is ready to face whatever enemy the darkness has to offer and heal as much suffering as he can along the way.