Skirmish Duel

From HollowWiki

War Games: Skirmish Duel Walkthrough

In most wars, there isn’t a battle between two people like we have for duels. This is accounted for with the addition of matches where an elected general of each team enters a traditionally structured duel with some added twists.

  • Structured like a traditional rule, you will need to agree on judges beforehand.
  • Three rounds, 20 min posting limit. Stakes agreed upon before start and a final defense.
  • Each team “general” will be allowed to create their own “show of force” that will act as an environmental challenge for their opponent.
  • If gambit games were played beforehand, each team must utilize whatever bonus or detriment has been given to them.
  • When a general loses a skirmish, their unit is destroyed and they can no longer compete in skirmishes.

Full example:

Team A’s general chose their own character, a powerful mage. They also chose basic soldiers and a company of other battle mages.

Team B’s general chose an NPC that has several years of battle experience under his belt, a company of elven archers, and basic soldiers. However, due to Team A’s successful gambit of poisoning the water supply, they must go in without their basic soldiers.

Each player will write three attacks and three defenses in the following order:

  1. Player 1: Initial Attack.
  2. Player 2: Defense/Attack
  3. Player 1: Defense/Attack
  4. Player 2: Defense/Attack
  5. Player 1: Defense/Attack
  6. Player 2: Defense/Attack
  7. Player 1: Final Defense

For a general guide to dueling go to Dueling 101.